vuex mapState使用
<button @click="handleIncrease">+5</button>
<button @click="handleDecrease">-5</button>
<button @click="handleRouter">跳转到 HelloWorld3</button>
<button @click="showRouter">展示路由</button>
</template> <script>
import { mapState } from 'vuex'
export default {
name: 'HelloWorld2',
computed: {
// count(){
// return this.$store.state.count;
// },
count: state => state.count
methods: {
handleIncrease() {
this.$store.commit('increase', 5);
handleDecrease() {
this.$store.commit('decrease', 5);
handleAsyncIncrease() {
handleRouter() {
showRouter() {
</script> <!-- Add "scoped" attribute to limit CSS to this component only -->
<style scoped> </style>
<template><div>{{count}}<button @click="handleIncrease">+5</button><button @click="handleDecrease">-5</button><button @click="handleRouter">跳转到 HelloWorld3</button><button @click="showRouter">展示路由</button></div></template>
<script>import { mapState } from 'vuex'export default {name: 'HelloWorld2',computed: {//count(){//return this.$store.state.count;//},//与上面效果一样...mapState({count: state => state.count})},methods: {handleIncrease() {this.$store.commit('increase', 5);},handleDecrease() {this.$store.commit('decrease', 5);},handleAsyncIncrease() {this.$store.dispatch('asyncIncrease');},handleRouter() {this.$router.push('/HelloWorld3');},showRouter() {console.log(this.$router);console.log(this.$router.push);}}};</script>
<!-- Add "scoped" attribute to limit CSS to this component only --><style scoped>
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