静态链表 Static Link List
- /*静态链表节点元素*/
- template < class ElemType >
- class Node {
- public :
- ElemType data ;
- int cur ;
- };
- /*静态链表*/
- template < class ElemType >
- class StaticLinkList {
- public :
- void Init (); //初始化链表
- bool Insert ( int pos, ElemType e ); //在链表的第pos个位置插入元素
- bool Insert ( ElemType e ); //在链表的末尾插入元素
- bool Delete ( int pos ); //删除第pos个位置的元素
- int Length (); //获取链表的长度
- bool Empty (); //判断链表是否为空
- void Traverse (); //遍历链表
- bool GetElement ( int pos, ElemType & e ); //获取第pos位置的元素
- private :
- //链表
- Node <ElemType > SLinkList [ maxn];
- int len ;
- //处理备用链表用,分配和回收节点
- int Malloc (); //分配备用链表中的一个空位置
- void Free ( int pos ); //将位置为pos的空闲节点释放
- };
- /*初始化静态链表*/
- template < class ElemType >
- void StaticLinkList < ElemType>:: Init () {
- cout << "----Init the Link List----" << endl;
- //初始化备用链表
- for ( int i = 0; i < maxn - 1 ; i ++ )
- SLinkList [i ]. cur = i + 1 ;
- SLinkList [maxn - 2 ].cur = 0 ; //作为备用链表的末尾保护,指向0空 或 可以认为指向循环备用链表的头结点
- SLinkList [maxn - 1 ].cur = 0 ; //链表头结点为空
- this ->len = 0 ; //链表长度为0
- }
- /*在第Pos个位置插入元素*/
- template < class ElemType >
- bool StaticLinkList < ElemType>:: Insert ( int pos , ElemType e ) {
- cout << "----Insert Element in pos---- -> " << pos << " : " << e << endl;
- if ( pos < 1 || pos > this-> Length () + 1 )
- cout << "----Failed : Input Pos Error----" << endl ;
- int cur_idx = maxn - 1;
- int mac_idx = this ->Malloc ();
- if ( mac_idx != 0 ) {
- SLinkList [mac_idx ]. data = e ;
- //寻找第pos个元素
- for ( int i = 1; i <= pos - 1 ; i ++ )
- cur_idx = SLinkList[ cur_idx ].cur ;
- SLinkList [mac_idx ]. cur = SLinkList [cur_idx ]. cur; //第pos个元素的cur指向 cur_idx之后的元素
- SLinkList [cur_idx ]. cur = mac_idx ; //cur_idx指向当前插入对象
- this ->len ++;
- return true ;
- } else
- return false ;
- }
- /*在链表的末尾插入元素*/
- template < class ElemType >
- bool StaticLinkList < ElemType>:: Insert ( ElemType e ) {
- cout << "----Insert Element in back---- -> " << e << endl ;
- int cur_idx = maxn - 1;
- int mac_idx = this ->Malloc ();
- if ( mac_idx != 0 ) {
- SLinkList [mac_idx ]. data = e ;
- //寻找第pos个元素
- for ( int i = 1; i <= this -> Length(); i++ )
- cur_idx = SLinkList[ cur_idx ].cur ;
- SLinkList [mac_idx ]. cur = SLinkList [cur_idx ]. cur; //第pos个元素的cur指向 cur_idx之后的元素
- SLinkList [cur_idx ]. cur = mac_idx ; //cur_idx指向当前插入对象
- this ->len ++;
- return true ;
- } else
- return false ;
- }
- /*删除第pos个位置的元素*/
- template < class ElemType >
- bool StaticLinkList < ElemType>:: Delete ( int pos ) {
- cout << "----Delete List from pos---- -> " << pos << endl ;
- if ( pos < 1 || pos > this-> Length () ) {
- cout << "----Failed : Input Pos Error----" << endl ;
- return false ;
- }
- int cur_idx = maxn - 1;
- for ( int i = 1; i <= pos - 1 ; i ++ )
- cur_idx = SLinkList[ cur_idx ].cur ;
- int aim_idx = SLinkList [cur_idx ]. cur;
- SLinkList [cur_idx ]. cur = SLinkList [ pos]. cur ;
- this ->len --;
- Free ( aim_idx );
- return true ;
- }
- /*获取静态链表的长度*/
- template < class ElemType >
- int StaticLinkList < ElemType>:: Length () {
- //cout << "----Get Link List Length----" << endl;
- return len ;
- /*
- int cur_idx = SLinkList[maxn - 1].cur;
- int cnt = 0;
- //统计所有元素,直到cur为0
- while (cur_idx != 0) {
- cur_idx = SLinkList[cur_idx].cur;
- cnt++;
- }
- return cnt;
- */
- }
- /*判断链表是否为空*/
- template <class ElemType >
- bool StaticLinkList <ElemType >:: Empty() {
- return SLinkList [maxn - 1 ].cur == 0 ;
- }
- /*遍历静态链表*/
- template < class ElemType >
- void StaticLinkList < ElemType>:: Traverse () {
- cout << "----Traverse Link List----" << endl;
- int cur_idx = SLinkList [maxn - 1 ].cur ;
- int idx = 1 ;
- //输出Node的数据
- while ( cur_idx != 0 ) {
- cout << "Node " << ( idx++ ) << " : " << SLinkList [cur_idx ]. data << endl ;
- cur_idx = SLinkList[ cur_idx ].cur ;
- }
- }
- /*获取第pos位置的元素*/
- template <class ElemType >
- bool StaticLinkList <ElemType >:: GetElement( int pos , ElemType & e ) {
- if ( pos < 1 || pos > this-> Length () + 1 ) {
- cout << "----Failed : Input Pos Error----" << endl ;
- return false ;
- }
- int cur_idx = maxn - 1 ;
- for ( int i = 1; i <= pos ; i++ )
- cur_idx = SLinkList [cur_idx ].cur ;
- e = SLinkList [cur_idx ].data ;
- return true ;
- }
- /*分配备用链表的一个节点*/
- template <class ElemType >
- int StaticLinkList <ElemType >:: Malloc() {
- int cur_idx = SLinkList [0 ].cur ;
- if ( cur_idx != 0 ) {
- SLinkList [0 ].cur = SLinkList [cur_idx ].cur ;
- return cur_idx ;
- } else {
- cout << "----Failed : Spare Link List is Empty----" << endl;
- exit( 0);
- }
- }
- /*释放pos位置空闲节点*/
- template <class ElemType >
- void StaticLinkList <ElemType >:: Free( int pos ) {
- SLinkList [pos ].cur = SLinkList [0 ].cur ; /*把第一个元素的cur值赋给要删除的分量cur */
- SLinkList [0 ].cur = pos ; /* 把要删除的分量下标赋值给第一个元素的cur */
- }
12. 测试
- int main() {
- StaticLinkList<int> sll;
- sll.Init();
- int e;
- for ( int i = 1; i < 10; i++ )
- sll.Insert( i, i );
- for (int i = 1; i < 10; i++) {
- sll.GetElement(i, e);
- cout << e << endl;
- }
- sll.Traverse();
- sll.Delete( 3 );
- sll.Traverse();
- cout << "List Length : " << sll.Length() << endl;
- return 0;
- }
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