网上查过很多相关文章都没有一章是写element ui滑块带范围实现双向绑定 二个滑块二头的数据怎么得到 我的需求是做个时间轴要滑动选择不同的时间 开始很难做最后一点一点摸索得出的结论 好在写出来了先给大家看实体图

就是这样的 给大家贴代码 多余的代码我就不贴了 就给你们看主要的

<div class="block">
<el-button size="mini" @click="showChart(scope)">查看聊天记录</el-button>


showChart(scope) {
this.value = [120, 140]
this.liveIdRow = scope.row.LiveID
this.TeacherIDRow = scope.row.TeacherID
this.searchValue.time = []
this.data = []
if (scope) {
var startTime = scope.row.StartTime
var endTime = moment(startTime)
.add(20, 'm')
.format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss')
this.focusTimeList = []
for (var i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
.add(60 * i, 'm')
.format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss')
this.focusTimeListTwo = []
for (var k = 0; k < 3; k++) {
.add(-60 * k, 'm')
.format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss')
this.loading = true
this.showFlag = true
this.recordList = []
var body = {
liveid: this.liveIdRow,
teacherid: this.TeacherIDRow,
start: this.searchValue.time[0],
end: this.searchValue.time[1]
return request({
method: 'get',
url: '/api/teacher/chat',
params: body
}).then(res => {
if (res.Content) {
this.messages = res.Content
this.messages.forEach(item => {
var num = parseInt(19 * Math.random())
item.img = require(`../../../assets/auter/icon-test_${num}.png`)
item.msgs = item.msg
.replace(/\[e\]em_/g, '<img src=../../../static/faces/em_')
.replace(/\[e\]/g, '.png>')
this.recordList = this.messages
this.loading = false
} else {
message: '无分析结果!',
type: 'warning'
this.loading = false
formatTooltip(val) {
this.val = val
this.marks = {
0: this.focusTimeListTwo[2].substring(11, 19),
60: this.focusTimeListTwo[1].substring(11, 19),
120: this.focusTimeList[0].substring(11, 19),
180: this.focusTimeList[1].substring(11, 19),
240: this.focusTimeList[2].substring(11, 19),
300: this.focusTimeList[3].substring(11, 19)
if (val != null) {
var hour = this.focusTimeListTwo[2].substring(11, 13)
var min = this.focusTimeListTwo[2].substring(14, 16)
if (val < 60 || val == 60) {
min = min * 1 + val
if (min == 60) {
min = 0
hour = this.focusTimeListTwo[1].substring(11, 13) * 1
hour = hour * 1
if (min > 60) {
min = min - 60
hour = hour + 1
if ((val > 60 && val < 120) || val == 120) {
min = this.focusTimeListTwo[1].substring(14, 16) * 1
hour = this.focusTimeListTwo[1].substring(11, 13) * 1
min = min * 1 + val - 60
if (min == 60) {
min = 0
hour = this.focusTimeList[0].substring(11, 13) * 1
if (min > 60) {
min = min - 60
hour = hour + 1
if ((val > 120 && val < 180) || val == 120) {
min = this.focusTimeList[0].substring(14, 16) * 1
min = min * 1 + val - 120
hour = this.focusTimeList[0].substring(11, 13) * 1
if (min == 60) {
min = 0
hour = this.focusTimeList[1].substring(11, 13) * 1
if (min > 60) {
min = min - 60
hour = hour + 1
if ((val > 180 && val < 240) || val == 180) {
min = this.focusTimeList[1].substring(14, 16) * 1
min = min * 1 + val - 180
hour = this.focusTimeList[1].substring(11, 13) * 1
if (min == 60) {
min = 0
hour = this.focusTimeList[2].substring(11, 13) * 1
if (min > 60) {
min = min - 60
hour = hour + 1
if ((val > 240 && val < 300) || val == 240) {
min = this.focusTimeList[2].substring(14, 16) * 1
min = min * 1 + val - 240
hour = this.focusTimeList[2].substring(11, 13) * 1
if (min == 60) {
min = 0
hour = this.focusTimeList[3].substring(11, 13) * 1
if (min > 60) {
min = min - 60
hour = hour + 1
if (val == 300) {
min = this.focusTimeList[3].substring(14, 16) * 1
min = min * 1 + val - 300
hour = this.focusTimeList[3].substring(11, 13) * 1
if (min > 60) {
min = min - 60
hour = hour + 1
if (hour < 10) {
hour = '0' + hour
if (min < 10) {
min = '0' + min
this.hour = hour
this.min = min
const time = hour + ':' + min
return time
} else {
hour = 0
min = 0
hour = this.focusTimeList[0].substring(11, 13)
min = this.focusTimeList[0].substring(14, 16)
const time = hour + ':' + min
return time
schedule() {
this.searchValue.time = []
const start = this.focusTimeList[0]
const daydata = this.focusTimeListTwo[1].substring(0, 10)
const end = daydata + ' ' + this.hour + ':' + this.min + ':' + '00'
this.timer = daydata + ' ' + this.hour + ':' + this.min + ':' + '00'
this.loading = true
this.showFlag = true
this.recordList = []
if (this.valNew > this.valOld) {
var body = {
liveid: this.liveIdRow,
teacherid: this.TeacherIDRow,
start: this.searchValue.time[0],
end: this.searchValue.time[1]
return request({
method: 'get',
url: '/api/teacher/chat',
params: body
}).then(res => {
if (res.Content) {
this.messages = res.Content
this.messages.forEach(item => {
var num = parseInt(19 * Math.random())
item.img = require(`../../../assets/auter/icon-test_${num}.png`)
item.msgs = item.msg
.replace(/\[e\]em_/g, '<img src=../../../static/faces/em_')
.replace(/\[e\]/g, '.png>')
this.recordList = this.messages
this.loading = false
} else {
message: '无分析结果!',
type: 'warning'
this.loading = false
this.$nextTick(() => {
if (this.valNew < this.valOld) {
this.searchValue.time = []
this.searchValue.time[0] = this.datanewVI
this.searchValue.time[1] = this.dataoldVI
this.loading = true
this.showFlag = true
this.recordList = []
console.log(this.searchValue.time, 'watch')
const body = {
liveid: this.liveIdRow,
teacherid: this.TeacherIDRow,
start: this.searchValue.time[0],
end: this.searchValue.time[1]
return request({
method: 'get',
url: '/api/teacher/chat',
params: body
}).then(res => {
if (res.Content) {
this.messages = res.Content
this.messages.forEach(item => {
var num = parseInt(19 * Math.random())
item.img = require(`../../../assets/auter/icon-test_${num}.png`)
item.msgs = item.msg
.replace(/\[e\]em_/g, '<img src=../../../static/faces/em_')
.replace(/\[e\]/g, '.png>')
this.recordList = this.messages
this.loading = false
} else {
message: '无分析结果!',
type: 'warning'
this.loading = false
这个是计算函数 大概作用就是深拷贝
computed: {
datainit: function() {
var obj = {}
obj = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.searchValue.time))
return obj
下面是监听函数 这就不用多说了 大家都懂监听
watch: {
datainit(newV, oldV) {
this.datanewV = newV[0]
this.datanewVI = newV[1]
this.dataoldV = oldV[0]
this.dataoldVI = oldV[1]
console.log(newV, 'newV,oldV', oldV)
val(newV, oldV) {
this.valNew = newV
this.valOld = oldV

贴代码是方便你们copy  下面就是带图讲解


其实这个都很简单主要是取值问题是往后滑动没问题 怎么都能去取到值 就是往前拖动我怎么都拿不到前面的值  最后我想了办法把时间存起来深拷贝一下 再进行监听和新旧元素对比 这样就可以完美得到值了





改成小于120还有大于120 这样就可以 但是bug还是有我服了   只能一开始进来右边滑块只能往右滑动 左边滑块只能往左滑动才能得到正确数据  一开始右边滑块往左移动和一开始进来左边滑块往右移动都拿不到正确数据 我枯了  求大神carry


终于经过我不懈努力 终于完美实现滑块怎么动都可以拿到值 我也是无意之中想到的  在元素上绑定ref利用ref来得到数值 特别特别的方便

给大家看改过的代码 只改动这里就够了之前写了太多多余的代码了

schedule() {
this.searchValue.time = []
const start = this.focusTimeList[0]
const daydata = this.focusTimeListTwo[1].substring(0, 10)
const end = daydata + ' ' + this.hour + ':' + this.min + ':' + '00'
this.loading = true
this.showFlag = true
this.recordList = []
this.$nextTick(() => {
this.searchValue.time = []
this.searchValue.time[0] = this.$refs.sliders.$children[0].formatValue
this.searchValue.time[1] = this.$refs.sliders.$children[1].formatValue
this.loading = true
this.showFlag = true
this.recordList = []
const body = {
liveid: this.liveIdRow,
teacherid: this.TeacherIDRow,
start: this.searchValue.time[0],
end: this.searchValue.time[1]
return request({
method: 'get',
url: '/api/teacher/chat',
params: body
}).then(res => {
if (res.Content) {
this.messages = res.Content
this.messages.forEach(item => {
var num = parseInt(19 * Math.random())
item.img = require(`../../../assets/auter/icon-test_${num}.png`)
item.msgs = item.msg
.replace(/\[e\]em_/g, '<img src=../../../static/faces/em_')
.replace(/\[e\]/g, '.png>')
this.recordList = this.messages
this.loading = false
} else {
message: '无分析结果!',
type: 'warning'
this.loading = false


感谢大家 要觉得不错右侧打赏一下把

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