
1存储lun 划分完毕并且挂载到其中一台机器上

2 需要加入群集的节点机器加入域完毕,并设置好心跳线 .加域部分可以参考 之前 Sqler Cmd 加域部分.

1检查Feature 更新


再需要按装cluster的 节点机器上面运行 SqlerCmdWinClusterInstallFeature

cat C:\CheckInstallClusterLog.Log


PS C:\Users\xwj> cat C:\CheckInstallClusterLog.Log

Application-Server,AS-Outgoing-Trans,AS-Incoming-Trans,Failover-clustering Is Exists 


PS C:\Users\xwj> cat C:\CheckInstallClusterLog.Log
3428: 2013-04-09 14:14:25.685 [ServerManagerPS]           Complete initializing log file.
3428: 2013-04-09 14:14:25.866 [CBS] IsCacheStillGood: True.
3428: 2013-04-09 14:14:26.540 [ServerManagerPS] 开始安装...
3428: 2013-04-09 14:14:26.541 [ServerManagerPS] 已为安装指定: [应用程序服务器] .NET Framework 3.5.1
3428: 2013-04-09 14:14:26.633 [Sync]
Sync Graph of changed nodes
name : 应用程序服务器
state : Changed
rank : 1
sync tech: Unknown
guest[1] : .NET Framework 3.5.1
guest[2] : .NET 4.0 的应用程序服务器扩展
guest[3] : Web 服务器(IIS)支持
guest[4] : COM+ 网络访问
guest[5] : TCP 端口共享
guest[6] : Windows 进程激活服务支持
guest[7] : 分布式事务
ant. : empty
pred. : empty
provider : ApplicationServerRoleProvider
name : .NET Framework 3.5.1
state : Changed
rank : 10
sync tech: Unknown
ant. : .NET Framework 3.5.1, 进程模型, .NET 环境, 配置 API
pred. : 应用程序服务器, .NET Framework 3.5.1, 进程模型, .NET 环境, 配置 API
provider : ApplicationServerRoleProvider 3428: 2013-04-09 14:14:26.634 [Sync] Calling sync provider of .NET Framework 3.5.1 ...
3428: 2013-04-09 14:14:26.635 [ApplicationServer] Sync:: guest: '.NET Framework 3.5.1', guest deleted?: False
3428: 2013-04-09 14:14:26.635 [ApplicationServer] Begin installation of '.NET Framework 3.5.1'...
3428: 2013-04-09 14:14:26.638 [ApplicationServer] Installing: '.NET Framework 3.5.1'
3428: 2013-04-09 14:14:26.649 [ApplicationServer] Writing app server view: C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Event Viewer\Views\ServerRoles\ApplicationServer.Events.xml
3428: 2013-04-09 14:14:26.651 [ApplicationServer] Skipped configuration of '.NET Framework 3.5.1' because running in command line mode.
3428: 2013-04-09 14:14:26.651 [ApplicationServer]
[STAT] For '.NET Framework 3.5.1':
[STAT] Installation took '0.0152068' second(s) total.
[STAT] Configuration took '0' second(s) total.
[STAT] Total time: '0.0152068' second(s).
3428: 2013-04-09 14:14:26.652 [Provider] Sync Result - Success: True, RebootRequired: False, Id: 230
3428: 2013-04-09 14:14:26.656 [Provider] Sync Message - OperationKind: Install, MessageType: Information, MessageCode: 0, Message: <null>, AdditionalMessage: <null>
3428: 2013-04-09 14:14:26.670 [ServerManagerPS] [STAT] Overall Sync Time: '0.0421967' second(s)
3428: 2013-04-09 14:14:26.732 [ServerManagerPS] [安装] 成功: [应用程序服务器] .NET Framework 3.5.1。 3428: 2013-04-09 14:14:27.641 [ServerManagerPS] Complete initializing log file.
3428: 2013-04-09 14:14:27.812 [CBS] IsCacheStillGood: True.
3428: 2013-04-09 14:14:27.890 [ServerManagerPS] 开始安装...
3428: 2013-04-09 14:14:27.891 [ServerManagerPS] 已为安装指定: [故障转移群集] 故障转移群集
3428: 2013-04-09 14:14:28.046 [Sync]
Sync Graph of changed nodes
name : 故障转移群集
state : Changed
rank : 1
sync tech: CBS
ant. : empty
pred. : empty
provider : Provider 3428: 2013-04-09 14:14:28.046 [Sync] Calling sync provider of 故障转移群集 ...
3428: 2013-04-09 14:14:28.047 [Provider] Sync:: guest: '故障转移群集', guest deleted?: False
3428: 2013-04-09 14:14:28.047 [Provider] Begin installation of '故障转移群集'...
3428: 2013-04-09 14:14:28.047 [Provider] Install: Guest: '故障转移群集', updateElement: 'FailoverCluster-FullServer'
3428: 2013-04-09 14:14:28.048 [Provider] Installation queued for '故障转移群集'.
3428: 2013-04-09 14:14:28.049 [CBS] installing 'FailoverCluster-FullServer ' ...
3428: 2013-04-09 14:14:30.351 [CBS] ...parents that will be auto-installed: '<none>'
3428: 2013-04-09 14:14:30.351 [CBS] ...default children to turn-off: '<none>'
3428: 2013-04-09 14:14:30.493 [CBS] ...current state of 'FailoverCluster-FullServer': p: Staged, a: Staged, s: UninstallRequested
3428: 2013-04-09 14:14:30.493 [CBS] ...setting state of 'FailoverCluster-FullServer' to 'InstallRequested'
3428: 2013-04-09 14:14:30.531 [CBS] ...'FailoverCluster-FullServer' : applicability: Applicable
3428: 2013-04-09 14:14:32.291 [CbsUIHandler] Initiate:
3428: 2013-04-09 14:15:35.350 [CbsUIHandler] Terminate:
3428: 2013-04-09 14:15:35.854 [CBS] ...done installing 'FailoverCluster-FullServer '. Status: 0 (0)
3428: 2013-04-09 14:15:35.922 [Provider] Skipped configuration of '故障转移群集' because running in command line mode.
3428: 2013-04-09 14:15:35.923 [Provider]
[STAT] ---- CBS Session Consolidation -----
[STAT] For
'故障转移群集'[STAT] installation(s) took '67.8737122' second(s) total.
[STAT] Configuration(s) took '0.0006572' second(s) total.
[STAT] Total time: '67.8743694' second(s). 3428: 2013-04-09 14:15:35.924 [Provider] Sync Result - Success: True, RebootRequired: False, Id: 33
3428: 2013-04-09 14:15:35.924 [Provider] Sync Message - OperationKind: Install, MessageType: Information, MessageCode: 0, Message: <null>, AdditionalMessage: <null>
3428: 2013-04-09 14:15:35.993 [ServerManagerPS] [STAT] Overall Sync Time: '67.9480339' second(s)
3428: 2013-04-09 14:15:36.067 [ServerManagerPS] [安装] 成功: [故障转移群集] 故障转移群集。

2 Test-Cluster

Import-Module FailoverClusters;

[array] $ClusterNodes='db001','db002'

SqlerCmdWinClusterTest   $ClusterNodes

cmd C:\ClusterReport.Log.mht

你可以在 查看 报告C:\ClusterReport.Log.mht


新建群集 配置群集ip 和节点

[array] $ClusterNodes='db001','db002'
[array] $ClusterGroup ='Test01','Test02'; SqlerCmdCreateWinCluster $DomainName $ClusterName $ClusterIP $ClusterNodes


SqlerCmdWinClusterCreateGroup  $ClusterName  $ClusterNodes   $ClusterGroup

创建 资源磁盘并获取磁盘信息

SqlerCmdWinClusterGetDiskResource  $ClusterName  'c:\CreateClusterDisk.log'

cat  c:\CreateClusterDisk.log

Name : 群集磁盘 1
Path : T:
FileSystem : NTFS
TotalSize : 2044
FreeSpace : 2006

Name : 群集磁盘 3
Path : Q:
FileSystem : NTFS
TotalSize : 1020
FreeSpace : 987

Name : 群集磁盘 5
Path : H:
FileSystem : NTFS
TotalSize : 1020
FreeSpace : 988

Name : 群集磁盘 2
Path : K:
FileSystem : NTFS
TotalSize : 252
FreeSpace : 230

Name : 群集磁盘 4
Path : M:
FileSystem : NTFS
TotalSize : 1020
FreeSpace : 988


 $ResourceName="群集磁盘 5" ,"群集磁盘 1"
SqlerCmdWinClusterMoveDiskToGroup $ClusterName $ResourceName 'Test01' $ResourceName="群集磁盘 4"
SqlerCmdWinClusterMoveDiskToGroup $ClusterName $ResourceName 'Test02'


SqlerCmdWinClusterCreateQuorum  $ClusterName  "群集磁盘 3" $ClusterNodes

创建 dtc

$DtcDiskName="群集磁盘 2"
$DtcIpNetSub='' SqlerCmdWinClusterCreateDtc $ClusterName $ClusterNodes $DtcDiskName $DtcIpAddress $DtcIpNetSub

流程化的安装大大降低了人为的错误,同时提高了个人效率. 适合大规模 流程化 db运维.

附上sqlerCmd  Create CLuster 模块代码

  1 Function SqlerCmdWinClusterInstallFeature
2 {param([string] $LogPath='C:\CheckInstallClusterLog.Log')
3 try
4 {
5 Import-Module ServerManager;
6 $Array= 'Application-Server','AS-Outgoing-Trans','AS-Incoming-Trans','Failover-clustering'
7 $Feature=$Array| %{$f=$_; Get-WindowsFeature |where {$f -eq $_.Name -and $_.Installed -eq $False }|select-object Name,FeatureType,Installed};
8 if((Test-Path -Path $LogPath )){Remove-Item -Path $LogPath};
9 if($Feature -ne $Nul)
10 {
11 $Feature|foreach-object{ Add-WindowsFeature -Name $_.Name -logPath $LogPath }
12 Restart-computer -force
14 }
15 Else
16 {
17 "Application-Server,AS-Outgoing-Trans,AS-Incoming-Trans,Failover-clustering Is Exists "|out-file -FilePath $LogPath -Append
18 }
19 }
20 catch
21 {
22 $_.Exception.Message|out-file -FilePath $LogPath -Append
23 }
24 }
28 Function SqlerCmdWinClusterTest
29 {param([array] $Nodes,[string] $LogPath='C:\ClusterReport.Log')
30 try
31 {
32 if((Test-Path -Path $LogPath )){Remove-Item -Path $LogPath};
33 Test-Cluster -Node $Nodes -reportname $LogPath
34 }
35 catch [Exception]
36 {
37 $_.Exception.Message|out-file -FilePath $LogPath -Append
38 }
39 }
43 Function SqlerCmdWinClusterCreate
44 {param
45 ([string] $DomainName
46 ,[string] $ClusterName
47 ,[string] $ClusterIP
48 ,[array] $ClusterNodes
49 )
50 try
51 {
52 if( (Get-Cluster -domain $DomainName |where {$_.Name -eq $ClusterName }) -eq $Null)
53 {
54 New-Cluster -Name $ClusterName -StaticAddress $ClusterIP -Node $ClusterNodes -NoStorage -ErrorAction Stop;
55 $Return='OK'
56 }
57 else
58 {
59 $Return= 'Exists Cluster : '+$ClusterName
60 }
61 }
62 catch
63 {
64 $Return=$_.Exception.Message
65 }
66 Return $Return
67 }
72 Function SqlerCmdWinClusterCreateGroup
73 {param
74 (
75 [string] $ClusterName
76 ,[array] $ClusterNodes
77 ,[array] $ClusterGroup
78 )
79 try
80 {
81 Foreach($GroupName in $ClusterGroup)
82 {
83 Add-ClusterGroup -Name $GroupName -Cluster $ClusterName -ErrorAction Stop ;
84 Set-ClusterOwnerNode -Group $GroupName -Owners $ClusterNodes -Cluster $ClusterName -ErrorAction Stop;
85 }
86 $Return='OK'
87 }
88 catch
89 {
90 $Return=$_.Exception.Message
91 }
92 Return $Return
93 }
98 Function SqlerCmdWinClusterGetDiskResource
99 {param
100 ([string] $ClusterName
101 ,[string] $LogPath='c:\CreateClusterDisk.log'
102 )
103 try
104 {
105 Get-ClusterAvailableDisk -cluster $ClusterName | Add-ClusterDisk -ErrorAction Stop;
106 $MSCluster_DiskPartition=gwmi -Namespace root/MSCluster -class MSCluster_DiskPartition| select-object @{n='PartComponent';e={$_.__RELPATH}},FileSystem,TotalSize,FreeSpace,Path -ErrorAction Stop ;
107 $MSCluster_DiskToDiskPartition=gwmi -Namespace root/MSCluster -class MSCluster_DiskToDiskPartition |select-object PartComponent,GroupComponent -ErrorAction Stop ;
108 $MSCluster_ResourceToDisk=gwmi -Namespace root/MSCluster -class MSCluster_ResourceToDisk |select-object PartComponent,GroupComponent -ErrorAction Stop ;
109 $MSCluster_Resource=gwmi -Namespace root/MSCluster -class MSCluster_Resource | where {$_.type -replace ' ','' -eq 'PhysicalDisk'} |Select-object Name,@{n='GroupComponent';e={$_.__RELPATH}} -ErrorAction Stop ;
110 $ClusterDisk=$MSCluster_DiskPartition | % { $f = $_; $MSCluster_DiskToDiskPartition `
111 | where { $_.PartComponent -eq $f.PartComponent } `
112 | Select GroupComponent,PartComponent,@{n='Path';e={$f.path}},@{n='FileSystem';e={$f.FileSystem}},@{n='TotalSize';e={$f.TotalSize}},@{n='FreeSpace';e={$f.FreeSpace}}} `
113 | % { $e=$_; $MSCluster_ResourceToDisk |where { $_.PartComponent -eq $e.GroupComponent } `
114 | Select GroupComponent,PartComponent, @{n='Path';e={$e.path}},@{n='FileSystem';e={$e.FileSystem}},@{n='TotalSize';e={$e.TotalSize}},@{n='FreeSpace';e={$e.FreeSpace}}} `
115 | % { $d = $_; $MSCluster_Resource| where { $d.GroupComponent -eq $_.GroupComponent } `
116 | Select Name, @{n='Path';e={$d.path}},@{n='FileSystem';e={$d.FileSystem}},@{n='TotalSize';e={$d.TotalSize}},@{n='FreeSpace';e={$d.FreeSpace}}};
117 if((Test-Path -Path $LogPath )){Remove-Item -Path $LogPath};
118 $ClusterDisk|out-file -FilePath $LogPath -Append
119 $Return='OK'
120 }
121 catch
122 {
123 $Return=$_.Exception.Message
124 }
125 Return $Return
126 }

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