




修改makefile文件,字符串 替换CC为 CPP



mv ev.o ev.c

mv event.o event.c

make clean



宏展开后#号注释的代码,可以修改CPP的定义 加个参数





struct ev_loop;
enum {
EV_NONE = 0x00,
EV_READ = 0x01,
EV_WRITE = 0x02,
EV__IOFDSET = 0x80,
EV_TIMER = 0x00000100, EV_TIMEOUT = EV_TIMER, EV_PERIODIC = 0x00000200,
EV_SIGNAL = 0x00000400,
EV_CHILD = 0x00000800,
EV_STAT = 0x00001000,
EV_IDLE = 0x00002000,
EV_PREPARE = 0x00004000,
EV_CHECK = 0x00008000,
EV_EMBED = 0x00010000,
EV_FORK = 0x00020000,
EV_CLEANUP = 0x00040000,
EV_ASYNC = 0x00080000,
EV_CUSTOM = 0x01000000,
EV_ERROR = (int)0x80000000
typedef struct ev_watcher
int active; int pending; int priority; void *data; void (*cb)(struct ev_loop *loop, struct ev_watcher *w, int revents);
} ev_watcher; typedef struct ev_watcher_list
int active; int pending; int priority; void *data; void (*cb)(struct ev_loop *loop, struct ev_watcher_list *w, int revents); struct ev_watcher_list *next;
} ev_watcher_list; typedef struct ev_watcher_time
int active; int pending; int priority; void *data; void (*cb)(struct ev_loop *loop, struct ev_watcher_time *w, int revents); ev_tstamp at;
} ev_watcher_time; typedef struct ev_io
int active; int pending; int priority; void *data; void (*cb)(struct ev_loop *loop, struct ev_io *w, int revents); struct ev_watcher_list *next; int fd;
int events;
} ev_io; typedef struct ev_timer
int active; int pending; int priority; void *data; void (*cb)(struct ev_loop *loop, struct ev_timer *w, int revents);
ev_tstamp at; ev_tstamp repeat;
} ev_timer; typedef struct ev_periodic
int active; int pending; int priority; void *data; void (*cb)(struct ev_loop *loop, struct ev_periodic *w, int revents); ev_tstamp at; ev_tstamp offset;
ev_tstamp interval;
ev_tstamp (*reschedule_cb)(struct ev_periodic *w, ev_tstamp now) ;
} ev_periodic; typedef struct ev_signal
int active; int pending; int priority; void *data; void (*cb)(struct ev_loop *loop, struct ev_signal *w, int revents); struct ev_watcher_list *next; int signum;
} ev_signal; typedef struct ev_child
int active; int pending; int priority; void *data; void (*cb)(struct ev_loop *loop, struct ev_child *w, int revents); struct ev_watcher_list *next; int flags;
int pid;
int rpid;
int rstatus;
} ev_child; typedef struct stat ev_statdata; typedef struct ev_stat
int active; int pending; int priority; void *data; void (*cb)(struct ev_loop *loop, struct ev_stat *w, int revents); struct ev_watcher_list *next; ev_timer timer;
ev_tstamp interval;
const char *path;
ev_statdata prev;
ev_statdata attr; int wd;
} ev_stat; typedef struct ev_idle
int active; int pending; int priority; void *data; void (*cb)(struct ev_loop *loop, struct ev_idle *w, int revents);
} ev_idle; typedef struct ev_prepare
int active; int pending; int priority; void *data; void (*cb)(struct ev_loop *loop, struct ev_prepare *w, int revents);
} ev_prepare; typedef struct ev_check
int active; int pending; int priority; void *data; void (*cb)(struct ev_loop *loop, struct ev_check *w, int revents);
} ev_check; typedef struct ev_fork
int active; int pending; int priority; void *data; void (*cb)(struct ev_loop *loop, struct ev_fork *w, int revents);
} ev_fork; typedef struct ev_cleanup
int active; int pending; int priority; void *data; void (*cb)(struct ev_loop *loop, struct ev_cleanup *w, int revents);
} ev_cleanup; typedef struct ev_embed
int active; int pending; int priority; void *data; void (*cb)(struct ev_loop *loop, struct ev_embed *w, int revents); struct ev_loop *other;
ev_io io;
ev_prepare prepare;
ev_check check;
ev_timer timer;
ev_periodic periodic;
ev_idle idle;
ev_fork fork; ev_cleanup cleanup; } ev_embed; typedef struct ev_async
int active; int pending; int priority; void *data; void (*cb)(struct ev_loop *loop, struct ev_async *w, int revents); sig_atomic_t volatile sent;
} ev_async; union ev_any_watcher
struct ev_watcher w;
struct ev_watcher_list wl; struct ev_io io;
struct ev_timer timer;
struct ev_periodic periodic;
struct ev_signal signal;
struct ev_child child; struct ev_stat stat; struct ev_idle idle; struct ev_prepare prepare;
struct ev_check check; struct ev_fork fork; struct ev_cleanup cleanup; struct ev_embed embed; struct ev_async async; }; enum { EVFLAG_AUTO = 0x00000000U, EVFLAG_NOENV = 0x01000000U,
}; enum {
EVBACKEND_POLL = 0x00000002U,
EVBACKEND_EPOLL = 0x00000004U,
EVBACKEND_PORT = 0x00000020U,
EVBACKEND_ALL = 0x0000003FU,
}; extern int ev_version_major (void) ;
extern int ev_version_minor (void) ; extern unsigned int ev_supported_backends (void) ;
extern unsigned int ev_recommended_backends (void) ;
extern unsigned int ev_embeddable_backends (void) ; extern ev_tstamp ev_time (void) ;
extern void ev_sleep (ev_tstamp delay) ; extern void ev_set_allocator (void *(*cb)(void *ptr, long size) ) ; extern void ev_set_syserr_cb (void (*cb)(const char *msg) ) ; extern struct ev_loop *ev_default_loop (unsigned int flags ) ; static inline struct ev_loop *
ev_default_loop_uc_ (void)
extern struct ev_loop *ev_default_loop_ptr; return ev_default_loop_ptr;
} static inline int
ev_is_default_loop (struct ev_loop *loop)
return loop == ev_default_loop_uc_ ();
} extern struct ev_loop *ev_loop_new (unsigned int flags ) ; static inline void
idle_reify (struct ev_loop *loop)
if (__builtin_expect ((!!(((loop)->idleall))),()))
int pri; for (pri = ((((0x7f) & ) ? + : ) - (((0x7f) & ) ? - : ) + ); pri--; )
if (((loop)->pendingcnt) [pri])
break; if (((loop)->idlecnt) [pri])
queue_events (loop, (W *)((loop)->idles) [pri], ((loop)->idlecnt) [pri], EV_IDLE);
} static inline void
timers_reify (struct ev_loop *loop)
do { } while (); if (((loop)->timercnt) && (((loop)->timers) [( - )]).at < ((loop)->mn_now))
ev_timer *w = (ev_timer *)(((loop)->timers) [( - )]).w; if (w->repeat)
((WT)(w))->at += w->repeat;
if (((WT)(w))->at < ((loop)->mn_now))
((WT)(w))->at = ((loop)->mn_now); (__builtin_expect(!(("libev: negative ev_timer repeat value found while processing timers", w->repeat > .)), ) ? __assert_rtn(__func__, "ev.c", , "(\"libev: negative ev_timer repeat value found while processing timers\", w->repeat > 0.)") : (void)); (((loop)->timers) [( - )]).at = (((loop)->timers) [( - )]).w->at;
downheap (((loop)->timers), ((loop)->timercnt), ( - ));
ev_timer_stop (loop, w); do { } while ();
feed_reverse (loop, (W)w);
while (((loop)->timercnt) && (((loop)->timers) [( - )]).at < ((loop)->mn_now)); feed_reverse_done (loop, EV_TIMER);
} static void __attribute__ ((__noinline__))
periodic_recalc (struct ev_loop *loop, ev_periodic *w)
ev_tstamp interval = w->interval > 0.0001220703125 ? w->interval : 0.0001220703125;
ev_tstamp at = w->offset + interval * floor ((((loop)->ev_rt_now) - w->offset) / interval); while (at <= ((loop)->ev_rt_now))
ev_tstamp nat = at + w->interval; if (__builtin_expect ((!!(nat == at)),()))
at = ((loop)->ev_rt_now);
} at = nat;
} ((WT)(w))->at = at;
} static inline void
periodics_reify (struct ev_loop *loop)
do { } while (); while (((loop)->periodiccnt) && (((loop)->periodics) [( - )]).at < ((loop)->ev_rt_now))
ev_periodic *w = (ev_periodic *)(((loop)->periodics) [( - )]).w; if (w->reschedule_cb)
((WT)(w))->at = w->reschedule_cb (w, ((loop)->ev_rt_now)); (__builtin_expect(!(("libev: ev_periodic reschedule callback returned time in the past", ((WT)(w))->at >= ((loop)->ev_rt_now))), ) ? __assert_rtn(__func__, "ev.c", , "(\"libev: ev_periodic reschedule callback returned time in the past\", ev_at (w) >= ev_rt_now)") : (void)); (((loop)->periodics) [( - )]).at = (((loop)->periodics) [( - )]).w->at;
downheap (((loop)->periodics), ((loop)->periodiccnt), ( - ));
else if (w->interval)
periodic_recalc (loop, w);
(((loop)->periodics) [( - )]).at = (((loop)->periodics) [( - )]).w->at;
downheap (((loop)->periodics), ((loop)->periodiccnt), ( - ));
ev_periodic_stop (loop, w); do { } while ();
feed_reverse (loop, (W)w);
while (((loop)->periodiccnt) && (((loop)->periodics) [( - )]).at < ((loop)->ev_rt_now)); feed_reverse_done (loop, EV_PERIODIC);
} static void __attribute__ ((__noinline__))
periodics_reschedule (struct ev_loop *loop)
int i; for (i = ( - ); i < ((loop)->periodiccnt) + ( - ); ++i)
ev_periodic *w = (ev_periodic *)(((loop)->periodics) [i]).w; if (w->reschedule_cb)
((WT)(w))->at = w->reschedule_cb (w, ((loop)->ev_rt_now));
else if (w->interval)
periodic_recalc (loop, w); (((loop)->periodics) [i]).at = (((loop)->periodics) [i]).w->at;
} reheap (((loop)->periodics), ((loop)->periodiccnt));
} static void __attribute__ ((__noinline__))
timers_reschedule (struct ev_loop *loop, ev_tstamp adjust)
int i; for (i = ; i < ((loop)->timercnt); ++i)
ANHE *he = ((loop)->timers) + i + ( - );
(*he).w->at += adjust;
(*he).at = (*he).w->at;
} static inline void
time_update (struct ev_loop *loop, ev_tstamp max_block)
((loop)->ev_rt_now) = ev_time (); if (__builtin_expect ((!!(((loop)->mn_now) > ((loop)->ev_rt_now) || ((loop)->ev_rt_now) > ((loop)->mn_now) + max_block + .)),()))
{ timers_reschedule (loop, ((loop)->ev_rt_now) - ((loop)->mn_now)); periodics_reschedule (loop); } ((loop)->mn_now) = ((loop)->ev_rt_now);


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