以前写过一篇文章介绍过Symantec Backup Exec 2012 Agent For Linux安装安装,今天介绍一下Symantec Backup Exec 2010 Agent For Linux安装,关于赛门铁克的Backup Exec的功能请看下面主要功能和主要优势介绍。有兴趣的可以参考官网介绍:http://www.symantec.com/zh/cn/backup-exec。 现在最新的版本是Symantec Backup Exec 2014.



通过与 Microsoft® Volume Shadow Copy Service (VSS) 和 VMware 的 vStorage APIs for Data Protection (VADP) 深度集成,可快速获得虚拟机快照,从而最大限度减少对虚拟主机上 CPU、内存和 I/O 负载的性能影响。



集成了裸机、物理到虚拟 (P2V) 和虚拟到物理 (V2P) 的恢复功能。








可实现快速可靠备份,速度相比之前版本几乎提高了一倍*,包括进行 VMware 和 Hyper-V 虚拟机备份以及利用 Backup Exec 重复数据删除技术的备份。


可直接从存储高效还原数据,从而简化并加快关键时刻的恢复操作。 无需再浪费宝贵的时间和磁盘空间来增加备份作业,也不需要确定内部情况或搜索特定数据。


在执行可靠的一致性应用程序虚拟机备份时,可最大限度减少对虚拟主机上 CPU、内存和 I/O 负载的性能影响。




首先要将Symantec Backup Exec 2010 Agent For Linux的安装包RALUS_RMALS_RAMS-5204.4.tar.gz准备好,上传到Linux服务器,然后解压安装。


[root@ceglnx01 client]tar -zxvf  RALUS_RMALS_RAMS-5204.4.tar.gz
[root@ceglnx01 client]# ls
installralus      messages                        ramsinst.conf       uninstallrams
installralus.cmd  perl                            rmalinst.conf       uninstallrams.pl
installralus.pl   pkgs                            scripts             uninstallrmal
installrams       RALUS64                         tools               uninstallrmal.pl
installrams.pl    ralusinst.conf                  uninstallralus      VxIF
installrmal       RALUS_RMALS_RAMS-5204.4.tar.gz  uninstallralus.cmd
installrmal.pl    RALUSx86                        uninstallralus.pl


2: 执行./installralus安装命令

2.1 如下所示,首先会检查system配置是否满足安装要求。

[root@ceglnx01 client]# ./installralus




   Symantec Backup Exec Remote Agent for Linux/Unix Servers 13.0.5204             


Enter the system names separated by spaces on which to install RALUS: (ceglnx01)


Checking system communication:


    Checking OS version on ceglnx01 ....................... Linux 2.6.32-200.13.1.el5uek

    Checking system support for ceglnx01 ... Linux 2.6.32-200.13.1.el5uek supported by RALUS


Initial system check completed successfully.


Press [Return] to continue: 


Symantec Backup Exec Remote Agent for Linux/Unix Servers 13.0.5204             


hecking system installation requirements:


hecking RALUS installation requirements on Linux target systems: ceglnx01


hecking RALUS installation requirements on ceglnx01:


   Checking file system space ............................. required space is available


nstallation requirements checks completed successfully.


ress [Return] to continue: 

   Checking for prerequisites .................................................... Done

   Checking for Port 10000 ....................................................... Done

3:配置Symantec Backup Exec Server。包括Backup Exec服务器的地址

Remote Agent Media Server Configuration                           


 display the Remote Agent as a selection in a media server's backup selection tree, and to be able to specify a local network for use between the Remote Agent and a media server, enter the names or IP addresses of the media servers that you want the Remote Agent on 'ceglnx01' to communicate with.


      An IP Address: XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX

      A Host Name: COMPUTERNAME


ter a directory host:192.168.xxx.xxx  

 you want to add another name or address for this agent? [y, n] (n)



                           Remote Agent Media Server Configuration                           


Hostnames and/or IP addresses verification for 'ceglnx01':


        Address: 192.168.xxx.xxx


Is this information correct? [y, n] (y)





To perform backups, you must have a 'beoper' user group. This user group can be created only if you are not using NIS server. Your system 'ceglnx01' will be scanned to detect a NIS server, group and membership.



Press [Return] to continue: 

    Checking if system uses NIS server: ............................................ No


The installer will now check your system for the 'beoper' user group and root membership.



Press [Return] to continue: 

    Checking for 'beoper' user group: ........................................ Not Found

    Checking for 'root' user membership in 'beoper' user group: .............. Not Found


You can create 'beoper' user group manually or you can choose to have it created automatically.


Do you want installer to create 'beoper' user group on 'ceglnx01'? [y, n] (y)


Do you want to use specific group ID when creating 'beoper' user group? [y, n] (n)



    Creating group 'beoper': ...................................................... Done



Do you want to add the 'root' user to 'beoper' user group? [y, n] (y)



    Adding 'root' user to 'beoper' user group: ................................... Done



Press [Return] to continue: 


Symantec Backup Exec Remote Agent for Linux/Unix Servers 13.0.5204             


talling Symantec Backup Exec Remote Agent for Linux/Unix Servers on ceglnx01:


 Installing VRTSralus 13.0.5204 on ceglnx01 ....................... done 1 of 1 steps


antec Backup Exec Remote Agent for Linux/Unix Servers installation completed successfully.


ss [Return] to continue: 

 Copying new initialization scripts ............................................ Done

 Updating RALUS files for beoper ............................................... Done

Symantec Backup Exec Remote Agent for Linux/Unix Servers 13.0.5204             


onfiguring Symantec Backup Exec Remote Agent for Linux/Unix Servers:


   Creating configuration files on ceglnx01 ...................................... Done



ou must establish a trust relationship between the media server and the Linux or UNIX computer. Add the remote computer to the User-defined Selections in the backup selections list on the media server. Expand the selection tree to ensure that the trust relationship is validated.


ymantec Backup Exec Remote Agent for Linux/Unix Servers configured successfully.


ress [Return] to continue: 

Symantec Backup Exec Remote Agent for Linux/Unix Servers 13.0.5204             


onfiguring Symantec Backup Exec Remote Agent for Linux/Unix Servers:


   Creating configuration files on ceglnx01 ...................................... Done



ou must establish a trust relationship between the media server and the Linux or UNIX computer. Add the remote computer to the User-defined Selections in the backup selections list on the media server. Expand the selection tree to ensure that the trust relationship is validated.


ymantec Backup Exec Remote Agent for Linux/Unix Servers configured successfully.


ress [Return] to continue: 

he response file is saved at:




he installralus log is saved at:





[root@ceglnx01 init.d]# /etc/init.d/VRTSralus.init start

Starting Symantec Backup Exec Remote Agent ......

Starting Symantec Backup Exec Remote Agent: [ OK ]

[root@ceglnx01 backupsets]# /etc/init.d/VRTSralus.init stop

Stopping Symantec Backup Exec Remote Agent ...

Stopping Symantec Backup Exec Remote Agent: [ OK ]



客户端安装成功后,此时虽然可以在“Linux/Unix服务器”以及“用户定义选择项”里面找到刚才的安装Symantec Bakup Exec Client的Linux服务器,但是此时连接这台Linux服务器,需要添加”登录凭据“,然后才能浏览、备份Linux服务器上数据文件。如下所示。

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