
Ingo Molnár

Ingo Molnár, currently employed by Red Hat, is a Hungarian Linux hacker. He is best known for his contributions to the operating system in terms of security and performance.


Some of his additions to the Linux kernel include the O(1) scheduler of Linux-2.6.0 and the Completely Fair Scheduler of Linux-2.6.23, the in-kernel TUX HTTP / FTP server, as well as his work to enhance thread handling.[1] He also wrote a kernel security feature called "Exec Shield", which prevents stack-based buffer overflow exploits in the x86 architecture by disabling the execute permission for the stack.

Together with Thomas Gleixner, he worked on the real-time preemption (PREEMPT-RT) patch set, which aims to reduce the maximum thread switching latency of the Linux kernel from an unbounded number of milliseconds to down to bounded values in the order of tens of microseconds (depending on the system). As of 2011, Thomas Gleixner is working on further improving the patch and getting important infrastructure patches of the patch set merged into the Mainline Linux kernel.

Between Linux 2.6.21 and Linux 2.6.24, he has been working on the Completely Fair Scheduler (CFS) inspired by scheduler work of Con Kolivas. CFS replaced the previous process scheduler of the Linux kernel with Linux-2.6.23.[2]

In 2012 Molnar criticized the Linux desktop as "not free enough" for the users with respect to the applications. He argues that the typically used system of software distribution and deployment by a centrally organized Linux distributions is not fast and flexible enough to satisfy the requirements of users and application producers alike.[3] Molnár suggests a decentral deployment method (similar to Autopackage, Zero Install,[4] or the Klik-successor PortableLinuxApps[5]) which allows a more flexible application infrastructure formed by a stable platform and independent software providers.[6]

英格·蒙内(匈牙利语:Ingo Molnár),匈牙利软件程式设计师与黑客,在linux内核上有许多贡献,也拥有自己的linux分支版本。对于操作系统的安全性与效能提升方面,他的声名卓著。

在linux内核中,他于Linux-2.6.0版加入O(1)排程器,在 Linux-2.6.23版中加入完全公平排程器(Completely Fair Scheduler)。葛雷格·克羅哈曼

Greg Kroah-Hartman

Greg Kroah-Hartman is a Linux kernel developer. He is the current Linux kernel maintainer for the -stable branch,[2] the staging subsystem,[2] USB,[2] driver core, debugfs, kref, kobject, and the sysfs kernel subsystems,[2] Userspace I/O (with Hans J. Koch),[2] and TTY layer.[2] He also created linux-hotplug, the udev project, and the Linux Driver Project.[3] He worked for Novell in the SUSE Labs division and, as of 1 February 2012, works at the Linux Foundation.[1][4]


He is a co-author of Linux Device Drivers (3rd Edition)[5] and author of Linux Kernel in a Nutshell,[6] and used to be a contributing editor for Linux Journal. He also contributes articles to, the computing news site.

Kroah-Hartman frequently helps in the documentation of the kernel and driver development through talks[7][8] and tutorials.[9][10] In 2006, he released a CD image of material to introduce a programmer to working on Linux device driver development.[11]

葛雷格·克罗哈曼(英语:Greg Kroah-Hartman), Linux核心开发者,目前 为 Linux 核心中稳定分支(-stable)的维护者[2],他也是staging 子系统[2]、USB[2]driver core、debugfs、kref、kobject、sysfs kernel 子系统[2]、 TTY layer [2]、linux-hotplug、Userspace I/O(与 Hans J. Koch 共同维护)等专案的维护者[2],也创立了udev专案。除此之外,他亦协助维护Gentoo Linux中上述程式及 kernel 的套件。

在 2012 年 2 月 1 日以前,他在 Novell 的 SUSE Labs工作,而后效力于Linux基金会[1][3],全心致力于Linux驱动程式专案上[4]。

他是《Linux 驱动程式》[5] 的共同作者,与Linux Kernel in a Nutshell[6] 的作者。他是《Linux Journal》杂志的编辑之一,在电脑新闻网站LWN.net上也发表了许多文章。

克罗哈曼经常透过发表演说的方式,为核心与驱动程式开发的细节留下文件[7][8]与教学[9][10]。在 2006 年,他发表了一份CD 映像档,内容为开发 Linux 设备驱动程式的入门教材。[11]艾倫·考克斯

Alan Cox

Alan Cox (born 22 July 1968) is a British computer programmer who maintained the 2.2 branch of the Linux kernel and continues to be heavily involved in the development of the Linux kernel, an association that dates back to 1991. He lives in Swansea, Wales with his wife, Telsa Gwynne.

Involvement in the Linux kernel

While employed on the campus of Swansea University, Cox installed a very early version of Linux on one of the machines belonging to the university computer society. This was one of the first Linux installations on a busy network and revealed many bugs in the networking code. Cox fixed many of these bugs and went on to rewrite much of the networking subsystem. He then became one of the main developers and maintainers of the whole kernel.

He maintained the 2.2 branch, and his own versions of the 2.4 branch (signified by an "ac" in the version, for example 2.4.13-ac1). This branch was very stable and contained bugfixes that went directly into the vendor kernels. He was once commonly regarded as being the "second in command" after Linus Torvalds himself, before reducing his involvement with Linux to study for an MBA.[1]

On 28 July 2009, Cox relinquished his role as the TTY layer maintainer, after receiving criticism from Torvalds.[2][3]

Alan was employed by the Linux distributor Red Hat during 1999-2009.[4] Starting from 2011 he was employed by Intel Corporation, but left both Intel and Linux kernel development in January 2013 "for family reasons".[5]

He has also been involved in the GNOME and X.Org projects, and was the main developer of AberMUD, which he wrote whilst a student at the University of Wales, Aberystwyth.
Model trains

Alan Cox runs Etched Pixels, a model train company producing N gauge kits.[6]

Alan Cox is an ardent supporter of programming freedom, and an outspoken opponent of software patents, the DMCA and the CBDTPA. He resigned from a subgroup of Usenix in protest, and said he would not visit the United States for fear of being imprisoned after the arrest of Dmitry Sklyarov for DMCA violations.

In January 2007, he applied for a series of patents on "RMS", or rights management systems.[7] It is said that he has filed a patent for digital rights management. Red Hat Inc., Cox's former employer, has stated (in a document drafted by Mark Webbink and Cox himself)[8] that it will not use patents against free software projects.[9]

Cox is also an adviser to the Foundation for Information Policy Research and the Open Rights Group.[10]

艾伦·考克斯(英语:Alan Cox,1968年7月22日-),生于英格兰索利赫尔(Solihull),英国程式员,自1991年开始投入Linux内核的开发工作,在开发者社群中有很高的地位。他负责维护Linux内核 2.2版这个分支,在2.4版中也提供许多程式码,拥有自己的分支版本。


艾伦·考克斯负责维持2.2版,在2.4版上拥有自己的分支(在版本号上会冠上ac,如 2.4.13-ac1)。他的分支版本非常稳定,修正许多错误,许多厂商都使用他的版本。在他去进修工商管理硕士之前,涉入许多linux内核开发的事务,在社群中有很高的地位,有时会被视为是林纳斯·托瓦兹之下的第二号领导者。

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