qq2440启动linux后插入u盘出现usb 1-1: device descriptor read/64, error -110,usb 1-1: device not accepting address 8, error -110
上位机:ubuntu14.04 64bit
交叉编译器:arm-linux-gcc 3.4.1
[root@FriendlyARM /home]# usb 1-1: new full speed USB device using s3c2410-ohci and address 6
usb 1-1: device descriptor read/64, error -110
usb 1-1: device descriptor read/64, error -110
usb 1-1: new full speed USB device using s3c2410-ohci and address 7
usb 1-1: device descriptor read/64, error -110
usb 1-1: device descriptor read/64, error -110
usb 1-1: new full speed USB device using s3c2410-ohci and address 8
usb 1-1: device not accepting address 8, error -110
usb 1-1: new full speed USB device using s3c2410-ohci and address 9
usb 1-1: device not accepting address 9, error -110
a.先添加头文件#include <mach/regs-clock.h>
unsigned long upllvalue = (0x78 << 12) | (0x02 << 4) | (0x03);
while (upllvalue != __raw_readl(S3C2410_UPLLCON)) {
__raw_writel(upllvalue, S3C2410_UPLLCON);
static void s3c2410_start_hc(struct platform_device *dev, struct usb_hcd *hcd)
struct s3c2410_hcd_info *info = dev->dev.platform_data;
dev_dbg(&dev->dev, "s3c2410_start_hc:\n");
if (info != NULL) {
info->hcd = hcd;
info->report_oc = s3c2410_hcd_oc;
if (info->enable_oc != NULL) {
(info->enable_oc)(info, 1);
unsigned long upllvalue = (0x78 << 12) | (0x02 << 4) | (0x03);
while (upllvalue != __raw_readl(S3C2410_UPLLCON)) {
__raw_writel(upllvalue, S3C2410_UPLLCON);
jello@jello-Inspiron-N4050:~/Downloads/qq2440/linux/kernel-2.6.13$ cp /tftpboot/kernel- ./
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