#include<string> using namespace std; struct Word //定义结构体
string word;
size_t length;
Word* next;
int repnum;//repeat number 重复次数
bool ifdel;//if delete 是否被删除
Word(string _word, size_t _lendth = , Word* _next = NULL, int _repnum = , bool _ifdel = false) :
word(_word), length(_lendth), next(_next), repnum(_repnum), ifdel(_ifdel){}
}; Word *head = NULL, *tail = NULL;
int size = ; //链表长度,即单词总个数
int delsum = ;//delete sum 被删除的总个数 void Push(const string& str, const size_t& len) //形成链表
if (NULL == head)
head = tail = new Word(str, len, NULL, , false);
tail->next = new Word(str, len, NULL, , false);
tail = tail->next;
} void Destory() //delete new
Word* ptr = head;
while (ptr)
Word* pt = ptr;
ptr = ptr->next;
delete pt;
head = tail = NULL;
size = ;
} void Readin(string& mystr) //read in 读入
string temps;
for (size_t i = ; i < mystr.length(); i++)
if (mystr[i] >= 'a'&&mystr[i] <= 'z' || mystr[i] >= 'A'&&mystr[i] <= 'Z')
temps += mystr[i];
if (!temps.empty())//不空的时候返回0
{ Push(temps, temps.length());
temps.erase(temps.begin(), temps.end());
void DeSame() //delete the same 删除相同的单词(不是真删,只是做标记)
Word* p = head;
while (p&&p->next)
while (p->ifdel&&p->next)
p = p->next;
Word* pt = p->next;
while (pt)
if (!pt->ifdel&&pt->word == p->word)
pt->ifdel = true;
pt = pt->next;
p = p->next;
} void Inputp(Word* warr[]) //input point 将未被“删除”的结点的指针传入数组
int i = ;
Word* pt = head;
while (pt)
if (!pt->ifdel)
warr[i] = pt;
pt = pt->next;
} void Sort(Word** warr, int start, int end) //将指针按其指向的结点的repnum从大到小排序,快排实现
int i = , j = ;
Word* key = NULL;
key = warr[start];
i = start;
j = end;
while (i<j)
while (warr[j]->repnum <= key->repnum&&i<j)j--;
warr[i] = warr[j];
while (warr[i]->repnum >= key->repnum&&i<j)i++;
warr[j] = warr[i];
warr[i] = key;
if (i - >start)Sort(warr, start, i - );
if (end > i + )Sort(warr, i + , end);
} void Show(Word** warr, int len)
for (int i = ; i < len; i++)
cout << warr[i]->word << " " << warr[i]->repnum << endl;
} int main()
ifstream readfile("zpc.txt", ios::in);
if (!readfile){ cout << "程序出现异常,自动退出!" << endl; return ; }
string str, str1;
while (!readfile.eof())
getline(readfile, str1);
str += str1;
str += ' ';
cout << "单词总个数(不考虑重复):" << size << endl;
cout << "除去重复后的单词个数(即重复的单词按1个计):" << size - delsum << endl;
Word** wdarr = new Word*[size - delsum];
Sort(wdarr, , size - delsum - );
Show(wdarr, size - delsum);
return ;


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