1,SCHED_OTHER 分时调度策略,
int sched_get_priority_max(int policy);
int sched_get_priority_min(int policy);
int pthread_attr_setschedparam(pthread_attr_t *attr, const struct sched_param *param); int pthread_attr_getschedparam(const pthread_attr_t *attr, struct sched_param *param); param.sched_priority = 51; //设置优先级
int pthread_attr_setschedpolicy(pthread_attr_t *attr, int policy);
struct sched_param { int __sched_priority; //所要设定的线程优先级 };
#include <stdio.h> #include <pthread.h> #include <sched.h> #include <assert.h>
static int get_thread_policy(pthread_attr_t *attr) { int policy; int rs = pthread_attr_getschedpolicy(attr,&policy); assert(rs==0); switch(policy) { case SCHED_FIFO: printf("policy= SCHED_FIFO\n"); break; case SCHED_RR: printf("policy= SCHED_RR"); break; case SCHED_OTHER: printf("policy=SCHED_OTHER\n"); break; default: printf("policy=UNKNOWN\n"); break; } return policy; }
static void show_thread_priority(pthread_attr_t *attr,int policy) { int priority = sched_get_priority_max(policy); assert(priority!=-1); printf("max_priority=%d\n",priority); priority= sched_get_priority_min(policy); assert(priority!=-1); printf("min_priority=%d\n",priority); }
static int get_thread_priority(pthread_attr_t *attr) { struct sched_param param; int rs = pthread_attr_getschedparam(attr,¶m); assert(rs==0); printf("priority=%d",param.__sched_priority); return param.__sched_priority; }
static void set_thread_policy(pthread_attr_t *attr,int policy) { int rs = pthread_attr_setschedpolicy(attr,policy); assert(rs==0); get_thread_policy(attr); }
int main(void) { pthread_attr_t attr; struct sched_param sched; int rs; rs = pthread_attr_init(&attr); assert(rs==0);
int policy = get_thread_policy(&attr); printf("Show current configuration of priority\n"); show_thread_priority(&attr,policy); printf("show SCHED_FIFO of priority\n"); show_thread_priority(&attr,SCHED_FIFO); printf("show SCHED_RR of priority\n"); show_thread_priority(&attr,SCHED_RR); printf("show priority of current thread\n"); int priority = get_thread_priority(&attr);
printf("Set thread policy\n"); printf("set SCHED_FIFO policy\n"); set_thread_policy(&attr,SCHED_FIFO); printf("set SCHED_RR policy\n"); set_thread_policy(&attr,SCHED_RR); printf("Restore current policy\n"); set_thread_policy(&attr,policy);
rs = pthread_attr_destroy(&attr); assert(rs==0); return 0; }
policy=SCHED_OTHER Show current configuration of priority max_priority=0 min_priority=0 show SCHED_FIFO of priority max_priority=99 min_priority=1 show SCHED_RR of priority max_priority=99 min_priority=1 show priority of current thread priority=0Set thread policy set SCHED_FIFO policy policy= SCHED_FIFO set SCHED_RR policy policy= SCHED_RRRestore current policy policy=SCHED_OTHER
下面的这个测试程序,创建了三个线程,默认创建的线程的调度策略是SCHED_OTHER,其余的两个线程的调度策略设置成SCHED_RR。我的Linux的内核版本是2.6.31。SCHED_RR是根据时间片来确定线程的调度。时间片用完了,不管这个线程的优先级有多高都不会在运行,而是进入就绪队列中,等待下一个时间片的到了,那这个时间片到底要持续多长时间?在《深入理解Linux内核》中的第七章进程调度中,是这样描诉的,Linux采取单凭经验的方法,即选择尽可能长、同时能保持良好相应时间的一个时间片。这里也没有给出一个具体的时间来,可能会根据不同的CPU 来定,还有就是多CPU 的情况。
#include <stdio.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <pthread.h>
void Thread1() { sleep(1); int i,j; int policy; struct sched_param param; pthread_getschedparam(pthread_self(),&policy,¶m); if(policy == SCHED_OTHER) printf("SCHED_OTHER\n"); if(policy == SCHED_RR); printf("SCHED_RR 1 \n"); if(policy==SCHED_FIFO) printf("SCHED_FIFO\n");
for(i=1;i<10;i++) { for(j=1;j<5000000;j++) { } printf("thread 1\n"); } printf("Pthread 1 exit\n"); }
void Thread2() { sleep(1); int i,j,m; int policy; struct sched_param param; pthread_getschedparam(pthread_self(),&policy,¶m); if(policy == SCHED_OTHER) printf("SCHED_OTHER\n"); if(policy == SCHED_RR); printf("SCHED_RR\n"); if(policy==SCHED_FIFO) printf("SCHED_FIFO\n");
for(i=1;i<10;i++) { for(j=1;j<5000000;j++) { } printf("thread 2\n"); } printf("Pthread 2 exit\n"); }
void Thread3() { sleep(1); int i,j; int policy; struct sched_param param; pthread_getschedparam(pthread_self(),&policy,¶m); if(policy == SCHED_OTHER) printf("SCHED_OTHER\n"); if(policy == SCHED_RR) printf("SCHED_RR \n"); if(policy==SCHED_FIFO) printf("SCHED_FIFO\n");
for(i=1;i<10;i++) { for(j=1;j<5000000;j++) { } printf("thread 3\n"); } printf("Pthread 3 exit\n"); }
int main() { int i; i = getuid(); if(i==0) printf("The current user is root\n"); else printf("The current user is not root\n");
pthread_t ppid1,ppid2,ppid3; struct sched_param param;
pthread_attr_t attr,attr1,attr2; pthread_attr_init(&attr1); pthread_attr_init(&attr); pthread_attr_init(&attr2); param.sched_priority = 51;
pthread_attr_setschedpolicy(&attr2,SCHED_RR); pthread_attr_setschedparam(&attr2,¶m); pthread_attr_setinheritsched(&attr2,PTHREAD_EXPLICIT_SCHED);//要使优先级其作用必须要有这句话
param.sched_priority = 21; pthread_attr_setschedpolicy(&attr1,SCHED_RR); pthread_attr_setschedparam(&attr1,¶m); pthread_attr_setinheritsched(&attr1,PTHREAD_EXPLICIT_SCHED); pthread_create(&ppid3,&attr,(void *)Thread3,NULL); pthread_create(&ppid2,&attr1,(void *)Thread2,NULL); pthread_create(&ppid1,&attr2,(void *)Thread1,NULL); pthread_join(ppid3,NULL); pthread_join(ppid2,NULL); pthread_join(ppid1,NULL); pthread_attr_destroy(&attr2); pthread_attr_destroy(&attr1); return 0; }
sudo ./prio_test The current user is root SCHED_OTHER SCHED_RR SCHED_RR 1 thread 1 thread 1 thread 1 thread 1 thread 1 thread 1 thread 1 thread 1 thread 1 Pthread 1 exit thread 2 thread 2 thread 2 thread 2 thread 2 thread 2 thread 2 thread 2 thread 2 Pthread 2 exit thread 3 thread 3 thread 3 thread 3 thread 3 thread 3 thread 3 thread 3 thread 3 Pthread 3 exit
(1) 进程被另外一个具有更高实时优先级的实时进程抢占。
(2) 进程执行了阻塞操作并进入睡眠
(3)进程停止(处于TASK_STOPPED 或TASK_TRACED状态)或被杀死。
(4)进程通过调用系统调用sched_yield(),自愿放弃CPU 。
sudo ./prio_test The current user is root SCHED_OTHER SCHED_RR 1 thread 1 thread 1 thread 1 thread 1 thread 1 thread 1 thread 1 thread 1 thread 1 Pthread 1 exit SCHED_RR thread 2 thread 2 thread 2 thread 2 thread 2 thread 2 thread 2 thread 2 thread 2 Pthread 2 exit thread 3 thread 3 thread 3 thread 3 thread 3 thread 3 thread 3 thread 3 thread 3 Pthread 3 exit
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