Geometric Objects |
object.area |
Returns the area (float) of the object. |
object.bounds |
Returns a (minx, miny, maxx, maxy) tuple (float values) that bounds the object. |
object.length |
Returns the length (float) of the object. |
object.geom_type |
Returns a string specifying the Geometry Type |
object.distance(other) |
Returns the minimum distance (float) to the other geometric object. |
object.representative_point() |
Returns a cheaply computed point that is guaranteed to be within the geometric object. |
Unary Predicates |
object.has_z |
Returns True if the feature has not only x and y, but also z coordinates for 3D (or so-called, 2.5D) geometries. |
object.is_ccw |
Returns True if coordinates are in counter-clockwise order (bounding a region with positive signed area). This method applies to LinearRing objects only |
object.is_empty |
Returns True if the feature’s interior and boundary (in point set terms) coincide with the empty set. |
object.is_ring |
Returns True if the feature is closed. A closed feature’s boundary coincides with the empty set. |
object.is_simple |
Returns True if the feature does not cross itself. |
object.is_valid |
Returns True if a feature is “valid” in the sense of [1]. |
Binary Predicates |
object.almost_equals (other[, decimal=6]) |
Returns True if the object is approximately equal to the other at all points to specified decimal place precision. |
object.contains(other) |
Returns True if the object’s interior contains the boundary and interior of the other object and their boundaries do not touch at all. |
object.crosses(other) |
Returns True if the interior of the object intersects the interior of the other but does not contain it, and the dimension of the intersection is less than the dimension of the one or the other. |
object.disjoint(other) |
Returns True if the boundary and interior of the object do not intersect at all with those of the other. |
object.equals(other) |
Returns True if the set-theoretic boundary, interior, and exterior of the object coincide with those of the other. |
object.intersects(other) |
Returns True if the boundary and interior of the object intersect in any way with those of the other. |
object.touches(other) |
Returns True if the objects have at least one point in common and their interiors do not intersect with any part of the other. |
object.within(other) |
Returns True if the object’s boundary and interior intersect only with the interior of the other (not its boundary or exterior). |
DE-9IM Relationships |
object.relate(other) |
Returns a string representation of the DE-9IM matrix of relationships between an object’s interior, boundary, exterior and those of another geometric object. |
Set-theoretic Methods |
object.boundary |
Returns a lower dimensional object representing the object’s set-theoretic boundary. |
object.centroid |
Returns a representation of the object’s geometric centroid (point). |
object.difference(other) |
Returns a representation of the points making up this geometric object that do not make up the other object. |
object.intersection(other) |
Returns a representation of the intersection of this object with the other geometric object. |
object.symmetric_difference(other) |
Returns a representation of the points in this object not in the other geometric object, and the points in the other not in this geometric object. |
object.union(other) |
Returns a representation of the union of points from this object and the other geometric object. |
Constructive Methods |
object.buffer (distance, resolution=16, cap_style=1, join_style=1, mitre_limit=1.0) |
Returns an approximate representation of all points within a given distance of the this geometric object. |
object.convex_hull |
Returns a representation of the smallest convex Polygon containing all the points in the object unless the number of points in the object is less than three. |
object.envelope |
Returns a representation of the point or smallest rectangular polygon (with sides parallel to the coordinate axes) that contains the object. |
object.parallel_offset (distance, side, resolution=16, join_style=1, mitre_limit=1.0) |
Returns a LineString or MultiLineString geometry at a distance from the object on its right or its left side. |
object.simplify(tolerance, preserve_topology=True) |
Returns a simplified representation of the geometric object. |
Affine Transformations |
shapely.affinity.affine_transform (geom, matrix) |
Returns a transformed geometry using an affine transformation matrix. |
shapely.affinity.rotate (geom, angle, origin='center', use_radians=False) |
Returns a rotated geometry on a 2D plane. |
shapely.affinity.scale (geom, xfact=1.0, yfact=1.0, zfact=1.0, origin='center') |
Returns a scaled geometry, scaled by factors along each dimension. |
shapely.affinity.skew (geom, xs=0.0, ys=0.0, origin='center', use_radians=False) |
Returns a skewed geometry, sheared by angles along x and y dimensions. |
shapely.affinity.translate (geom, xoff=0.0, yoff=0.0, zoff=0.0) |
Returns a translated geometry shifted by offsets along each dimension. |
shapely.ops.transform(func, geom) |
Applies func to all coordinates of geom and returns a new geometry of the same type from the transformed coordinates. |
Merging Linear Features |
shapely.ops.polygonize(lines) |
Returns an iterator over polygons constructed from the input lines. |
shapely.ops.polygonize_full(lines) |
Creates polygons from a source of lines, returning the polygons and leftover geometries. |
shapely.ops.linemerge(lines) |
Returns a LineString or MultiLineString representing the merger of all contiguous elements of lines. |
Cascading Unions |
shapely.ops.cascaded_union(geoms) |
Returns a representation of the union of the given geometric objects. |
shapely.ops.unary_union(geoms) |
Returns a representation of the union of the given geometric objects. |
Prepared Geometry Operations |
prepared.prep(ob) |
Creates and returns a prepared geometric object. |
Diagnostics |
validation.explain_validity(ob) |
Returns a string explaining the validity or invalidity of the object. |
Interoperation--Well-Known Formats |
object.wkb.encode('hex') |
A Well Known Text (WKT) or Well Known Binary (WKB) representation [1] of any geometric object can be had via its wkt or wkb attribute. |
object.wkt |
shapely.wkb.dumps(ob) |
Returns a WKB representation of ob. |
shapely.wkb.loads(wkb) |
Returns a geometric object from a WKB representation wkb. |
shapely.wkt.dumps(ob) |
Returns a WKT representation of ob. |
shapely.wkt.loads(wkt) |
Returns a geometric object from a WKT representation wkt. |
Interoperation-- Numpy and Python Arrays |
shapely.geometry.asShape() |
family of functions can be used to wrap Numpy coordinate arrays so that they can then be analyzed using Shapely while maintaining their original storage |
Interoperation-- Python Geo Interface |
shapely.geometry.asShape(context) |
Adapts the context to a geometry interface. The coordinates remain stored in the context. |
shapely.geometry.shape(context) |
Returns a new, independent geometry with coordinates copied from the context. |
shapely.geometry.mapping(ob) |
Returns a new, independent geometry with coordinates copied from the context. |
Linear Referencing Methods |
object.interpolate(distance[, normalized=False]) |
Return a point at the specified distance along a linear geometric object. |
object.project (other[, normalized=False]) |
Returns the distance along this geometric object to a point nearest the other object. |
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