1.DelegatingFilterProxy实际上是Filter的一个代理对象。默认情况下,Spring会到IOC容器中查找与<filter-name>对应的filter bean。也可以通过targetBeanName的初始化参数来配置bean的id。


--若不一致,则会抛出异常。因为Shiro会来IOC容器寻找与<filter-name>名字对应的filter Bean


* Return the name of the ServletContext attribute which should be used to retrieve the
* {@link WebApplicationContext} from which to load the delegate {@link Filter} bean.
public String getContextAttribute() {
return this.contextAttribute;
* Set the name of the target bean in the Spring application context.
* The target bean must implement the standard Servlet Filter interface.
* <p>By default, the {@code filter-name} as specified for the
* DelegatingFilterProxy in {@code web.xml} will be used.
public void setTargetBeanName(String targetBeanName) {
this.targetBeanName = targetBeanName;






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