I. #define is unsafe

Have you used #define in C/C++ code like the code below?

#include <stdio.h>
#define MAX(a , b) ((a) > (b) ? (a) : (b))
int main()
  printf("%d\n" , MAX(2 + 3 , 4));
  return 0;

Run the code and get an output: 5, right?
You may think it is equal to this code:

#include <stdio.h>
int max(a , b) {  return ((a) > (b) ? (a) : (b));  }
int main()
  printf("%d\n" , max(2 + 3 , 4));
  return 0;

But they aren't.Though they do produce the same anwser , they work in two different ways.
The first code, just replace the MAX(2 + 3 , 4) with ((2 + 3) > (4) ? (2 + 3) : 4), which calculates (2 + 3) twice.
While the second calculates (2 + 3) first, and send the value (5 , 4) to function max(a , b) , which calculates (2 + 3) only once.

What about MAX( MAX(1+2,2) , 3 ) ? 
Remember "replace".
First replace: MAX( (1 + 2) > 2 ? (1 + 2) : 2 , 3)
Second replace: ( ( ( 1 + 2 ) > 2 ? ( 1 + 2 ) : 2 ) > 3 ? ( ( 1 + 2 ) > 2 ? ( 1 + 2 ) : 2 ) : 3).
The code may calculate the same expression many times like ( 1 + 2 ) above.
So #define isn't good.In this problem,I'll give you some strings, tell me the result and how many additions(加法) are computed.



The first line is an integer T(T<=40) indicating case number.
The next T lines each has a string(no longer than 1000), with MAX(a,b), digits, '+' only(Yes, there're no other characters).
In MAX(a,b), a and b may be a string with MAX(c,d), digits, '+'.See the sample and things will be clearer.



For each case, output two integers in a line separated by a single space.Integers in output won't exceed 1000000.


Sample Input


Sample Output

1 0
2 1
3 1
4 2
5 2
28 14 题目大意:给定一个只含有MAX和+操作的式子,求加法运行了多少次,
#include <cstdio>
#include <iostream>
#include <cstring>
using namespace std;
struct state{
state(int a,int b){s=a,k=b;}
int s,k; //s为和,k为次数
state find(string str){
int in=,len=str.length(),num=;//当前位置,字符串长度,和 if(str[in]>=''&&str[in]<=''){ //第一个字母是整数,读取这个数
if(in>=len)return state(num,);//如果只剩一个数,直接返回
state st=find(str.substr(in+));
return state(num+st.s,st.k+);
}else if(str[in]=='M'){
int cnt=,mid=;
while(cnt>){ //匹配MAX()右括号的位置,并找出对应这个MAX的逗号的位置
else if(str[in]==')')cnt--;
state le=find(str.substr(,mid-)); //求MAX(A,B)中的A
state ri=find(str.substr(mid+,in-mid-)); //求MAX(A,B)中的B
int p1,p2;
if(in>=len-){ //已经到达末端
return state(p1,p2);
}else{ //MAX(A,B) + C的形式,求C
state st=find(str.substr(in+)); //处理加号后面的部分
return state(p1+st.s,st.k+p2+);
int main(){
int cas;
char str[];
state rs=find(str);
cout<<rs.s<<" "<<rs.k<<endl;
return ;

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