project: blog
date: 2015-12-24
status: publish
- PlantUML

Alice -> Bob: Authentication Request
Bob --> Alice: Authentication Response Alice -> Bob: Another authentication Request
Alice <-- Bob: another authentication Response

actor Foo1
boundary Foo2
control Foo3
entity Foo4
database Foo5
Foo1 -> Foo2 : To boundary
Foo1 -> Foo3 : To control
Foo1 -> Foo4 : To entity
Foo1 -> Foo5 : To database

actor Bob #red
' The only difference between actor
'and participant is the drawing
participant Alice
participant "I have a really\nlong name" as L #99FF99
/' You can also declare:
participant L as "I have a really\nlong name" #99FF99
'/ Alice->Bob: Authentication Request
Bob->Alice: Authentication Response
Bob->L: Log transaction

Alice -> "Bob()" : Hello
"Bob()" -> "This is very\nlong" as Long
' You can also declare:
' "Bob()" -> Long as "This is very\nlong"
Long --> "Bob()" : ok

Alice->Alice: This is a signal to self.\nIt also demonstrates\nmultiline \ntext

Bob ->x Alice
Bob -> Alice
Bob ->> Alice
Bob -\ Alice
Bob \\- Alice
Bob //-- Alice Bob ->o Alice
Bob o\\-- Alice Bob <-> Alice
Bob <->o Alice

Bob -[#red]> Alice : hello
Alice -[#0000FF]->Bob : ok autonumber
Bob -> Alice : Authentication Request
Bob <- Alice : Authentication Response autonumber 15
Bob -> Alice : Another authentication Request
Bob <- Alice : Another authentication Response autonumber 40 10
Bob -> Alice : Yet another authentication Request
Bob <- Alice : Yet another authentication Response autonumber "<b>[000]"
Bob -> Alice : Authentication Request
Bob <- Alice : Authentication Response autonumber 15 "<b>(<u>##</u>)"
Bob -> Alice : Another authentication Request
Bob <- Alice : Another authentication Response autonumber 40 10 "<font color=red><b>Message 0 "
Bob -> Alice : Yet another authentication Request
Bob <- Alice : Yet another authentication Response

title Simple communication example Alice -> Bob: Authentication Request
Bob --> Alice: Authentication Response Alice -> Bob : Hello
legend right

Alice -> Bob : message 1
Alice -> Bob : message 2 newpage Alice -> Bob : message 3
Alice -> Bob : message 4 newpage A title for the\nlast page Alice -> Bob : message 5
Alice -> Bob : message 6

Alice -> Bob: Authentication Request alt successful case Bob -> Alice: Authentication Accepted else some kind of failure Bob -> Alice: Authentication Failure
group My own label
Alice -> Log : Log attack start
loop 1000 times
Alice -> Bob: DNS Attack
Alice -> Log : Log attack end
end else Another type of failure Bob -> Alice: Please repeat end

Alice->Bob : hello
note left: this is a first note Bob->Alice : ok
note right: this is another note Bob->Bob : I am thinking
note left
a note
can also be defined
on several lines
end note

participant Alice
participant Bob
note left of Alice #aqua
This is displayed
left of Alice.
end note note right of Alice: This is displayed right of Alice. note over Alice: This is displayed over Alice. note over Alice, Bob #FFAAAA: This is displayed\n over Bob and Alice. note over Bob, Alice
This is yet another
example of
a long note.
end note

caller -> server : conReq
hnote over caller : idle
caller <- server : conConf
rnote over server
"r" as rectangle
"h" as hexagon

participant Alice
participant "The **Famous** Bob" as Bob Alice -> Bob : hello --there--
... Some ~~long delay~~ ...
Bob -> Alice : ok
note left
This is **bold**
This is //italics//
This is ""monospaced""
This is --stroked--
This is __underlined__
This is ~~waved~~
end note Alice -> Bob : A //well formatted// message
note right of Alice
This is <back:cadetblue><size:18>displayed</size></back>
__left of__ Alice.
end note
note left of Bob
<u:red>This</u> is <color #118888>displayed</color>
**<color purple>left of</color> <s:red>Alice</strike> Bob**.
end note
note over Alice, Bob
<w:#FF33FF>This is hosted</w> by <img sourceforge.jpg>
end note

== Initialization ==

Alice -> Bob: Authentication Request
Bob --> Alice: Authentication Response == Repetition == Alice -> Bob: Another authentication Request
Alice <-- Bob: another authentication Response

participant Alice
actor Bob ref over Alice, Bob : init Alice -> Bob : hello ref over Bob
This can be on
several lines
end ref

Alice -> Bob: Authentication Request
Bob --> Alice: Authentication Response
...5 minutes latter...
Bob --> Alice: Bye !

Alice -> Bob: message 1
Bob --> Alice: ok
Alice -> Bob: message 2
Bob --> Alice: ok
Alice -> Bob: message 3
Bob --> Alice: ok

participant User User -> A: DoWork
activate A A -> B: << createRequest >>
activate B B -> C: DoWork
activate C
C --> B: WorkDone
destroy C B --> A: RequestCreated
deactivate B A -> User: Done
deactivate A

participant User User -> A: DoWork
activate A #FFBBBB A -> A: Internal call
activate A #DarkSalmon A -> B: << createRequest >>
activate B B --> A: RequestCreated
deactivate B
deactivate A
A -> User: Done
deactivate A

Bob -> Alice : hello create Other
Alice -> Other : new create control String
Alice -> String
note right : You can also put notes! Alice --> Bob : ok

[-> A: DoWork activate A A -> A: Internal call
activate A A ->] : << createRequest >> A<--] : RequestCreated
deactivate A
[<- A: Done
deactivate A

[-> Bob
[o-> Bob
[o->o Bob
[x-> Bob [<- Bob
[x<- Bob Bob ->]
Bob ->o]
Bob o->o]
Bob ->x] Bob <-]
Bob x<-]


This is an example Sequence diagram
Showing a fictional web feature flow
It is easy to see roles & responsibilities for each component
and easy to change them too...
'/ title "Story Feature Example - Sequence Diagram" 'This is a single line comment /'
This is a multi-line comment
One another line
'/ actor User
'boundary Proxy
participant UIServer as UI
participant API User -> UI: LINK: goto /account page
activate UI
UI -> User:
deactivate UI activate User
note over User
UI: Setting Page
Click delete button
end note ' user requests account/delete page
User -> UI: /account/delete
deactivate User
activate UI
UI -> User:
deactivate UI ' confirmation form
activate User
note over User
UI: Form
Are you sure?
end note User -> UI: POST /account/delete
deactivate User
activate UI note over UI: Verify: user has confirmed
UI -> API: /account/delete
activate API
API -> API: delete
API -> UI: done
deactivate API
UI -> User: success
deactivate UI @enduml


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