* Definition for singly-linked list.
* public class ListNode {
* public int val;
* public ListNode next;
* public ListNode(int x) { val = x; }
* }
public class Solution {
public ListNode RemoveElements(ListNode head, int val) {
if (head == null)
return null;
var temp = head;
ListNode last = null;
while (temp != null)
if (temp.val != val)
last = temp;
temp = temp.next;
if (temp.next != null)
temp.val = temp.next.val;
temp.next = temp.next.next;
if (last != null)
last.next = null;
if (head.next != null && head.next.val == val)
head.next = null;
if (head.val == val)
head = null;
} return head;
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