• myvector.h

     #pragma once
    #include <initializer_list>
    #include <iostream>
    using namespace std; template<class T>
    class myvector
    myvector(int n);
    myvector(initializer_list<T> my);
    void show() const;
    T *begin();
    T *end();
    int arraysize();
    int memsize();
    void push_back(T data);
    void push_front(T data);
    T operator[](int i) const;
    T &operator[](int i);
    T* find(T &t);
    T* find(T &&t);
    void change(T *pos, T &&t);
    void change(T *pos, T &t);
    void del(T &t);
    void del(T &&t);
    void insert(T &t, T &newt);
    void insert(T &&t, T &&newt); template<class T>
    friend ostream& operator <<(ostream &out, myvector<T> &myv);
    T * p;
    int memn;//内存长度
    int realn;//数组长度
  • myvector.cpp
     #include "myvector.h"
     template<class T>
    { } template<class T>
    myvector<T>::myvector(int n)
    this->memn = this->realn = n;
    this->p = new T[n];
    memset(this->p, , sizeof(T)*n);
    } template<class T>
    myvector<T>::myvector(initializer_list<T> my)
    this->realn = this->memn = my.size();
    this->p = new T[my.size()];
    int id = ;
    for (auto i : my)
    this->p[id] = i;
    } template<class T>
    void myvector<T>::show() const
    for (int i = ; i < realn; i++)
    cout << p[i];
    } template<class T>
    if (p != nullptr)
    delete[] this->p;
    } template<class T>
    T * myvector<T>::begin()
    return this->p;
    } template<class T>
    T * myvector<T>::end()
    return this->p + this->realn;
    } template<class T>
    int myvector<T>::arraysize()
    return this->realn;
    } template<class T>
    int myvector<T>::memsize()
    return this->memn;
    } template<class T>
    void myvector<T>::push_back(T data)
    if (this->p == nullptr || this->memn == )
    p = new T;
    *p = data;
    memn = ;
    realn = ;
    else if(memn == realn)
    T *ptemp = new T[this->memn + ];
    memcpy(ptemp, this->p, this->realn * sizeof(T));
    *(ptemp + realn) = data;
    delete[] this->p;
    this->p = ptemp;
    realn += ;
    memn += ;
    p[realn] = data;
    } template<class T>
    void myvector<T>::push_front(T data)
    if (this->p == nullptr || this->memn == )
    p = new T;
    *p = data;
    memn = ;
    realn = ;
    else if (memn == realn)
    T *ptemp = new T[this->memn + ];
    memcpy(ptemp + , this->p, this->realn * sizeof(T));
    *ptemp = data;
    delete[] this->p;
    this->p = ptemp;
    realn += ;
    memn += ;
    for (int i = ; i < realn; i++)
    p[i + ] = p[i];
    p[] = data;
    realn += ;
    } template<class T>
    T myvector<T>::operator[](int i) const
    if (i > realn)
    throw ;
    return this->p[i];
    } template<class T>
    T & myvector<T>::operator[](int i)
    if (i > realn)
    throw ;
    return this->p[i];
    } template<class T>
    T * myvector<T>::find(T & t)
    for (auto ib = this->begin(); ib != this->end(); ib++)
    if (*it == t)
    return ib;
    } template<class T>
    T * myvector<T>::find(T && t)
    for (auto ib = this->begin(); ib != this->end(); ib++)
    if (*it == t)
    return ib;
    } template<class T>
    void myvector<T>::change(T * pos, T && t)
    if (pos != nullptr)
    *pos = t;
    } template<class T>
    void myvector<T>::change(T * pos, T & t)
    if (pos != nullptr)
    *pos = t;
    } template<class T>
    void myvector<T>::del(T & t)
    int pos = -;
    for (int i = ; i < this->realn; i++)
    if (t == *(this->p + i))
    pos = i;
    if (pos != -)
    if (pos == this->realn)
    this->realn -= ;
    for (int i = pos; i < realn-; i++)
    p[i] = p[i + ];
    realn -= ;
    } template<class T>
    void myvector<T>::del(T && t)
    int pos = -;
    for (int i = ; i < this->realn; i++)
    if (t == *(this->p + i))
    pos = i;
    if (pos != -)
    if (pos == this->realn)
    this->realn -= ;
    for (int i = pos; i < realn - ; i++)
    p[i] = p[i + ];
    realn -= ;
    } template<class T>
    void myvector<T>::insert(T & t, T & newt)
    int pos = -;
    for (int i = ; i < this->realn; i++)
    if (t == *(this->p + i))
    pos = i;
    } if (pos != -)
    if (this->realn == this->memn)
    T *ptemp = new T[this->memn + ];
    memcpy(ptemp, this->p, sizeof(T)*memn); delete[] this->p;
    this->p = ptemp;
    this->realn += ;
    this->memn += ;
    for (int i = realn - ; i >= pos; i--)
    p[i + ] = p[i];
    p[pos] = newt;
    for (int i = realn - ; i >= pos; i--)
    p[i + ] = p[i];
    p[pos] = newt;
    this->realn += ;
    } } template<class T>
    void myvector<T>::insert(T && t, T && newt)
    int pos = -;
    for (int i = ; i < this->realn; i++)
    if (t == *(this->p + i))
    pos = i;
    } if (pos != -)
    if (this->realn == this->memn)
    T *ptemp = new T[this->memn + ];
    memcpy(ptemp, this->p, sizeof(T)*memn); delete[] this->p;
    this->p = ptemp;
    this->realn += ;
    this->memn += ;
    for (int i = realn - ; i >= pos; i--)
    p[i + ] = p[i];
    p[pos] = newt;
    for (int i = realn - ; i >= pos; i--)
    p[i + ] = p[i];
    p[pos] = newt;
    this->realn += ;
    } template<class T>
    ostream & operator<<(ostream & out, myvector<T> & myv)
    for (int i = ; i < myv.realn; i++)
    out << myv.p[i];
    return out;
  • main.cpp
     #include "myvector.h"
    #include "myvector.cpp" void main()
    myvector<double> myv({ 1.1,2.2,3.3 });
    //for (auto i : myv)
    // cout << i << endl;
    myv.insert(2.2, 8.8);
    /*for (auto ib = myv.begin(), ie = myv.end(); ib != ie; ib++)
    cout << *ib << endl;
    //cout << myv[1] << endl;
    cout << myv << endl;


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