Network Instructions in Linux
I will gradually learn some instructions about Network in Linux.
First, here are somethings about IPv4:
There are A, B, C, D, E, 5 classes.
(images copied from here)
And Sub-net mask for each is :
- A :
- B :
- C :
- 127.x.x.x is loopback IP for your local host.
- D is remained for multi-cast
- E is remained for future applications
- the first IP in one class belongs to the network itself.E.g. is a network IP
- the last IP in one class is a broadcast IP, packets sended to which will be sended to all hosts in the corresponding network.
ifconfig & iwconfig
- See IP, MAC address and network mask
- Modify IP
ifconfig eth0
- Activate/Shutdown Interface
ifconfig etho up/down
- Configure network mask
ifconfig eth0 netmask
- Change mode of Wireless network card
iwconfig wlan0 mode managed/monitor
query Internet name servers
See current ports' states
netstat -tunl
- t: means TCP
- u: means UDP
- n: Show numerical addresses instead of trying to determine symbolic host, port or user names.
- l: Show only listening sockets
netstat -an
- a: all
ping hostname,
if the host you ping is down, your ping will return:
If the host you ping ignores your ICMP packet, the ping will continue:
Avoid ping by others:
echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/icmp_echo_ignore_all
If you want to be ping:
echo 0 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/icmp_echo_ignore_all
Use eth0 (-i) and ip/port (-nn means not use domain/service format) to monitor port 21 in hex (-X):
tcpdump -i eth0 -nnX port 21
ftp and telnet use plain text to transport information and you can use tcpdump to monitor it directly.
(Also, you should use ssh to replace telnet !)
- traceroute
print the route packets trace to network host
You can use telnet to test whether a specific port in target host is open:
telnet 21
If it is open:
Or it will be:
ssh & scp
ssh username@IP
First, switch on the sshd servie in the virtual environment:
service sshd start
In the host:
ssh root@
Use scp to copy files:
scp [-r] username@IP:file-path local-path
scp [-r] local-path username@IP:file-path
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