The Process of Google Hiring
【The Process of Google Hiring】
1、keynote 1:
The Google hiring process is designed to hire the most talented, creative, and articulate people in the world who will be the best fit for Google. So if you're refused by google, it doesn't mean you are a failer, it exactly mean you're not fit for google.
2、keynote 2:
Google receives over one million resumes per year, and hires about 1,000 to 4,000 people each year, depending on economic conditions. It mean that only 0.1% of the people will be the lucky guy.
3、keynote 3:
All open jobs are listed on Browse for a job that fits you and submit your resume online. Every resume submitted online gets reviewed.
4、keynote 4:
The recruiter screens every resume for technical requirements, education, and experience to make sure there is a potential fit. If there is no fit you will get a polite “no fit at this time” response, but your resume will be kept on file. The recruiter really does look at existing resumes on file when a new job req opens up. If there is a fit, a recruiter will contact you to set up a phone screen interview.
5、keynote 5:
A recruiter will contact you, explain the process, and let you know what to expect. The recruiter may ask for your SAT scores and college GPA, if this is a technical engineering role. Yes, even though I have over 20 years of experience...they still asked for my numbers. The phone screen is usually done by an employee in a similar role, and usually takes 30 minutes. There could be two or more phone screens, and you may even be asked to write code in a shared Google Doc during the phone screen if this is a technical role. The goal is to further assess your technical skills, past experience, and motivation for this new role.
6、keynote 6:
The first on site interview will be with four or five people for 45 minutes each. The interviewers may include the manager and other employees with similar roles. This interview will go deeper into your technical skills or domain specific knowledge. If this is a technical role you will be asked to solve technical problems in real time, which may include coding a solution or white-boarding a design. This can get pretty intense for the unprepared candidate, or incredibly fun and stimulating if you are into it.
7、keynote 7:
Every interviewer submits their feedback in a standard format about the candidate and assigns a numerical ranking to the candidate. The feedback is reviewed by the recruiter and compared to feedback on other candidates for this job and similar roles. There is also a process to collect feedback from former colleagues. All existing employees resumes are in a database. A search is done to match the candidates resume to employees resumes to find matches for schools or companies for the years specified. An email is sent to the Google employee asking their opinion on the candidate. If the consensus is that there is a good fit, and they want to make an offer, it goes to the hiring committee.
8、keynote 8:
There are hiring committees for each major job classification. The committee consists of senior managers and directors, and experienced employees from this domain. They see all the potential candidates for all open jobs in this area so they have a very good feeling for the required capabilities and availability of highly qualified people. The committee reviews every piece of feedback as well as the resume and work experience. If there is consensus agreement from the committee to recommend an offer it then goes to the next level of review.
9、keynote 9:
Senior level management reviews every offer. Hiring is taken very seriously at Google. Hiring great people is the most important thing we do. It has lasting impact on the future of the company. If the Executive Review comes out favorable it goes to the compensation committee for that part of the offer.
10、keynote 10:
Yes, it is true, one of the top execs looks at all employment offers before they are extended to the candidate. This sends a clear message to everyone how serious we are about hiring great people.
11、keynote 11:
The recruiter will notify you of an offer, and will explain all the details of the offer.
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