从ASP了解Http Buffer
he Buffer property specifies whether to buffer the output or not. When the output is buffered, the server will hold back the response to the browser until all of the server scripts have been processed, or until the script calls the Flush or End method.
Note: If this property is set, it should be before the <html> tag in the .asp file
Parameter | Description |
flag | A boolean value that specifies whether to buffer the page output or not.
False indicates no buffering. The server will send the output as it is processed. False is default for IIS version 4.0 (and earlier). Default for IIS version 5.0 (and later) is true. True indicates buffering. The server will not send output until all of the scripts on the page have been processed, or until the Flush or End method has been called. |
Example 1
In this example, there will be no output sent to the browser before the loop is finished. If buffer was set to False, then it would write a line to the browser every time it went through the loop.
for i=1 to 100
response.write(i & "<br>")
Example 2
<p>I write some text, but I will control when
the text will be sent to the browser.</p>
<p>The text is not sent yet. I hold it back!</p>
<p>OK, let it go!</p>
Example 3
<p>This is some text I want to send to the user.</p>
<p>No, I changed my mind. I want to clear the text.</p>
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