Each line in the param.txt file looks like this:

D:\testfile.dat 2 0x0 81920

The four parameters are broken down like this.

Parameter Description Values
File Name Drive, path, and name of the test file. L:\testfile.dat
Number of Threads Thread pool size. Will be replaced by command line parameter, so just put 2. 2
CPU Mask You can bind the operations to a particular CPU. I never do this and just place 0x0 to use everything. 0x0
File Size Test file size in MB. Try to use a file size at least as big as your cache, but don't run out of disk space. 80GB is 81920 MB.


The parameter values are as follows.

-dM means drive letter M


write testing (other lines are -kR, for read testing)
-t2 two threads (I usually test 2-64 unless your SAN can handle more)
-s300 300 second per test, multiplied by the number of tests, gives you your runtime. Ideally, each test runs no shorter than ten minutes. Tune this value for your environment and your maintenance window.
-o1 one operation per thread. This value goes up to 128.
-frandom performs random disk pattern tests. The other value is 'sequential'.
-b64 64KB block size testing, the same block size as the recommended SQL Server NTFS allocation unit size (reference Microsoft KB 140365 for more details)
-BH use hardware buffering
-LS use system latencies

use the param.txt file to determine the location, name, and size of the test file



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