
  1. { Virtual method table entries }
  3. vmtSelfPtr = -;
  4. vmtIntfTable = -;
  5. vmtAutoTable = -;
  6. vmtInitTable = -;
  7. vmtTypeInfo = -;
  8. vmtFieldTable = -;
  9. vmtMethodTable = -;
  10. vmtDynamicTable = -;
  11. vmtClassName = -;
  12. vmtInstanceSize = -;
  13. vmtParent = -;
  14. vmtSafeCallException = - deprecated; // don't use these constants.
  15. vmtAfterConstruction = - deprecated; // use VMTOFFSET in asm code instead
  16. vmtBeforeDestruction = - deprecated;
  17. vmtDispatch = - deprecated;
  18. vmtDefaultHandler = - deprecated;
  19. vmtNewInstance = - deprecated;
  20. vmtFreeInstance = - deprecated;
  21. vmtDestroy = - deprecated;
  23. vmtQueryInterface = deprecated;
  24. vmtAddRef = deprecated;
  25. vmtRelease = deprecated;
  26. vmtCreateObject = deprecated;


  1. type
  3. TObject = class;
  5. TClass = class of TObject;
  7. HRESULT = type Longint; { from WTYPES.H }
  10. PGUID = ^TGUID;
  11. TGUID = packed record
  12. D1: LongWord;
  13. D2: Word;
  14. D3: Word;
  15. D4: array[..] of Byte;
  16. end;
  18. PInterfaceEntry = ^TInterfaceEntry;
  19. TInterfaceEntry = packed record
  20. IID: TGUID;
  21. VTable: Pointer;
  22. IOffset: Integer;
  23. ImplGetter: Integer;
  24. end;
  26. PInterfaceTable = ^TInterfaceTable;
  27. TInterfaceTable = packed record
  28. EntryCount: Integer;
  29. Entries: array[..] of TInterfaceEntry;
  30. end;
  32. TMethod = record
  33. Code, Data: Pointer;
  34. end;
  36. const
  37. S_OK = ; {$EXTERNALSYM S_OK}
  43. type
  44. IInterface = interface
  45. ['{00000000-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}']
  46. function QueryInterface(const IID: TGUID; out Obj): HResult; stdcall;
  47. function _AddRef: Integer; stdcall;
  48. function _Release: Integer; stdcall;
  49. end;
  51. IUnknown = IInterface;
  52. {$M+}
  53. IInvokable = interface(IInterface)
  54. end;
  55. {$M-}
  57. IDispatch = interface(IUnknown)
  58. ['{00020400-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}']
  59. function GetTypeInfoCount(out Count: Integer): HResult; stdcall;
  60. function GetTypeInfo(Index, LocaleID: Integer; out TypeInfo): HResult; stdcall;
  61. function GetIDsOfNames(const IID: TGUID; Names: Pointer;
  62. NameCount, LocaleID: Integer; DispIDs: Pointer): HResult; stdcall;
  63. function Invoke(DispID: Integer; const IID: TGUID; LocaleID: Integer;
  64. Flags: Word; var Params; VarResult, ExcepInfo, ArgErr: Pointer): HResult; stdcall;
  65. end;
  67. {$EXTERNALSYM IUnknown}
  68. {$EXTERNALSYM IDispatch}
  70. { TInterfacedObject provides a threadsafe default implementation
  71. of IInterface. You should use TInterfaceObject as the base class
  72. of objects implementing interfaces. }
  74. TInterfacedObject = class(TObject, IInterface)
  75. protected
  76. FRefCount: Integer;
  77. function QueryInterface(const IID: TGUID; out Obj): HResult; stdcall;
  78. function _AddRef: Integer; stdcall;
  79. function _Release: Integer; stdcall;
  80. public
  81. procedure AfterConstruction; override;
  82. procedure BeforeDestruction; override;
  83. class function NewInstance: TObject; override;
  84. property RefCount: Integer read FRefCount;
  85. end;
  87. TInterfacedClass = class of TInterfacedObject;
  89. { TAggregatedObject and TContainedObject are suitable base
  90. classes for interfaced objects intended to be aggregated
  91. or contained in an outer controlling object. When using
  92. the "implements" syntax on an interface property in
  93. an outer object class declaration, use these types
  94. to implement the inner object.
  96. Interfaces implemented by aggregated objects on behalf of
  97. the controller should not be distinguishable from other
  98. interfaces provided by the controller. Aggregated objects
  99. must not maintain their own reference count - they must
  100. have the same lifetime as their controller. To achieve this,
  101. aggregated objects reflect the reference count methods
  102. to the controller.
  104. TAggregatedObject simply reflects QueryInterface calls to
  105. its controller. From such an aggregated object, one can
  106. obtain any interface that the controller supports, and
  107. only interfaces that the controller supports. This is
  108. useful for implementing a controller class that uses one
  109. or more internal objects to implement the interfaces declared
  110. on the controller class. Aggregation promotes implementation
  111. sharing across the object hierarchy.
  113. TAggregatedObject is what most aggregate objects should
  114. inherit from, especially when used in conjunction with
  115. the "implements" syntax. }
  117. TAggregatedObject = class(TObject)
  118. private
  119. FController: Pointer; // weak reference to controller
  120. function GetController: IInterface;
  121. protected
  122. { IInterface }
  123. function QueryInterface(const IID: TGUID; out Obj): HResult; stdcall;
  124. function _AddRef: Integer; stdcall;
  125. function _Release: Integer; stdcall;
  126. public
  127. constructor Create(const Controller: IInterface);
  128. property Controller: IInterface read GetController;
  129. end;
  131. { TContainedObject is an aggregated object that isolates
  132. QueryInterface on the aggregate from the controller.
  133. TContainedObject will return only interfaces that the
  134. contained object itself implements, not interfaces
  135. that the controller implements. This is useful for
  136. implementing nodes that are attached to a controller and
  137. have the same lifetime as the controller, but whose
  138. interface identity is separate from the controller.
  139. You might do this if you don't want the consumers of
  140. an aggregated interface to have access to other interfaces
  141. implemented by the controller - forced encapsulation.
  142. This is a less common case than TAggregatedObject. }
  144. TContainedObject = class(TAggregatedObject, IInterface)
  145. protected
  146. { IInterface }
  147. function QueryInterface(const IID: TGUID; out Obj): HResult; virtual; stdcall;
  148. end;



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