



// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file. #ifndef UI_BASE_VIEW_PROP_H_
#define UI_BASE_VIEW_PROP_H_ namespace ui { // ViewProp maintains a key/value pair for a particular view. ViewProp is
// designed as a replacement for the Win32's SetProp
, but does not make use of
// window manager memory. ViewProp shares similar semantics as SetProp, the
// value for a particular view/key pair comes from the last ViewProp created.
class UI_EXPORT ViewProp {
// Associates data with a view/key pair. If a ViewProp has already been
// created for the specified pair |data| replaces the current value.
// ViewProp does *not* make a copy of the char*, the pointer is used for
// sorting.
ViewProp(gfx::AcceleratedWidget view, const char* key, void* data);
~ViewProp(); // Returns the value associated with the view/key pair, or NULL if there is
// none.
static void* GetValue(gfx::AcceleratedWidget view, const char* key); // Returns the key.
const char* Key() const; private:
class Data; // Stores the actual data.
scoped_refptr<Data> data_;
}; } // namespace ui #endif // UI_BASE_VIEW_PROP_H_


ViewProp::ViewProp(gfx::AcceleratedWidget view, const char* key, void* data) {
Data::Get(view, key, true, &data_);
} ViewProp::~ViewProp() {
// This is done to provide similar semantics to SetProp. In particular it's
// assumed that ~ViewProp should behave as though RemoveProp was invoked.
} // static
void* ViewProp::GetValue(gfx::AcceleratedWidget view, const char* key) {
scoped_refptr<Data> data;
Data::Get(view, key, false, &data);
return data.get() ? data->data() : NULL;
} // static
const char* ViewProp::Key() const {
return data_->key();


TEST(ViewPropTest, Basic) {
gfx::AcceleratedWidget nv1 = reinterpret_cast<gfx::AcceleratedWidget>(1);
void* data1 = reinterpret_cast<void*>(11);
// Register a value for a view/key pair.
const char kKey1[] = "key_1";
ViewProp prop(nv1, kKey1, data1);
EXPECT_EQ(data1, ViewProp::GetValue(nv1, kKey1));
  1. 构建一个ViewProp
  2. 然后使用ViewProp::GetValue静态方法查找



// Maints the actual view, key and data.
class ViewProp::Data : public base::RefCounted<ViewProp::Data> {
// Returns the Data* for the view/key pair. If |create| is false and |Get|
// has not been invoked for the view/key pair, NULL is returned.
static void Get(gfx::AcceleratedWidget view,
const char* key,
bool create,
scoped_refptr<Data>* data) {
if (!data_set_)
data_set_ = new DataSet;
scoped_refptr<Data> new_data(new Data(view, key));
DataSet::const_iterator i = data_set_->find(new_data.get());
if (i != data_set_->end()) {
*data = *i;
if (!create)
*data = new_data.get();
} // The data.
void set_data(void* data) { data_ = data; }
void* data() const { return data_; } const char* key() const { return key_; } private:
friend class base::RefCounted<Data>; // Used to order the Data in the map.
class DataComparator {
bool operator()(const Data* d1, const Data* d2) const {
return (d1->view_ == d2->view_) ? (d1->key_ < d2->key_) :
(d1->view_ < d2->view_);
}; typedef std::set<Data*, DataComparator> DataSet; Data(gfx::AcceleratedWidget view, const char* key)
: view_(view),
data_(NULL) {} ~Data() {
DataSet::iterator i = data_set_->find(this);
// Also check for equality using == as |Get| creates dummy values in order
// to look up a value.
if (i != data_set_->end() && *i == this)
} // The existing set of Data is stored here. ~Data removes from the set.
static DataSet* data_set_; const gfx::AcceleratedWidget view_;
const char* key_;
void* data_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(Data);
}; // static
ViewProp::Data::DataSet* ViewProp::Data::data_set_ = NULL;

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