OpenBSD引导的第二部PBR,也是活动分区的一个扇区的代码,由第一步的MBR加载到0x7C00处,manpage里详细的讲解了过程和大致实现 biosboot(8) (,代码在sys/arch/i386/stand/biosboot/目录下,主要就是其中的biosboot.S;和mbr.S一样,在代码的开头清晰的介绍了该代码要做的事情:

* Memory layout:
* 0x00000 -> 0x07BFF our stack (to 31k)
* 0x07A00 -> 0x07BFF typical MBR loc (at 30k5)
* 0x07C00 -> 0x07DFF our code (at 31k)
* 0x07E00 -> ... /boot inode block (at 31k5)
* 0x07E00 -> ... (indirect block if nec)
* 0x40000 -> ... /boot (at 256k)
* The BIOS loads the MBR at physical address 0x07C00. It then relocates
* itself to (typically) 0x07A00.
* The MBR then loads us at physical address 0x07C00.
* We use a long jmp to normalise our address to seg:offset 07C0:0000.
* (In real mode on x86, segment registers contain a base address in
* paragraphs (16 bytes). 0000:00010 is the same as 0001:0000.)
* We set the stack to start at 0000:7BFC (grows down on i386)
* We then read the inode for /boot into memory just above us at
* 07E0:0000, and run through the direct block table (and the first
* indirect block table, if necessary).
* We load /boot at seg:offset 4000:0000.
* Previous versions limited the size of /boot to 64k (loaded in a single
* segment). This version does not have this limitation.

  注释内容包含了mbr.S开头的内容,还是讲解了大致引导过程:BIOS 读MBR到0x7C00处,然后MBR将自身重定位到0x7A00,MBR加载PBR也就是biosboot.S到0x7C00,然后jmp到0x7C00处的biosboot.S执行。


* The data passed by installboot is:
* inodeblk uint32 the filesystem block that holds /boot's inode
* inodedbl uint32 the memory offset to the beginning of the
* direct block list (di_db[]). (This is the
* offset within the block + $INODEOFF, which is
* where we load the block to.)
* fs_bsize_p uint16 the filesystem block size _in paragraphs_
* (i.e. fs_bsize / 16)
* fs_bsize_s uint16 the number of disk sectors in a filesystem
* block (i.e. fs_bsize / d_secsize). Directly written
* into the LBA command block, at lba_count.
* fsbtodb uint8 shift count to convert filesystem blocks to
* disk blocks (sectors). Note that this is NOT
* log2 fs_bsize, since fragmentation allows
* the trailing part of a file to use part of a
* filesystem block. In other words, filesystem
* block numbers can point into the middle of
* filesystem blocks.
* p_offset uint32 the starting disk block (sector) of the
* filesystem
* nblocks uint16 the number of filesystem blocks to read.
* While this can be calculated as
* howmany(di_size, fs_bsize) it takes us too
* many code bytes to do it.
* All of these are patched directly into the code where they are used
* (once only, each), to save space.
* One more symbol is exported, in anticipation of a "-c" flag in
* installboot to force CHS reads:
* force_chs uint8 set to the value 1 to force biosboot to use CHS
* reads (this will of course cause the boot sequence
* to fail if /boot is above 8 GB).




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