In Gradle we can assign a task to a group. Gradle uses the group for example in the output of $ gradle -t to output all the tasks of the same group together. We only have to set the group property with a value and our task belongs to a group.

In the following sample we add the tasks hello and bye to the group Greeting:

00.def GREETING_GROUP = 'Greeting'
02.task hello << {
03.println 'Hello Gradle!'
06.hello.description = 'Say hello.'
08.task bye {
09.description= 'Say goodbye.' = GREETING_GROUP
12.bye << {
13.println 'Goodbye.'

If we run $ gradle -t we get the following output:

Root Project
Greeting tasks
bye - Say goodbye.
hello - Say hello.
Help tasks
dependencies - Displays a list of the dependencies of root project 'taskgroup'.
help - Displays a help message
projects - Displays a list of the sub-projects of root project 'taskgroup'.
properties - Displays a list of the properties of root project 'taskgroup'.
tasks - Displays a list of the tasks in root project 'taskgroup'.
To see all tasks and more detail, run with --all.

Gradle Goodness: Group Similar Tasks的更多相关文章

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  3. Gradle Goodness: Adding Tasks to a Predefined Group

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  4. Gradle Goodness: Continue Build Even with Failed Tasks

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  5. Gradle Goodness: Init Script for Adding Extra Plugins to Existing Projects

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