If you're making iPhone and iPad apps, there are some processes you must work through to go from development to testing on actual Apple devices. A Provisioning Profile is necessary in order to install development applications on development iPhones and iPads. We'll show you how to do it.



  1. 1

    Log in to the iOS Development Center at https://developer.apple.com/devcenter/ios/index.action

  2. 2

    Enter the Developer Program Portal. Click on the "iOS Developer Program Portal" on the right side of the page, under "iOS Developer Program".

    • Note that if you are not a registered Apple iOS Developer, you will need to sign up for this program before proceeding so that you can run a simulation on your IOS device. Currently the development program is currently a $99 annual fee to join.
  3. 3

    Click on Provisioning on the left side of the page. Once you have logged into the iOS Provisioning portal, you can do this.

  4. 4

    Click on the "New Profile" button.

  5. 5

    Enter a profile name. Select the certificates and devices you would like to associate with this profile, then choose an app ID.

  6. 6

    Click submit. This will generate your profile.

Downloading a Development Provisioning Profile

  1. 1

    Log into the iOS Provisioning Portal. Once logged in, click Provisioning on the left-hand side.

  2. 2

    Select the appropriate tab. Click either the Development or the Distribution tab to show your profiles.

  3. 3

    Download the profile. Locate the desired Provisioning Profile, and in the Actions column, click the Download button.

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