apt-get update
apt-get clean
apt-get update


apt-get update --fix-missing
1 source本身的问题

根据提示,我们首先应当 apt-get update 一下source,如果在apt-get update后依然报这个error,那就说明这个source本省就有错误,尝试apt-get update --fix-missing后依旧报这个error,果断换source

2 网络的问题

网关错误拦截了数据包或者防火墙故意将其屏蔽在外(比方update 包含有google-chrome浏览器的source时候,ip 会自动重定向至6.6.6.6)


sudo vim /etc/resolv.conf



/etc/apt/sources.list 的内容换成
sudo apt-get update

2. 添加pip命令

    1. sudo apt-get remove python-pip
    2. cd /usr/local/src
    3. wget https://bootstrap.pypa.io/pip/2.7/get-pip.py
    4. python get-pip.py
    5. hash -r

1.which pip

-su: /usr/bin/pip: No such file or directory

3.type pip
pip is hashed (/usr/bin/pip)
So pip is definintely in /usr/local/bin/pip but it is been cached as in /usr/bin/pip, thanks to the Stackoverflow question, the solution is very simple:

4.hash -r
When the cache is clear, pip is working again

E: Unable to fetch some archives, maybe run apt-get update or try with --fix-missing的更多相关文章

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