理论:从A到B,他们之间的路径要么是A->B,要么经过中间节点 A->..->B其最短路径也就是两条路径中最短的一条。
- bool Dijkstra(const V&src,const V&dst,int &ret)
- {
- //如果只有顶点,那么返回true,ret =0;
- if (_size <= )
- {
- ret = ;
- return true;
- }
- int cur = FindIndexV(src);
- int end = FindIndexV(dst);
- int beg = cur;
- size_t wights[] = {};
- int paths[] = {};
- for (size_t i = ; i < _size; ++i)
- {
- wights[i] = -;
- paths[i] = src;
- }
- wights[cur] = ;
- paths[cur] = ;
- Edge* pcur = _eList[cur];
- //首次更新
- while (pcur)
- {
- wights[pcur->_dst] = pcur->_wight;
- pcur = pcur->_next;
- }
- pcur = _eList[cur];
- int visitedCount = ;
- while (cur!=end)//未走到目的
- {
- if (cur == beg)
- visitedCount++;
- //如果起点没有路径且目标不可达//或者回到起点了
- if (pcur == NULL&&wights[dst] == -||cur == beg&&visitedCount==)
- {
- return false;
- }
- //获取最短边
- Edge* minCur = _eList[cur];
- Edge* pcur = _eList[cur];
- while (pcur)
- {
- if (minCur->_wight > pcur->_wight)
- minCur = pcur;
- pcur = pcur->_next;
- }
- cur = minCur->_src;
- //根据局部最短更新路径
- if (wights[cur] + minCur->_wight < wights[minCur->_dst])
- {
- wights[minCur->_dst] = wights[cur] + minCur->_wight;
- paths[minCur->_dst] = minCur->_src;
- }
- cur = minCur->_dst;
- if (minCur->_dst == FindIndexV(dst))
- {
- ret = wights[minCur->_dst];
- return true;
- }
- }
- }
- #pragma once
- //邻接表实现图
- #include<queue>
- #include<stack>
- #include"UnionFindset.h"
- #include<map>
- template<class V, class E>
- struct Edge
- {
- Edge(size_t dst,size_t src, const E&e)
- :_wight(e)
- ,_dst(dst)
- ,_src(src)
- , _next(NULL)
- {}
- E _wight; //权值,边比重
- size_t _dst; //目的顶点下标
- size_t _src; //源顶点下标
- struct Edge<V, E>* _next;
- bool operator<(const Edge* &ed)
- {
- return _wight < ed->_wight;
- }
- };
- template<class V,class E>
- class GraphList
- {
- typedef Edge<V, E> Edge;
- protected:
- V* _vArr; //顶点存储数组
- size_t _size;
- Edge** _eList; //边存储指针数组
- public:
- GraphList(const V* vArray, const size_t size)
- :_size(size)
- , _vArr(new V[size])
- {
- //初始化顶点保存
- for (size_t i = ; i < size; ++i)
- {
- _vArr[i] = vArray[i];
- }
- //初始化边结构
- _eList = new Edge*[size];
- memset(_eList, , sizeof(Edge*)*size);
- }
- int FindIndexV(const V& v) const
- {
- for (size_t i = ; i < _size; ++i)
- {
- if (_vArr[i] == v)
- return i;
- }
- return -;
- }
- //添加v1->v2的边
- void AddEdge2(const V& v1, const V&v2, const E& e, bool IsDir = true)
- {
- int ind1 = FindIndexV(v1);
- int ind2 = FindIndexV(v2);
- Edge* cur = new Edge(ind2, ind1, e);
- cur->_next = _eList[ind1];
- _eList[ind1] = cur;
- if (!IsDir)
- {
- Edge* cur = new Edge(ind1, ind2, e);
- cur->_next = _eList[ind2];
- _eList[ind2] = cur;
- }
- }
- void Display()const
- {
- cout << "顶点集合" << endl;
- for (size_t i = ; i < _size; ++i)
- {
- cout << _vArr[i] << " ";
- }
- cout << endl << "边表示" << endl;
- for (size_t i = ; i < _size; ++i)
- {
- cout << "边["<<i << "]>>";
- Edge* cur = _eList[i];
- while (cur)
- {
- //cout << "[" << cur->_dst << "]" << cur->_wight << " ";
- //printf("[%d]:", cur->_dst, cur->_wight);
- cout << "[" << cur->_dst << "]" << cur->_wight << "--> ";
- cur = cur->_next;
- }
- cout <<"NULL"<< endl;
- }
- cout << endl;
- }
- //广度优先
- void BSP(const V& root)
- {
- cout << "广度优先遍历:" << endl;
- bool *visited = new bool[_size]();
- queue<int> q;
- int index = FindIndexV(root);
- q.push(index);
- while (!q.empty())
- {
- index = q.front();
- if (visited[index] == false)
- {
- cout << _vArr[index]<<"-->";
- }
- visited[index] = true;
- q.pop();
- Edge* cur = _eList[index];
- while (cur)
- {
- if (visited[cur->_dst] == false)//未访问过那么压入
- {
- q.push(cur->_dst);
- }
- cur = cur->_next;
- }
- }
- cout << endl << endl;
- }
- //深度优先
- void DSP(const V& root)
- {
- //
- cout << "深度优先遍历:" << endl;
- _DSP(root);
- cout << endl << endl;
- }
- void _DSP(const V& root)
- {
- static bool *visited = new bool[_size]();
- int index = FindIndexV(root);
- if (visited[index] == false)
- {
- cout << _vArr[index] << "-->";
- visited[index] = true;
- }
- Edge* cur = _eList[index];
- while (cur)
- {
- if (visited[cur->_dst] == false)
- _DSP(_vArr[cur->_dst]);
- cur = cur->_next;
- }
- if (cur == NULL)
- return;
- }
- //在所有边中获取最小权值的边
- int FindMinEdgeIndex(vector<Edge*>&v)
- {
- int min = ;
- for (size_t i = ; i < v.size(); ++i)
- {
- if (v[i]->_wight < v[min]->_wight)
- min = i;
- }
- return min;
- }
- bool Kruskal(GraphList<V,E>& minTree)
- {
- vector<Edge*> ve;
- for (size_t i = ; i < _size; ++i)
- {
- Edge* cur = _eList[i];
- while (cur)
- {
- //只插入有效边
- ve.push_back(cur);
- cur = cur->_next;
- }
- }
- UnionFindSet us(_size);
- while (!ve.empty())
- {
- //找到最小权值边
- int i = FindMinEdgeIndex(ve);
- //并查集插入相关结点
- bool sure = us.Combine(ve[i]->_src, ve[i]->_dst);
- if (sure) //如果不是连通的,那么加入该边
- {
- minTree.AddEdge2(_vArr[ve[i]->_src], _vArr[ve[i]->_dst], ve[i]->_wight);
- }
- ve.erase(ve.begin()+i);
- }
- return us.IsOnlyOneRoot();
- }
- //在相关边中获取最小权值的边
- int FindMinEdgeIndexByInGraph(vector<Edge*>&v,vector<int>& nodes)
- {
- if (nodes.size() == )
- return FindMinEdgeIndex(v);
- int min = -;
- for (size_t i = ; i < v.size(); ++i) //遍历所有结点
- {
- //如果
- if (v[i]->_wight < v[min]->_wight)
- {
- bool inNodes = false;
- for (size_t j = ; j < nodes.size(); ++i)
- {
- if (v[i]->_dst == nodes[j] || v[i]->_src == nodes[j])
- {
- inNodes = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- if(inNodes)
- min = i;
- }
- }
- return min;
- }
- bool Prim(GraphList<V, E>& minTree)
- {
- vector<Edge*> ve;
- vector<int> inGraph;
- for (size_t i = ; i < _size; ++i)
- {
- Edge* cur = _eList[i];
- while (cur)
- {
- //只插入有效边
- ve.push_back(cur);
- cur = cur->_next;
- }
- }
- UnionFindSet us(_size);
- while (!ve.empty())
- {
- //找到最小权值边
- int i = FindMinEdgeIndexByInGraph(ve,inGraph);
- if (us.IsOnlyOneRoot())
- return true;
- else if (i == - && !us.IsOnlyOneRoot())
- return false;
- //并查集插入相关结点
- bool sure = us.Combine(ve[i]->_src, ve[i]->_dst);
- if (sure) //如果不是连通的,那么加入该边
- {
- minTree.AddEdge2(_vArr[ve[i]->_src], _vArr[ve[i]->_dst], ve[i]->_wight);
- }
- ve.erase(ve.begin() + i);
- }
- return us.IsOnlyOneRoot();
- }
- //size_t wights[6] = {};
- //int paths[6] = {};
- bool Dijkstra(const V&src,const V&dst,int &ret)
- {
- //如果只有顶点,那么返回true,ret =0;
- if (_size <= )
- {
- ret = ;
- return true;
- }
- int cur = FindIndexV(src);
- int end = FindIndexV(dst);
- int beg = cur;
- size_t wights[] = {};
- int paths[] = {};
- for (size_t i = ; i < _size; ++i)
- {
- wights[i] = -;
- paths[i] = src;
- }
- wights[cur] = ;
- paths[cur] = ;
- Edge* pcur = _eList[cur];
- //首次更新
- while (pcur)
- {
- wights[pcur->_dst] = pcur->_wight;
- pcur = pcur->_next;
- }
- pcur = _eList[cur];
- int visitedCount = ;
- while (cur!=end)//未走到目的
- {
- if (cur == beg)
- visitedCount++;
- //如果起点没有路径且目标不可达//或者回到起点了
- if (pcur == NULL&&wights[dst] == -||cur == beg&&visitedCount==)
- {
- return false;
- }
- //获取最短边
- Edge* minCur = _eList[cur];
- Edge* pcur = _eList[cur];
- while (pcur)
- {
- if (minCur->_wight > pcur->_wight)
- minCur = pcur;
- pcur = pcur->_next;
- }
- cur = minCur->_src;
- //根据局部最短更新路径
- if (wights[cur] + minCur->_wight < wights[minCur->_dst])
- {
- wights[minCur->_dst] = wights[cur] + minCur->_wight;
- paths[minCur->_dst] = minCur->_src;
- }
- cur = minCur->_dst;
- if (minCur->_dst == FindIndexV(dst))
- {
- ret = wights[minCur->_dst];
- return true;
- }
- }
- }
- ~GraphList()
- {
- if (_vArr)
- {
- delete[]_vArr;
- _vArr = NULL;
- }
- if (_eList)
- {
- for (size_t i = ; i < _size;++i)
- {
- while (_eList[i] != NULL)
- {
- Edge* del = _eList[i];
- _eList[i] = del->_next;
- delete del;
- del = NULL;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- };
- void testD()
- {
- //int vArr1[] = { 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 };
- //GraphList<int, int> gh1(vArr1, sizeof(vArr1) / sizeof(vArr1[0]));
- //gh1.AddEdge2(1, 2, 11);
- //gh1.AddEdge2(1, 3, 33);
- //gh1.AddEdge2(1, 5, 33);
- //gh1.AddEdge2(2, 3, 33);
- //gh1.AddEdge2(2, 6, 99);
- //gh1.AddEdge2(5, 3, 33);
- //gh1.AddEdge2(3, 4, 44);
- //gh1.AddEdge2(4, 5, 55);
- //gh1.AddEdge2(4, 7, 32);
- //gh1.AddEdge2(7, 8, 65);
- //gh1.AddEdge2(1, 9, 12);
- //gh1.AddEdge2(9, 7, 22);
- int vArr1[] = { ,,,,,};
- GraphList<int, int> gh1(vArr1, sizeof(vArr1) / sizeof(vArr1[]));
- gh1.AddEdge2(, , );
- gh1.AddEdge2(, , );
- gh1.AddEdge2(, , );
- gh1.AddEdge2(, , );
- gh1.AddEdge2(, , );
- gh1.AddEdge2(, , );
- gh1.AddEdge2(, , );
- gh1.AddEdge2(, , );
- gh1.Display();
- gh1.BSP();
- gh1.DSP();
- GraphList<int, int> gMin(vArr1, sizeof(vArr1) / sizeof(vArr1[]));
- GraphList<int, int> gMin1(vArr1, sizeof(vArr1) / sizeof(vArr1[]));
- if (gh1.Kruskal(gMin))
- {
- cout << "kruskal最小生成树:" << endl;
- gMin.Display();
- }
- if (gh1.Prim(gMin1))
- {
- cout << "prim最小生成树:" << endl;
- gMin1.Display();
- }
- int ret = ;
- if (gh1.Dijkstra(, , ret))
- {
- cout <<"gh1.Dijkstra(0, 1, ret)"<< ret << endl;
- }
- if (gh1.Dijkstra(, , ret))
- {
- cout << "gh1.Dijkstra(0, 2, ret)" << ret << endl;
- }
- if (gh1.Dijkstra(, , ret))
- {
- cout << "gh1.Dijkstra(0, 3, ret)" << ret << endl;
- }
- if (gh1.Dijkstra(, , ret))
- {
- cout << "gh1.Dijkstra(0, 4, ret)" << ret << endl;
- }
- if (gh1.Dijkstra(, , ret))
- {
- cout << "gh1.Dijkstra(0, 5, ret)" << ret << endl;
- }
- //char vArr2[] = { 'A','B','C','D','E','F' };
- //GraphList<char, int> gh(vArr2, sizeof(vArr2) / sizeof(vArr2[0]));
- //gh.AddEdge2('A', 'B', 11);
- //gh.AddEdge2('B', 'C', 33);
- //gh.AddEdge2('C', 'D', 44);
- //gh.AddEdge2('D', 'E', 55);
- //gh.AddEdge2('E','F', 66);
- //gh.Display();
- // gh.BSP('A');
- }
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