




  1. 在master分支上运行app
  2. 将app/tinkerPatch/patch_signed_7zip.apk文件复制到手机SD卡根目录下
  3. 运行app,点击加载补丁包


  1. 在master分支上运行代码
  2. 运行成功后,将app/build/bakApk 目录的最新apk文件和R.txt文件复制到目录tinkerPatch目录下
  3. 在TinkerPatch目录下将文件分别重命名为:app-debug-base.apk,app-debug-base-R.txt
  4. 切换到分支branch-patch,运行tinkerPatchDebug tak,获取app/build/outputs/tinkerPatch/patch_signed_7zip.apk文件
  5. 将步骤4获取的文件,复制到手机SD卡根目录下
  6. 运行app,点击加载补丁包
  7. 重启app,加载完成


  • 在工程下的build.gradle文件中的dependencies中添加

  • 在app/build.gradle中配置dependencies
compile "com.android.support:multidex:1.0.1"
  • 在app/build.gradle中配置keystore(根据实际情况配置)
 signingConfigs {
release {
storeFile file("./keystore/tinker.jks")
storePassword "111111"
keyAlias "tinkerDemo"
keyPassword "111111"
debug {
storeFile file("./keystore/tinker.jks")
storePassword "111111"
keyAlias "tinkerDemo"
keyPassword "111111"
} buildTypes {
release {
minifyEnabled true
signingConfig signingConfigs.release
proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android.txt'), 'proguard-rules.pro'
debug {
debuggable true
minifyEnabled false
signingConfig signingConfigs.debug
  • 在app/build.gradle中定义patch需要用到的变量信息
apply plugin: 'com.tencent.tinker.patch'
def bakPath = file("tinkerPatch/")
def patchBuildPath=file("${buildDir}/bakApk") ext {
//for some reason, you may want to ignore tinkerBuild, such as instant run debug build?
tinkerEnabled = true //for normal build
//old apk file to build patch apk
tinkerOldApkPath = "${bakPath}/app-debug-base.apk"
//proguard mapping file to build patch apk
tinkerApplyMappingPath = "${bakPath}/app-debug-1018-17-32-47-mapping.txt"
//resource R.txt to build patch apk, must input if there is resource changed
tinkerApplyResourcePath = "${bakPath}/app-debug-base-R.txt" //only use for build all flavor, if not, just ignore this field
// tinkerBuildFlavorDirectory = "${bakPath}/app-1018-17-32-47"
  • 在app/build.gradle中复制一下代码到文件末尾,代码来源是tinker的官方demo配置
def getOldApkPath() {
return hasProperty("OLD_APK") ? OLD_APK : ext.tinkerOldApkPath
} def getApplyMappingPath() {
return hasProperty("APPLY_MAPPING") ? APPLY_MAPPING : ext.tinkerApplyMappingPath
} def getApplyResourceMappingPath() {
return hasProperty("APPLY_RESOURCE") ? APPLY_RESOURCE : ext.tinkerApplyResourcePath
} def getTinkerIdValue() {
return "AWebProject1"
} def buildWithTinker() {
return hasProperty("TINKER_ENABLE") ? TINKER_ENABLE : ext.tinkerEnabled
} def getTinkerBuildFlavorDirectory() {
return ext.tinkerBuildFlavorDirectory
} if (ext.tinkerEnabled) {
tinkerPatch {
* necessary,default 'null'
* the old apk path, use to diff with the new apk to build
* add apk from the build/bakApk
oldApk = getOldApkPath()
* optional,default 'false'
* there are some cases we may get some warnings
* if ignoreWarning is true, we would just assert the patch process
* case 1: minSdkVersion is below 14, but you are using dexMode with raw.
* it must be crash when load.
* case 2: newly added Android Component in AndroidManifest.xml,
* it must be crash when load.
* case 3: loader classes in dex.loader{} are not keep in the main dex,
* it must be let tinker not work.
* case 4: loader classes in dex.loader{} changes,
* loader classes is ues to load patch dex. it is useless to change them.
* it won't crash, but these changes can't effect. you may ignore it
* case 5: resources.arsc has changed, but we don't use applyResourceMapping to build
ignoreWarning = false /**
* optional,default 'true'
* whether sign the patch file
* if not, you must do yourself. otherwise it can't check success during the patch loading
* we will use the sign config with your build type
useSign = true /**
* optional,default 'true'
* whether use tinker to build
tinkerEnable = buildWithTinker() /**
* Warning, applyMapping will affect the normal android build!
buildConfig {
* optional,default 'null'
* if we use tinkerPatch to build the patch apk, you'd better to apply the old
* apk mapping file if minifyEnabled is enable!
* Warning:
* you must be careful that it will affect the normal assemble build!
applyMapping = getApplyMappingPath()
* optional,default 'null'
* It is nice to keep the resource id from R.txt file to reduce java changes
applyResourceMapping = getApplyResourceMappingPath() /**
* necessary,default 'null'
* because we don't want to check the base apk with md5 in the runtime(it is slow)
* tinkerId is use to identify the unique base apk when the patch is tried to apply.
* we can use git rev, svn rev or simply versionCode.
* we will gen the tinkerId in your manifest automatic
tinkerId = getTinkerIdValue() /**
* if keepDexApply is true, class in which dex refer to the old apk.
* open this can reduce the dex diff file size.
keepDexApply = false
} dex {
* optional,default 'jar'
* only can be 'raw' or 'jar'. for raw, we would keep its original format
* for jar, we would repack dexes with zip format.
* if you want to support below 14, you must use jar
* or you want to save rom or check quicker, you can use raw mode also
dexMode = "jar" /**
* necessary,default '[]'
* what dexes in apk are expected to deal with tinkerPatch
* it support * or ? pattern.
pattern = ["classes*.dex",
* necessary,default '[]'
* Warning, it is very very important, loader classes can't change with patch.
* thus, they will be removed from patch dexes.
* you must put the following class into main dex.
* Simply, you should add your own application {@code tinker.sample.android.SampleApplication}
* own tinkerLoader, and the classes you use in them
loader = [
//use sample, let BaseBuildInfo unchangeable with tinker
// "tinker.sample.android.app.BaseBuildInfo"
} lib {
* optional,default '[]'
* what library in apk are expected to deal with tinkerPatch
* it support * or ? pattern.
* for library in assets, we would just recover them in the patch directory
* you can get them in TinkerLoadResult with Tinker
pattern = ["lib/*/*.so", "src/main/jniLibs/*/*.so"]
} res {
* optional,default '[]'
* what resource in apk are expected to deal with tinkerPatch
* it support * or ? pattern.
* you must include all your resources in apk here,
* otherwise, they won't repack in the new apk resources.
pattern = ["res/*", "assets/*", "resources.arsc", "AndroidManifest.xml"] /**
* optional,default '[]'
* the resource file exclude patterns, ignore add, delete or modify resource change
* it support * or ? pattern.
* Warning, we can only use for files no relative with resources.arsc
ignoreChange = ["assets/sample_meta.txt"] /**
* default 100kb
* for modify resource, if it is larger than 'largeModSize'
* we would like to use bsdiff algorithm to reduce patch file size
largeModSize = 100
} packageConfig {
* package meta file gen. path is assets/package_meta.txt in patch file
* you can use securityCheck.getPackageProperties() in your ownPackageCheck method
* or TinkerLoadResult.getPackageConfigByName
* we will get the TINKER_ID from the old apk manifest for you automatic,
* other config files (such as patchMessage below)is not necessary
configField("patchMessage", "tinker is sample to use")
* just a sample case, you can use such as sdkVersion, brand, channel...
* you can parse it in the SamplePatchListener.
* Then you can use patch conditional!
configField("platform", "all")
* patch version via packageConfig
configField("patchVersion", "1.0")
//or you can add config filed outside, or get meta value from old apk
//project.tinkerPatch.packageConfig.configField("test1", project.tinkerPatch.packageConfig.getMetaDataFromOldApk("Test"))
//project.tinkerPatch.packageConfig.configField("test2", "sample") /**
* if you don't use zipArtifact or path, we just use 7za to try
sevenZip {
* optional,default '7za'
* the 7zip artifact path, it will use the right 7za with your platform
zipArtifact = "com.tencent.mm:SevenZip:1.1.10"
* optional,default '7za'
* you can specify the 7za path yourself, it will overwrite the zipArtifact value
// path = "/usr/local/bin/7za"
List<String> flavors = new ArrayList<>();
project.android.productFlavors.each { flavor ->
boolean hasFlavors = flavors.size() > 0
* bak apk and mapping
android.applicationVariants.all { variant ->
* task type, you want to bak
def taskName = variant.name
def date = new Date().format("MMdd-HH-mm-ss") tasks.all {
if ("assemble${taskName.capitalize()}".equalsIgnoreCase(it.name)) { it.doLast {
copy {
def fileNamePrefix = "${project.name}-${variant.baseName}"
def newFileNamePrefix = hasFlavors ? "${fileNamePrefix}" : "${fileNamePrefix}-${date}" def destPath = hasFlavors ? file("${patchBuildPath}/${project.name}-${date}/${variant.flavorName}") : patchBuildPath
from variant.outputs.outputFile
into destPath
rename { String fileName ->
fileName.replace("${fileNamePrefix}.apk", "${newFileNamePrefix}.apk")
} from "${buildDir}/outputs/mapping/${variant.dirName}/mapping.txt"
into destPath
rename { String fileName ->
fileName.replace("mapping.txt", "${newFileNamePrefix}-mapping.txt")
} from "${buildDir}/intermediates/symbols/${variant.dirName}/R.txt"
into destPath
rename { String fileName ->
fileName.replace("R.txt", "${newFileNamePrefix}-R.txt")
project.afterEvaluate {
//sample use for build all flavor for one time
if (hasFlavors) {
task(tinkerPatchAllFlavorRelease) {
group = 'tinker'
def originOldPath = getTinkerBuildFlavorDirectory()
for (String flavor : flavors) {
def tinkerTask = tasks.getByName("tinkerPatch${flavor.capitalize()}Release")
dependsOn tinkerTask
def preAssembleTask = tasks.getByName("process${flavor.capitalize()}ReleaseManifest")
preAssembleTask.doFirst {
String flavorName = preAssembleTask.name.substring(7, 8).toLowerCase() + preAssembleTask.name.substring(8, preAssembleTask.name.length() - 15)
project.tinkerPatch.oldApk = "${originOldPath}/${flavorName}/${project.name}-${flavorName}-release.apk"
project.tinkerPatch.buildConfig.applyMapping = "${originOldPath}/${flavorName}/${project.name}-${flavorName}-release-mapping.txt"
project.tinkerPatch.buildConfig.applyResourceMapping = "${originOldPath}/${flavorName}/${project.name}-${flavorName}-release-R.txt" } }
} task(tinkerPatchAllFlavorDebug) {
group = 'tinker'
def originOldPath = getTinkerBuildFlavorDirectory()
for (String flavor : flavors) {
def tinkerTask = tasks.getByName("tinkerPatch${flavor.capitalize()}Debug")
dependsOn tinkerTask
def preAssembleTask = tasks.getByName("process${flavor.capitalize()}DebugManifest")
preAssembleTask.doFirst {
String flavorName = preAssembleTask.name.substring(7, 8).toLowerCase() + preAssembleTask.name.substring(8, preAssembleTask.name.length() - 13)
project.tinkerPatch.oldApk = "${originOldPath}/${flavorName}/${project.name}-${flavorName}-debug.apk"
project.tinkerPatch.buildConfig.applyMapping = "${originOldPath}/${flavorName}/${project.name}-${flavorName}-debug-mapping.txt"
project.tinkerPatch.buildConfig.applyResourceMapping = "${originOldPath}/${flavorName}/${project.name}-${flavorName}-debug-R.txt"
} }
  • 通过以上步骤,tinker环境搭建完成,下面进行代码配置
  • 自定义application继承DefaultApplicationLike,并在类上添加必要的注解

    application 字段表示生成的Application类名,在AndroidManifest.xml上使用
@DefaultLifeCycle(application = "com.cml.atinkersample.AppApplication",
flags = ShareConstants.TINKER_ENABLE_ALL,
loadVerifyFlag = false)
public class TinkerAppApplication extends DefaultApplicationLike { public TinkerAppApplication(Application application, int tinkerFlags, boolean tinkerLoadVerifyFlag, long applicationStartElapsedTime, long applicationStartMillisTime, Intent tinkerResultIntent) {
super(application, tinkerFlags, tinkerLoadVerifyFlag, applicationStartElapsedTime, applicationStartMillisTime, tinkerResultIntent);
public void onBaseContextAttached(Context base) {
//you must install multiDex whatever tinker is installed!
public void registerActivityLifecycleCallbacks(Application.ActivityLifecycleCallbacks callback) {
} @Override
public void onCreate() {
  • 配置AndrodManifest.xml
.AppApplication 即上一步注解中的application配置的
  • 将补丁包下载后,调用 TinkerInstaller.onReceiveUpgradePatch(this, patchFile.getAbsolutePath());加载即可



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