This simple program allows the user to load the openMSP430 program memory with an executable file (ELF or Intel-HEX format) provided as argument.
It is typically used in conjunction with 'make' in order to automatically load the program after the compile step (see 'Makefile' from software examples provided with the project's FPGA implementation).
- #!/usr/bin/tclsh
- 2 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 3 # File Name: openmsp430-loader.tcl
- 4 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- global omsp_conf
- global omsp_info
- 9 ###############################################################################
- 11 ###############################################################################
- 13 # Get library path
- set current_file [info script]
- if {[file type $current_file]=="link"} {
- set current_file [file readlink $current_file]
- }
- set lib_path [file dirname $current_file]/../lib/tcl-lib
- 20 # Source library
- source $lib_path/dbg_functions.tcl
- source $lib_path/dbg_utils.tcl
- 25 ###############################################################################
- 27 ###############################################################################
- 28 #proc GetAllowedSpeeds
- proc help {} {
- puts ""
- puts "USAGE : openmsp430-loader.tcl \[-device <communication port>\]"
- puts " \[-adaptor <adaptor type>\]"
- puts " \[-speed <communication speed>\]"
- puts " \[-i2c_addr <cpu address>\] <elf/ihex-file>"
- puts ""
- puts "DEFAULT : <communication port> = /dev/ttyUSB0"
- puts " <adaptor type> = uart_generic"
- puts " <communication speed> = 115200 (for UART) / I2C_S_100KHZ (for I2C)"
- puts " <core address> = 42"
- puts ""
- puts "EXAMPLES: openmsp430-loader.tcl -device /dev/ttyUSB0 -adaptor uart_generic -speed 9600 leds.elf"
- puts " openmsp430-loader.tcl -device COM2: -adaptor i2c_usb-iss -speed I2C_S_100KHZ -i2c_addr 75 ta_uart.ihex"
- puts ""
- }
- 47 # Default values
- set omsp_conf(interface) uart_generic
- set omsp_conf(device) /dev/ttyUSB0
- set omsp_conf(baudrate) [lindex [GetAllowedSpeeds] ]
- set omsp_conf(,cpuaddr)
- set elf_file -
- set bin_file "[clock clicks].bin"
- 55 # Parse arguments
- for {set i } {$i < $argc} {incr i} {
- switch -exact -- [lindex $argv $i] {
- -device {set omsp_conf(device) [lindex $argv [expr $i+]]; incr i}
- -adaptor {set omsp_conf(interface) [lindex $argv [expr $i+]]; incr i}
- -speed {set omsp_conf(baudrate) [lindex $argv [expr $i+]]; incr i}
- -i2c_addr {set omsp_conf(,cpuaddr) [lindex $argv [expr $i+]]; incr i}
- default {set elf_file [lindex $argv $i]}
- }
- }
- 66 # Make sure arugments were specified
- if {[string eq $elf_file -]} {
- puts "\nERROR: ELF/IHEX file isn't specified"
- help
- exit
- }
- 73 # Make sure the elf file exists
- if {![file exists $elf_file]} {
- puts "\nERROR: Specified ELF/IHEX file doesn't exist"
- help
- exit
- }
- 80 # Make sure the selected adptor is valid
- if {![string eq $omsp_conf(interface) "uart_generic"] &
- ![string eq $omsp_conf(interface) "i2c_usb-iss"]} {
- puts "\nERROR: Specified adaptor is not valid (should be \"uart_generic\" or \"i2c_usb-iss\")"
- help
- exit
- }
- 88 # Make sure the I2C address is an integer
- if {![string is integer $omsp_conf(,cpuaddr)]} {
- puts "\nERROR: Specified I2C address is not an integer"
- help
- exit
- }
- 95 # Make sure the I2C address is valid
- if {($omsp_conf(,cpuaddr)<) | ($omsp_conf(,cpuaddr)>)} {
- puts "\nERROR: Specified I2C address should lay between 7 and 120"
- help
- exit
- }
- 102 # If the selected interface is a UART, make sure the selected speed is an integer
- if {[string eq $omsp_conf(interface) "uart_generic"]} {
- if {![string is integer $omsp_conf(baudrate)]} {
- puts "\nERROR: Specified UART communication speed is not an integer"
- help
- exit
- }
- } elseif {[string eq $omsp_conf(interface) "i2c_usb-iss"]} {
- if {[lsearch [lindex [GetAllowedSpeeds] ] $omsp_conf(baudrate)]==-} {
- puts "\nERROR: Specified I2C communication speed is not valid."
- puts " Allowed values are:"
- foreach allowedVal [lindex [GetAllowedSpeeds] ] {
- puts " - $allowedVal"
- }
- puts ""
- exit
- }
- }
- 122 ###############################################################################
- 124 ###############################################################################
- 126 # Detect the file format depending on the fil extention
- set fileType [file extension $elf_file]
- set fileType [string tolower $fileType]
- regsub {\.} $fileType {} fileType
- if {![string eq $fileType "ihex"] & ![string eq $fileType "hex"] & ![string eq $fileType "elf"]} {
- puts "\nERROR: [string toupper $fileType] file format not supported"
- return
- }
- if {[string eq $fileType "hex"]} {
- set fileType "ihex"
- }
- if {[string eq $fileType "elf"]} {
- set fileType "elf32-msp430"
- }
- 141 # Generate binary file
- if {[catch {exec msp430-objcopy -I $fileType -O binary $elf_file $bin_file} errMsg]} {
- puts $errMsg
- exit
- }
- 147 # Wait until bin file is present on the filesystem
- set timeout
- for {set i } {$i <= $timeout} {incr i} {
- after
- if {[file exists $bin_file]} {
- break
- }
- }
- if {$i>=$timeout} {
- puts "\nTimeout: ELF to BIN file conversion problem with \"msp430-objcopy\" executable"
- puts "$errMsg"
- exit
- }
- 161 # Read file
- set fp [open $bin_file r]
- fconfigure $fp -translation binary
- binary scan [read $fp] H* hex_data yop
- close $fp
- 167 # Cleanup
- file delete $bin_file
- 170 # Get program size
- set hex_size [string length $hex_data]
- set byte_size [expr $hex_size/]
- set word_size [expr $byte_size/]
- 175 # Format data
- for {set i } {$i < $hex_size} {set i [expr $i+]} {
- set hex_msb "[string index $hex_data [expr $i+2]][string index $hex_data [expr $i+3]]"
- set hex_lsb "[string index $hex_data [expr $i+0]][string index $hex_data [expr $i+1]]"
- lappend DataArray "0x$hex_msb$hex_lsb"
- }
- 183 ###############################################################################
- 185 ###############################################################################
- 187 # Connect to target and stop CPU
- puts ""
- puts -nonewline "Connecting with the openMSP430 ($omsp_conf(device), $omsp_conf(baudrate)\ bps)... "
- flush stdout
- if {![GetDevice ]} {
- puts "failed"
- puts "Could not open $omsp_conf(device)"
- puts "Available serial ports are:"
- foreach port [utils::uart_port_list] {
- puts " - $port"
- }
- if {[string eq $omsp_conf(interface) "i2c_usb-iss"]} {
- puts "\nMake sure the specified I2C device address is correct: $omsp_conf(0,cpuaddr)\n"
- }
- exit
- }
- ExecutePOR_Halt
- puts "done"
- set sizes [GetCPU_ID_SIZE ]
- if {$omsp_info(,alias)!=""} {
- puts "Connected: target device identified as $omsp_info(0,alias)."
- }
- puts "Connected: target device has [lindex $sizes 0]B Program Memory and [lindex $sizes 1]B Data Memory"
- puts ""
- 213 # Make sure ELF program size is the same as the available program memory
- if {[lindex $sizes ] != [expr $hex_size/]} {
- puts "ERROR: ELF program size ($byte_size B) is different than the available program memory ([lindex $sizes 0] B)"
- exit
- }
- 219 # Load Program Memory
- set StartAddr [format "0x%04x" [expr 0x10000-$byte_size]]
- puts -nonewline "Load Program Memory... "
- flush stdout
- WriteMemQuick $StartAddr $DataArray
- after
- puts "done"
- 227 # Check Data
- puts -nonewline "Verify Program Memory... "
- flush stdout
- if {[VerifyMem $StartAddr $DataArray ]} {
- puts "done"
- } else {
- puts "ERROR"
- exit
- }
- 237 # Release device
- ReleaseDevice 0xfffe
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