Be aware to remove any dependencies to any modules related to Editor,

or else it will end up with failure of packaging.



is your good friend.

for developing purpose,  just copy plugins' "Editor-blabla.dll" to developers' engine plugin folder for them to use.

programmer team get the project.exe built and link with plugin dlls  before pushing to GIT,  then it's built in CI server.

in other word,  the project's exe file has to be built with all dependent plugins' source code but not only static library.

maybe I can find a way that we can simply copy the plugins' static libraries back to plugins folder for specific folder and kick off the build,

but I don't want to spend more time on it since the whole day has been wasted to explore the stupid settings.

That also means,  the project has to be a C++ project but not Blueprint-Only project.

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