






爬虫源码百度云链接:http://pan.baidu.com/s/1i43WV5r password:8sdf

清理空目录源码链接:http://pan.baidu.com/s/1o8wB0RC password:z8ce



import java.io.BufferedInputStream;
import java.io.BufferedOutputStream;
import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStreamReader;
import java.net.URL;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern; public class GetEveryPictures
{ public static void main( String[] args ) throws InterruptedException
File dir = new File( "d:\\pictures\\" ); /**************************************************/
// http://www.mmonly.cc/mmtp/xgmn/ : 10 : 169
// http://www.mmonly.cc/mmtp/swmn/ : 11 : 53
// http://www.mmonly.cc/mmtp/hgmn/ : 12 : 23
// http://www.mmonly.cc/mmtp/wgmv/ 51
// http://www.mmonly.cc/mmtp/bjnmn/ 33
// http://www.mmonly.cc/mmtp/nymn/ 59
// http://www.mmonly.cc/mmtp/qcmn/ 80
// http://www.mmonly.cc/mmtp/ctmn/ 28
// http://www.mmonly.cc/mmtp/mnmx/ 90
// http://www.mmonly.cc/mmtp/jpmn/ 30 int[] pages = {169, 53, 23, 51, 33, 59, 80, 28, 90, 30};
String url_str = "http://www.mmonly.cc/mmtp/";
String[] indexname = {"xgmn", "swmn", "hgmn", "wgmv", "bjnmn", "nymn",
"qcmn", "ctmn", "mnmx", "jpmn",};
int no;
String[] regex = {
String title_regex = "alt=\"[\\u4E00-\\u9FA5\\w\\s\\-]+\"\\ssrc=\"";
String[] picture_regex = {
"src=\"http://t1\\.mmonly\\.cc/uploads/.+\\.jpg\" /></a></p>",
"http://t1\\.mmonly\\.cc/uploads/.+\\.jpg"}; for( int i = 0; i < indexname.length; i++ )
String index = indexname[i];
String url = url_str + index + "/";
no = 10 + i;
File dir_file = new File( dir, index );
int page = pages[i];
for( int j = 1; j <= page; j++ )
Task task = new Task( dir_file, url, no, regex, title_regex,
picture_regex, j, j );
new Thread( task ).start();
if( j % 10 == 0 )
Thread.sleep( 20000 );
// Thread.sleep( 60000 );
} class Task implements Runnable
File dir;
String url_str;
int no, begin, end;
String regex1;
String regex2;
String title_regex;
String[] picture_regex = new String[2]; public Task( File dir, String url_str, int no, String[] regex,
String title_regex, String[] picture_regex, int end )
this( dir, url_str, no, regex, title_regex, picture_regex, 1, end );
} public Task( File dir, String url_str, int no, String[] regex,
String title_regex, String[] picture_regex, int begin, int end )
this.dir = dir;
this.url_str = url_str;
this.no = no;
this.begin = begin;
this.end = end;
regex1 = regex[0];
regex2 = regex[1];
this.picture_regex[0] = picture_regex[0];
this.picture_regex[1] = picture_regex[1];
this.title_regex = title_regex;
} @Override
public void run()
WebsitList websitList = new WebsitList( url_str, no, begin, end, regex1,
regex2, title_regex );
} catch( IOException e1 )
System.out.println( url_str + "已跳过" );
Iterator<String> iterator = websitList.urls.keySet().iterator();
int i = 0;
while( iterator.hasNext() )
String main = iterator.next();
String title = websitList.urls.get( main );
System.out.println( main + ":" + title ); DetailPage detailPage = new DetailPage( main, title,
picture_regex );
detailPage.downloadAll( dir );
} catch( Exception e )
} // 每下载完6个页面的图片休眠10秒,防止过于频繁訪问断开连接
if( i % 6 == 0 )
System.out.println( "歇息10秒" );
for( int j = 0; j < 10; j++ )
Thread.sleep( 1000 );
} catch( InterruptedException e )
} } /**
* @classname WebsitList
* @author LiShengc
class WebsitList
// http://www.169bb.com/xingganmeinv/list_1_1.html
// ^[u4E00-u9FA5a-zA-Z]{2,}$
private static String title_regex2 = "[\u4e00-\u9fa5\\w\\-]*[\u4e00-\u9fa5][\u4e00-\u9fa5\\w\\-]*";
private static Pattern title_pattern2 = Pattern.compile( title_regex2 ); private String pre_url;
int begin, end;
int num;
Pattern pattern1, pattern2, title_pattern1;
LinkedHashMap<String, String> urls = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>(); public WebsitList( String url, int num, int begin, int end, String regex1,
String regex2, String title_regex1 )
// 当url="http://www.169bb.com/wangyouzipai/",num=2,total=351
this.begin = begin;
this.end = end;
this.num = num;
pre_url = url;// http://www.169bb.com/wangyouzipai/list_2_
pattern1 = Pattern.compile( regex1 );
pattern2 = Pattern.compile( regex2 );
title_pattern1 = Pattern.compile( title_regex1 );
} public void initFirstUrls() throws IOException
URL url = new URL( pre_url + "list_" + num + "_1.html" );
BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(
new InputStreamReader( url.openStream() ) );
String line;
while( (line = in.readLine()) != null )
matchAll( line );
} catch( Exception e )
} public void initUrls() throws IOException
// initFirstUrls();
URL url = null;
for( int i = begin; i <= end; i++ )
if( i != 1 )
url = new URL(
pre_url + "list_" + num + "_" + i + ".html" );
url = new URL( pre_url );
BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(
new InputStreamReader( url.openStream() ) );
String line;
while( (line = in.readLine()) != null )
matchAll( line );
} catch( Exception e )
System.out.println( "已跳过" + url );
} } private void matchAll( String line )
String url_str, title;
Matcher matcher1 = pattern1.matcher( line );
Matcher title_matcher1 = title_pattern1.matcher( line );
String match, title_match;
while( matcher1.find() )
match = matcher1.group();
Matcher matcher2 = pattern2.matcher( match );
if( matcher2.find() )
if( title_matcher1.find() )
title_match = title_matcher1.group();
Matcher title_matcher2 = title_pattern2
.matcher( title_match );
if( title_matcher2.find() )
url_str = matcher2.group();
title = title_matcher2.group();
urls.put( url_str, title );
System.out.println( "加入成功:" + title + url_str );
} public int getTotal()
return end;
} public void setTotal( int total )
this.end = total;
} } class DetailPage
private static String page_regex = "\\u5171(\\d+)+\\u9875";
private static Pattern page_pattern = Pattern
.compile( "\\u5171(\\d+)+\\u9875" ); String title;
private int pages = 1;
LinkedList<String> srcs = new LinkedList<String>();
String pre_main;
String regex1;// 所要下载的文件资源的正則表達式
String regex2;
Pattern pattern1, pattern2; public DetailPage( String main, String title, String[] regex )
throws IOException
this.title = title;
this.pre_main = main;
this.regex1 = regex[0];
this.regex2 = regex[1];
pattern1 = Pattern.compile( regex1 );
pattern2 = Pattern.compile( regex2 );
} private void initPages() throws IOException
URL url = new URL( pre_main + ".html" );
BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(
new InputStreamReader( url.openStream() ) );
String line;
while( (line = in.readLine()) != null )
Matcher matcher = page_pattern.matcher( line );
if( matcher.find() )
pages = Integer.parseInt(
matcher.group().replaceAll( page_regex, "$1" ) );
} catch( Exception e )
pages = 0;
} public void initSrcs() throws IOException
URL url = null;
for( int i = 1; i <= pages; i++ )
String url_str = pre_main;
if( i != 1 )
url_str = url_str + "_" + i;
url = new URL( url_str + ".html" );
BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(
new InputStreamReader( url.openStream() ) );
String line;
while( (line = in.readLine()) != null )
Matcher matcher = pattern1.matcher( line );
if( matcher.find() )
Matcher matcher2 = pattern2.matcher( matcher.group() );
if( matcher2.find() )
String src_str = matcher2.group();
srcs.add( src_str );
// System.out.println( src_str + "加入成功" );
} catch( Exception e )
System.out.println( "已跳过" + url );
} public void downloadAll( File dir ) throws IOException
if( title == null )
File dir2 = new File( dir, title );
if( !dir2.exists() )
int num = 1; System.out.println( dir2 + ":创建成功" ); Iterator<String> it = srcs.iterator();
while( it.hasNext() )
String src = (String)it.next();
File file = new File( dir2, (num++) + ".jpg" );
if( file.exists() )
System.out.println( file + "已存在" );
URL url = new URL( src );
BufferedInputStream biStream = new BufferedInputStream(
url.openStream() );
BufferedOutputStream boStream = new BufferedOutputStream(
new FileOutputStream( file ) ); System.out.println( title + ":" + src + "開始下载..." ); byte[] buf = new byte[1024];
int len;
while( (len = biStream.read( buf )) != -1 )
boStream.write( buf, 0, len );
System.out.println( title + ":" + src + "完成下载" );
} catch( Exception e )
System.out.println( "连接失败,跳过当前文件" );
} }



import java.io.File;

public class ClearEmptyDirs
static int i = 0; public static void main( String[] args )
// 目录清理的開始位置。默觉得d:\pictures
String dir_str = "d:\\pictures";
File dir = new File( dir_str );
clear( dir );
System.out.println( "清理完成。 " );
System.out.println( "共删除了" + i + "个空目录" );
} public static void clear( File dir )
File[] dir2 = dir.listFiles();
for( int i = 0; i < dir2.length; i++ )
if( dir2[i].isDirectory() )
clear( dir2[i] );
if( dir.isDirectory() && dir.delete() )
System.out.println( dir + "删除成功" ); } }


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