Notification Message Corresponding Windows
Constant Message Description

cn_CharToItem wm_CharToItem The wm_CharToItem message is sent to the parent of a list box when a character is pressed.
cn_Command wm_Command The wm_Command message is sent when the user selects a menu item, when a control sends a notification message to its parent window, or when an accelerator keystroke is translated.
cn_CompareItem wm_CompareItem The wm_CompareItem message is sent to the parent of an owner-draw combo box or list box to determine the relative position of a new item in the sorted list.
cn_CtlColorBtn wm_CtlColorBtn The wm_CtlColorBtn message is sent to the parent window of a button when the button is about to be drawn.
cn_CtlColorDlg wm_CtlColorDlg The wm_CtlColorDlg message is sent to a dialog box before Windows draws the dialog box.
cn_CtlColorEdit wm_CtlColorEdit The wm_CtlColorEdit message is sent to the parent window of an edit field when the control is about to be drawn.
cn_CtlColorListBox wm_CtlColorListBox The wm_CtlColorListBox message is sent to the parent window of a list box when the list box is about to be drawn.
cn_CtlColorMsgBox wm_CtlColorMsgBox The wm_CtlColorMsgBox message is sent to the owner window of a message box when the message box is about to be displayed.
cn_CtlColorScrollBar wm_CtlColorScrollBar The wm_CtlColorScrollBar message is sent to the parent window of a scroll bar when the control is about to be drawn.
cn_CtlColorStatic wm_CtlColorStatic The wm_CtlColorStatic message is sent to the parent window of a static control when the control is about to be drawn.
cn_DeleteItem wm_DeleteItem The wm_DeleteItem message is sent to the parent window of a list box or combo box when each item in the list is deleted.
cn_DrawItem wm_DrawItem The wm_DrawItem message is sent to the parent window of an owner-drawn button, combo box, list box, list view, or menu when the control needs to be painted.
cn_HScroll wm_HScroll The wm_HScroll message is sent to the parent window of a horizontal scroll bar control when a scroll event occurs in the control.
cn_MeasureItem wm_MeasureItem The wm_MeasureItem message is sent to the parent window of an owner-drawn button, combo box, list box, list view control, or menu item when the control or menu is created in order to determine the control’s size.
cn_ParentNotify wm_ParentNotify The wm_ParentNotify message is sent to the parent of a control when the control is created or destroyed, or when the user clicks a mouse button while the cursor is over the control.
cn_VKeyToItem wm_VKeyToItem The wm_VKeyToItem message is sent to the parent of a list box when a key is pressed.
cn_VScroll wm_VScroll The wm_VScroll message is sent to the parent window of a vertical scroll bar control when a scroll event occurs in the control.
cn_KeyDown wm_KeyDown The wm_KeyDown message is posted to the window with the keyboard focus when a key is pressed.
cn_KeyUp wm_KeyUp The wm_KeyUp message is posted to the window with the keyboard focus when a key is released.
cn_Char wm_Char The wm_Char message is posted to the window with the keyboard focus when a wm_KeyDown message is translated by the TranslateMessage function.
cn_SysKeyDown wm_SysKeyDown The wm_SysKeyDown message is posted to the window with the keyboard focus when the user holds down the ALT key and then presses another key.
cn_SysChar wm_SysChar The wm_SysChar message is posted to the window with the keyboard focus when the user holds down the ALT key and then presses another key and releases it.
cn_Notify wm_Notify The wm_Notify message is sent to the parent window of a control when an event has occurred in the control or when the control requires some kind of information.

摘自《Developing Custom Delphi3 Components》 p347


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