实例化过程 会执行__init__ 的函数方法
class SQLHelper:

    def __init__(self):  # self = s1
print("helo") def fetch(self, sql):
pass def create(self, sql):
pass def remove(self, nid):
pass def modify(self, name):
pass # 实例化过程 会执行__init__ 的函数方法
s1 = SQLHelper() '''


class SQLHelper:

    def __init__(self):  # self = s1
self.hhost = "c1.salt.com"
self.uuserane = "alex"
self.pwd = "" def fetch(self, sql):
pass def create(self, sql):
pass def remove(self, nid):
pass def modify(self, name):
pass # 实例化过程 会执行__init__ 的函数方法
s1 = SQLHelper()
print(s1.hhost, s1.uuserane, s1.pwd) '''
c1.salt.com alex 123


class SQLHelper:

    def __init__(self, host, username, pwd):  # self = s1
self.hhost = host
self.uuserane = username
self.pwd = pwd def fetch(self, sql):
print(sql) def create(self, sql):
pass def remove(self, nid):
pass def modify(self, name):
pass # 实例化过程 会执行__init__ 的函数方法
s1 = SQLHelper("c1.salt.com", "alex", "")
s2 = SQLHelper("c2.salt.com", "mike", "") s1.fetch("select * from A") '''
select * from A

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