1123. Lowest Common Ancestor of Deepest Leaves
Given a rooted binary tree, return the lowest common ancestor of its deepest leaves.
Recall that:
- The node of a binary tree is a leaf if and only if it has no children
- The depth of the root of the tree is 0, and if the depth of a node is
, the depth of each of its children isd+1
. - The lowest common ancestor of a set
of nodes is the nodeA
with the largest depth such that every node in S is in the subtree with rootA
class Solution:
def lcaDeepestLeaves(self, root: TreeNode) -> TreeNode: def helper(node):
if not node:
return [node, 0]
if not node.left and not node.right:
return [node, 0] if not node.right:
left_node, left_dep = helper(node.left)
return [left_node, left_dep + 1] if not node.left:
right_node, right_dep = helper(node.right)
return [right_node, right_dep + 1] left_node, left_dep = helper(node.left)
right_node, right_dep = helper(node.right)
if left_dep > right_dep:
return [left_node, left_dep + 1]
elif left_dep < right_dep:
return [right_node, right_dep + 1]
return [node, left_dep + 1] return helper(root)[0]
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