Generates configuration information. This command is experimental and unsupported.
jinfo [ option ] pid
jinfo [ option ] executable core
jinfo [ option ] [ servier-id ] remote-hostname-or-IP
The command-line options. See Options.
- pid
The process ID for which the configuration information is to be printed. The process must be a Java process. To get a list of Java processes running on a machine, use the
(1) command. - executable
The Java executable from which the core dump was produced.
- core
The core file for which the configuration information is to be printed.
- remote-hostname-or-IP
The remote debug server
address. Seejsadebugd
(1). - server-id
An optional unique ID to use when multiple debug servers are running on the same remote host.
The jinfo
command prints Java configuration information for a specified Java process or core file or a remote debug server. The configuration information includes Java system properties and Java Virtual Machine (JVM) command-line flags. If the specified process is running on a 64-bit JVM, then you might need to specify the -J-d64
option, for example: jinfo
-J-d64 -sysprops pid
This utility is unsupported and might not be available in future releases of the JDK. In Windows Systems where dbgeng.dll
is not present, Debugging Tools For Windows must be installed to have these tools working. The PATH
environment variable should contain the location of the jvm.dll that is used by the target process or the location from which the crash dump file was produced. For example, set PATH=%JDK_HOME%\jre\bin\client;%PATH%
- no-option
Prints both command-line flags and system property name-value pairs.
- -flag name
Prints the name and value of the specified command-line flag.
- -flag [+|-]name
enables or disables the specified Boolean command-line flag.
- -flag name=value
Sets the specified command-line flag to the specified value.
- -flags
Prints command-line flags passed to the JVM.
- -sysprops
Prints Java system properties as name-value pairs.
- -h
Prints a help message.
- -help
Prints a help message.
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