【LeetCode】576. Out of Boundary Paths 解题报告(Python)
作者: 负雪明烛
id: fuxuemingzhu
个人博客: http://fuxuemingzhu.cn/
There is an m
by n
grid with a ball. Given the start coordinate (i,j)
of the ball, you can move the ball to adjacent
cell or cross the grid boundary in four directions (up, down, left, right). However, you can at most
move N
times. Find out the number of paths to move the ball out of grid boundary. The answer may be very large, return it after mod 10^9 + 7
Example 1:
Input: m = 2, n = 2, N = 2, i = 0, j = 0
Output: 6
Example 2:
Input: m = 1, n = 3, N = 3, i = 0, j = 1
Output: 12
- Once you move the ball out of boundary, you cannot move it back.
- The length and height of the grid is in range [1,50].
- N is in range [0,50].
这个题有个很明显的对于动态规划的提示,那就是要模10^9 + 7,也就是说结果会很大,普通的搜索可能hold不住。
使用三维数组dp[k][x][y]表示在不超过k步的情况下,从x,y点移动到外边需要的步数。那么,当前位置通过k步移动到外边的步数等于其周围4个位置走k - 1步移动到外边的步数和。
class Solution(object):
def findPaths(self, m, n, N, i, j):
:type m: int
:type n: int
:type N: int
:type i: int
:type j: int
:rtype: int
dp = [[[0] * n for _ in range(m)] for _ in range(N + 1)]
for s in range(1, N + 1):
for x in range(m):
for y in range(n):
v1 = 1 if x == 0 else dp[s - 1][x - 1][y]
v2 = 1 if x == m - 1 else dp[s - 1][x + 1][y]
v3 = 1 if y == 0 else dp[s - 1][x][y - 1]
v4 = 1 if y == n - 1 else dp[s - 1][x][y + 1]
dp[s][x][y] = (v1 + v2 + v3 + v4) % (10**9 + 7)
return dp[N][i][j]
class Solution(object):
def findPaths(self, m, n, N, i, j):
:type m: int
:type n: int
:type N: int
:type i: int
:type j: int
:rtype: int
dp = [[0] * n for _ in range(m)]
for s in range(1, N + 1):
curStatus = [[0] * n for _ in range(m)]
for x in range(m):
for y in range(n):
v1 = 1 if x == 0 else dp[x - 1][y]
v2 = 1 if x == m - 1 else dp[x + 1][y]
v3 = 1 if y == 0 else dp[x][y - 1]
v4 = 1 if y == n - 1 else dp[x][y + 1]
curStatus[x][y] = (v1 + v2 + v3 + v4) % (10**9 + 7)
dp = curStatus
return dp[i][j]
这种的做法有点类似于BFS搜索的题目,我们在做BFS的时候也会记录当前处于哪一步,所以是非常类似的。我们定义了四个搜索的方向,从当前位置向周围4个方向进行搜索,如果搜索到了边界以外,和上面的做法类似的,我们把当前的步数+1;如果在边界以内,那么就把当前第s步的结果增加第s-1步的(nx, ny)位置能到达边界的解法步数。
class Solution(object):
def findPaths(self, m, n, N, i, j):
:type m: int
:type n: int
:type N: int
:type i: int
:type j: int
:rtype: int
dp = [[[0] * n for _ in range(m)] for _ in range(N + 1)]
ds = [(0, 1), (0, -1), (-1, 0), (1, 0)]
for s in range(1, N + 1):
for x in range(m):
for y in range(n):
for d in ds:
nx, ny = x + d[0], y + d[1]
if nx < 0 or nx >= m or ny < 0 or ny >= n:
dp[s][x][y] += 1
dp[s][x][y] = (dp[s][x][y] + dp[s - 1][nx][ny]) % (10**9 + 7)
return dp[N][i][j]
class Solution(object):
def findPaths(self, m, n, N, i, j):
:type m: int
:type n: int
:type N: int
:type i: int
:type j: int
:rtype: int
dp = [[0] * n for _ in range(m)]
ds = [(0, 1), (0, -1), (-1, 0), (1, 0)]
for s in range(1, N + 1):
curStatus = [[0] * n for _ in range(m)]
for x in range(m):
for y in range(n):
for d in ds:
nx, ny = x + d[0], y + d[1]
if nx < 0 or nx >= m or ny < 0 or ny >= n:
curStatus[x][y] += 1
curStatus[x][y] = (curStatus[x][y] + dp[nx][ny]) % (10**9 + 7)
dp = curStatus
return dp[i][j]
把上面的状态搜索的dp改成记忆化搜索后的代码如下。如何加深理解呢?看看dfs的参数,变量其实只有x,y两个。dfs函数代表了我们从(x, y)位置出发,最多移动N次的情况下能到达边界的个数。所以,我们的(x, y)的初始化值是题目要求的(i, j).
class Solution(object):
def findPaths(self, m, n, N, i, j):
:type m: int
:type n: int
:type N: int
:type i: int
:type j: int
:rtype: int
dp = [[[0] * n for _ in range(m)] for _ in range(N + 1)]
return self.dfs(m, n, N, i, j, dp)
def dfs(self, m, n, N, x, y, dp):
if N == 0:
return 0
if x < 0 or x >= m or y < 0 or y >= n:
return 1
if dp[N][x][y]:
return dp[N][x][y]
ds = [(0, 1), (0, -1), (-1, 0), (1, 0)]
for d in ds:
nx, ny = x + d[0], y + d[1]
dp[N][x][y] = (dp[N][x][y] + self.dfs(m, n, N - 1, nx, ny, dp)) % (10**9 + 7)
return dp[N][x][y]
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2018 年 10 月 27 日 —— 10月份最后一个周末
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