• Newman

    • 官方说明:Postman's command-line companion lets you do amazing things! With Newman, you can integrate Postman collections with your build system. Or you can run automated tests for your API through a cron job.
    • 概述:集成Postman的API测试命令行执行工具
    • 首页:https://www.npmjs.com/package/newman
    • 基于Node.js,可安装在Linux/Windows/Mac
    • 安装命令:
      npm install -g newman
    • 验证安装是否成功
    • newman -V


    • 运行方式,执行Postman导出的Collection文件
    • newman -c *.json.postman_collection
  • Newman命令行操作
    • 执行指定的Collection文件
    • newman -c *.json.postman_collection
    • 执行指点定的Collection文件及Environment文件
    • newman -c *.json.postman_collection -e *.postman_environment
    • 执行保存到服务器上的Collection
    • newman -u https://www.getpostman.com/collections/cb208e7e64056f5294e5
    • 循环执行Collection文件5次
    • newman -u https://www.getpostman.com/collections/cb208e7e64056f5294e5 -n 5
    • 详细的newman命令用法
    •   Usage: newman [options]
          -h, --help                      output usage information
      -V, --version output the version number
      -c, --collection [file] Specify a Postman collection as a JSON [file]
      -u, --url [url] Specify a Postman collection as a [url]
      -f, --folder [folder-name] Run a single folder from a collection. To be used with -c or -u
      -e, --environment [file] Specify a Postman environment as a JSON [file]
      -E, --exportEnvironment [file] Specify an output file to dump the Postman environment before exiting [file]
      -d, --data [file] Specify a data file to use either json or csv
      -g, --global [file] Specify a Postman globals file [file]
      -G, --exportGlobals [file] Specify an output file to dump Globals before exiting [file]
      -y, --delay [number] Specify a delay (in ms) between requests
      -r, --requestTimeout [number] Specify a request timeout (in ms) for requests
      -R, --avoidRedirects Prevents Newman from automatically following redirects
      -s, --stopOnError Stops the runner with code=1 when a test case fails
      -j, --noSummary Doesn't show the summary for each iteration
      -n, --number [number] Define the number of iterations to run
      -C, --noColor Disable colored output
      -k, --insecure Disable strict ssl
      -l, --tls Use TLSv1
      -N, --encoding [encoding-type] Specify an encoding for the response. Supported values are ascii,utf8,utf16le,ucs2,base64,binary,hex
      -x, --exitCode Continue running tests even after a failure, but exit with code=1. Incompatible with --stopOnError
      -o, --outputFile [file] Path to file where output should be written [file]
      -O, --outputFileVerbose [file] Path to file where full request and responses should be logged [file]
      -t, --testReportFile [file] Path to file where results should be written as JUnit XML [file]
      -i, --import [file] Import a Postman backup file, and save collections, environments, and globals [file] (Incompatible with any option except pretty)
      -p, --pretty Enable pretty-print while saving imported collections, environments, and globals
      -H, --html [file] Export a HTML report to a specified file [file]
      -W, --whiteScreen Black text for white screen
      -L, --recurseLimit [limit] Do not run recursive resolution more than [limit] times. Default = 10. Using 0 will prevent any varialbe resolution Newman is a command-line collection runner for Postman. You must specify a collection file or a collection URL to run newman A collection file or URL is mandatory
      Examples: newman -c POSTMAN_COLLECTION
      newman -c POSTMAN_COLLECTION -f SAMPLE_FOLDER For more documentation, issues and examples head over to https://github.com/postmanlabs/newman
  • Jenkins集成
    • 既然Newman支持命令行运行,那么集成Jenkins就很简单。在Jenkins的Job中添加command line,内容如下:
    • newman -c *.json.postman_collection --exitCode 1


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