浅讲.Net 6 之 WebApplicationBuilder
.Net 6为我们带来的一种全新的引导程序启动的方式。与之前的拆分成Program.cs和Startup不同,整个引导启动代码都在Program.cs中。
WebApplicationBuilder builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args);
在上篇文章中,我简要描述了如何使用 WebApplication和WebApplicationBuilder配置 ASP.NET Core 应用程序。在这篇文章中,我们来深入看下代码.
我们示例程序的第一步是执行WebApplicationBuilder builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args);
/// <summary>
/// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="WebApplicationBuilder"/> class with preconfigured defaults.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="args">Command line arguments</param>
/// <returns>The <see cref="WebApplicationBuilder"/>.</returns>
public static WebApplicationBuilder CreateBuilder(string[] args) =>
new(new() { Args = args });
internal WebApplicationBuilder(WebApplicationOptions options, Action<IHostBuilder>? configureDefaults = null)
/// <summary>
/// Options for configuing the behavior for <see cref="WebApplication.CreateBuilder(WebApplicationOptions)"/>.
/// </summary>
public class WebApplicationOptions
/// <summary>
/// The command line arguments.
/// </summary>
public string[]? Args { get; init; }
/// <summary>
/// The environment name.
/// </summary>
public string? EnvironmentName { get; init; }
/// <summary>
/// The application name.
/// </summary>
public string? ApplicationName { get; init; }
/// <summary>
/// The content root path.
/// </summary>
public string? ContentRootPath { get; init; }
/// <summary>
/// The web root path.
/// </summary>
public string? WebRootPath { get; init; }
WebApplicationBuilder由一堆只读属性和一个方法组成Build(),该方法创建了一个WebApplication. 我删除了部分讲解用不到的代码。
如果您熟悉 ASP.NET Core,那么其中许多属性都使用以前版本中的常见类型
- IWebHostEnvironment: 用于检索环境
- IServiceCollection: 用于向 DI 容器注册服务。
- ConfigurationManager: 用于添加新配置和检索配置值。我在之前的文章有讲
- ILoggingBuilder: 用于注册额外的日志提供程序
公开IWebHostBuilder和IHostBuilder接口对于允许从.NET 6 之前的应用程序迁移到新的最小托管,我们如何将的lambda风格配置IHostBuilder与命令式风格的WebApplicationBuilder协调起来,这就是ConfigureHostBuilder和ConfigureWebHostBuilder与一些内部沿来IHostBuilder实现。
public sealed class WebApplicationBuilder
private const string EndpointRouteBuilderKey = "__EndpointRouteBuilder";
private readonly HostBuilder _hostBuilder = new();
private readonly BootstrapHostBuilder _bootstrapHostBuilder;
private readonly WebApplicationServiceCollection _services = new();
private readonly List<KeyValuePair<string, string>> _hostConfigurationValues;
private WebApplication? _builtApplication;
/// <summary>
/// Provides information about the web hosting environment an application is running.
/// </summary>
public IWebHostEnvironment Environment { get; }
/// <summary>
/// A collection of services for the application to compose. This is useful for adding user provided or framework provided services.
/// </summary>
public IServiceCollection Services { get; }
/// <summary>
/// A collection of configuration providers for the application to compose. This is useful for adding new configuration sources and providers.
/// </summary>
public ConfigurationManager Configuration { get; }
/// <summary>
/// A collection of logging providers for the application to compose. This is useful for adding new logging providers.
/// </summary>
public ILoggingBuilder Logging { get; }
/// <summary>
/// An <see cref="IWebHostBuilder"/> for configuring server specific properties, but not building.
/// To build after configuration, call <see cref="Build"/>.
/// </summary>
public ConfigureWebHostBuilder WebHost { get; }
/// <summary>
/// An <see cref="IHostBuilder"/> for configuring host specific properties, but not building.
/// To build after configuration, call <see cref="Build"/>.
/// </summary>
public ConfigureHostBuilder Host { get; }
/// <summary>
/// Builds the <see cref="WebApplication"/>.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>A configured <see cref="WebApplication"/>.</returns>
public WebApplication Build()
// Wire up the host configuration here. We don't try to preserve the configuration
// source itself here since we don't support mutating the host values after creating the builder.
_hostBuilder.ConfigureHostConfiguration(builder =>
var chainedConfigSource = new TrackingChainedConfigurationSource(Configuration);
// Wire up the application configuration by copying the already built configuration providers over to final configuration builder.
// We wrap the existing provider in a configuration source to avoid re-bulding the already added configuration sources.
_hostBuilder.ConfigureAppConfiguration(builder =>
foreach (var (key, value) in ((IConfigurationBuilder)Configuration).Properties)
builder.Properties[key] = value;
// This needs to go here to avoid adding the IHostedService that boots the server twice (the GenericWebHostService).
// Copy the services that were added via WebApplicationBuilder.Services into the final IServiceCollection
_hostBuilder.ConfigureServices((context, services) =>
// We've only added services configured by the GenericWebHostBuilder and WebHost.ConfigureWebDefaults
// at this point. HostBuilder news up a new ServiceCollection in HostBuilder.Build() we haven't seen
// until now, so we cannot clear these services even though some are redundant because
// we called ConfigureWebHostDefaults on both the _deferredHostBuilder and _hostBuilder.
foreach (var s in _services)
// Add the hosted services that were initially added last
// this makes sure any hosted services that are added run after the initial set
// of hosted services. This means hosted services run before the web host starts.
foreach (var s in _services.HostedServices)
// Clear the hosted services list out
// Add any services to the user visible service collection so that they are observable
// just in case users capture the Services property. Orchard does this to get a "blueprint"
// of the service collection
// Drop the reference to the existing collection and set the inner collection
// to the new one. This allows code that has references to the service collection to still function.
_services.InnerCollection = services;
var hostBuilderProviders = ((IConfigurationRoot)context.Configuration).Providers;
if (!hostBuilderProviders.Contains(chainedConfigSource.BuiltProvider))
// Something removed the _hostBuilder's TrackingChainedConfigurationSource pointing back to the ConfigurationManager.
// This is likely a test using WebApplicationFactory. Replicate the effect by clearing the ConfingurationManager sources.
// Make builder.Configuration match the final configuration. To do that, we add the additional
// providers in the inner _hostBuilders's Configuration to the ConfigurationManager.
foreach (var provider in hostBuilderProviders)
if (!ReferenceEquals(provider, chainedConfigSource.BuiltProvider))
((IConfigurationBuilder)Configuration).Add(new ConfigurationProviderSource(provider));
// Run the other callbacks on the final host builder
_builtApplication = new WebApplication(_hostBuilder.Build());
// Mark the service collection as read-only to prevent future modifications
_services.IsReadOnly = true;
// Resolve both the _hostBuilder's Configuration and builder.Configuration to mark both as resolved within the
// service provider ensuring both will be properly disposed with the provider.
_ = _builtApplication.Services.GetService<IEnumerable<IConfiguration>>();
return _builtApplication;
private void ConfigureApplication(WebHostBuilderContext context, IApplicationBuilder app)
Debug.Assert(_builtApplication is not null);
// UseRouting called before WebApplication such as in a StartupFilter
// lets remove the property and reset it at the end so we don't mess with the routes in the filter
if (app.Properties.TryGetValue(EndpointRouteBuilderKey, out var priorRouteBuilder))
if (context.HostingEnvironment.IsDevelopment())
// Wrap the entire destination pipeline in UseRouting() and UseEndpoints(), essentially:
// destination.UseRouting()
// destination.Run(source)
// destination.UseEndpoints()
// Set the route builder so that UseRouting will use the WebApplication as the IEndpointRouteBuilder for route matching
app.Properties.Add(WebApplication.GlobalEndpointRouteBuilderKey, _builtApplication);
// Only call UseRouting() if there are endpoints configured and UseRouting() wasn't called on the global route builder already
if (_builtApplication.DataSources.Count > 0)
// If this is set, someone called UseRouting() when a global route builder was already set
if (!_builtApplication.Properties.TryGetValue(EndpointRouteBuilderKey, out var localRouteBuilder))
// UseEndpoints will be looking for the RouteBuilder so make sure it's set
app.Properties[EndpointRouteBuilderKey] = localRouteBuilder;
// Wire the source pipeline to run in the destination pipeline
app.Use(next =>
return _builtApplication.BuildRequestDelegate();
if (_builtApplication.DataSources.Count > 0)
// We don't know if user code called UseEndpoints(), so we will call it just in case, UseEndpoints() will ignore duplicate DataSources
app.UseEndpoints(_ => { });
// Copy the properties to the destination app builder
foreach (var item in _builtApplication.Properties)
app.Properties[item.Key] = item.Value;
// Remove the route builder to clean up the properties, we're done adding routes to the pipeline
// reset route builder if it existed, this is needed for StartupFilters
if (priorRouteBuilder is not null)
app.Properties[EndpointRouteBuilderKey] = priorRouteBuilder;
private sealed class LoggingBuilder : ILoggingBuilder
public LoggingBuilder(IServiceCollection services)
Services = services;
public IServiceCollection Services { get; }
public sealed class ConfigureHostBuilder : IHostBuilder, ISupportsConfigureWebHost
IHostBuilder ISupportsConfigureWebHost.ConfigureWebHost(Action<IWebHostBuilder> configure, Action<WebHostBuilderOptions> configureOptions)
throw new NotSupportedException("ConfigureWebHost() is not supported by WebApplicationBuilder.Host. Use the WebApplication returned by WebApplicationBuilder.Build() instead.");
ConfigureHostBuilder实现IHostBuilder和ISupportsConfigureWebHost,但 ISupportsConfigureWebHost 的实现是假的什么意思呢?
WebApplicationBuilder builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args);
builder.Host.ConfigureWebHost(webBuilder =>
ConfigureServices(),该方法Action<>使用IServiceCollection从WebApplicationBuilder. 所以以下两个调用在功能上是相同的:
public IHostBuilder ConfigureAppConfiguration(Action<HostBuilderContext, IConfigurationBuilder> configureDelegate)
// Run these immediately so that they are observable by the imperative code
configureDelegate(_context, _configuration);
return this;
public IHostBuilder ConfigureServices(Action<HostBuilderContext, IServiceCollection> configureDelegate)
// Run these immediately so that they are observable by the imperative code
configureDelegate(_context, _services);
return this;
builder.Host.ConfigureServices((ctx, services) => services.AddSingleton<MyImplementation>());
public IHostBuilder UseServiceProviderFactory<TContainerBuilder>(IServiceProviderFactory<TContainerBuilder> factory) where TContainerBuilder : notnull
if (factory is null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(factory));
_operations.Add(b => b.UseServiceProviderFactory(factory));
return this;
internal class BootstrapHostBuilder : IHostBuilder
private readonly IServiceCollection _services;
private readonly List<Action<IConfigurationBuilder>> _configureHostActions = new();
private readonly List<Action<HostBuilderContext, IConfigurationBuilder>> _configureAppActions = new();
private readonly List<Action<HostBuilderContext, IServiceCollection>> _configureServicesActions = new();
public IHost Build()
// HostingHostBuilderExtensions.ConfigureDefaults should never call this.
throw new InvalidOperationException();
public IHostBuilder ConfigureHostConfiguration(Action<IConfigurationBuilder> configureDelegate)
_configureHostActions.Add(configureDelegate ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(configureDelegate)));
return this;
public IHostBuilder ConfigureServices(Action<HostBuilderContext, IServiceCollection> configureDelegate)
// HostingHostBuilderExtensions.ConfigureDefaults calls this via ConfigureLogging
_configureServicesActions.Add(configureDelegate ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(configureDelegate)));
return this;
// .....
internal WebApplicationBuilder(WebApplicationOptions options, Action<IHostBuilder>? configureDefaults = null)
Services = _services;
var args = options.Args;
_bootstrapHostBuilder = new BootstrapHostBuilder(Services, _hostBuilder.Properties);
_bootstrapHostBuilder.ConfigureDefaults(args: null);
// This is for testing purposes
if (args is { Length: > 0 })
_bootstrapHostBuilder.ConfigureAppConfiguration(config =>
// ....
// 自ConfigureWebHostDefaults覆盖特定于主机的设置(应用程序名称)以来,上次将参数应用于主机配置。
_bootstrapHostBuilder.ConfigureHostConfiguration(config =>
if (args is { Length: > 0 })
// Apply the options after the args
它以正确的顺序运行我们迄今为止积累的所有存储的回调,以构建HostBuilderContext. 该HostBuilderContext则是用来最终设定的剩余性能WebApplicationBuilder。
Configuration = new();
// Collect the hosted services separately since we want those to run after the user's hosted services
_services.TrackHostedServices = true;
// This is the application configuration
var (hostContext, hostConfiguration) = _bootstrapHostBuilder.RunDefaultCallbacks(Configuration, _hostBuilder);
// Stop tracking here
_services.TrackHostedServices = false;
// Capture the host configuration values here. We capture the values so that
// changes to the host configuration have no effect on the final application. The
// host configuration is immutable at this point.
_hostConfigurationValues = new(hostConfiguration.AsEnumerable());
// Grab the WebHostBuilderContext from the property bag to use in the ConfigureWebHostBuilder
var webHostContext = (WebHostBuilderContext)hostContext.Properties[typeof(WebHostBuilderContext)];
// Grab the IWebHostEnvironment from the webHostContext. This also matches the instance in the IServiceCollection.
Environment = webHostContext.HostingEnvironment;
Logging = new LoggingBuilder(Services);
Host = new ConfigureHostBuilder(hostContext, Configuration, Services);
WebHost = new ConfigureWebHostBuilder(webHostContext, Configuration, Services);
// source itself here since we don't support mutating the host values after creating the builder.
_hostBuilder.ConfigureHostConfiguration(builder =>
_hostBuilder.ConfigureAppConfiguration(builder =>
foreach (var (key, value) in ((IConfigurationBuilder)Configuration).Properties)
builder.Properties[key] = value;
// This needs to go here to avoid adding the IHostedService that boots the server twice (the GenericWebHostService).
// Copy the services that were added via WebApplicationBuilder.Services into the final IServiceCollection
_hostBuilder.ConfigureServices((context, services) =>
// We've only added services configured by the GenericWebHostBuilder and WebHost.ConfigureWebDefaults
// at this point. HostBuilder news up a new ServiceCollection in HostBuilder.Build() we haven't seen
// until now, so we cannot clear these services even though some are redundant because
// we called ConfigureWebHostDefaults on both the _deferredHostBuilder and _hostBuilder.
foreach (var s in _services)
// Add the hosted services that were initially added last
// this makes sure any hosted services that are added run after the initial set
// of hosted services. This means hosted services run before the web host starts.
foreach (var s in _services.HostedServices)
// Clear the hosted services list out
// Add any services to the user visible service collection so that they are observable
// just in case users capture the Services property. Orchard does this to get a "blueprint"
// of the service collection
// Drop the reference to the existing collection and set the inner collection
// to the new one. This allows code that has references to the service collection to still function.
_services.InnerCollection = services;
var hostBuilderProviders = ((IConfigurationRoot)context.Configuration).Providers;
if (!hostBuilderProviders.Contains(chainedConfigSource.BuiltProvider))
// Something removed the _hostBuilder's TrackingChainedConfigurationSource pointing back to the ConfigurationManager.
// This is likely a test using WebApplicationFactory. Replicate the effect by clearing the ConfingurationManager sources.
// Make builder.Configuration match the final configuration. To do that, we add the additional
// providers in the inner _hostBuilders's Configuration to the ConfigurationManager.
foreach (var provider in hostBuilderProviders)
if (!ReferenceEquals(provider, chainedConfigSource.BuiltProvider))
((IConfigurationBuilder)Configuration).Add(new ConfigurationProviderSource(provider));
// Run the other callbacks on the final host builder
最后我们调用_hostBuilder.Build()构建Host实例,并将其传递给 的新实例WebApplication。调用_hostBuilder.Build()是调用所有注册回调的地方。
_builtApplication = new WebApplication(_hostBuilder.Build());
最后,为了保持一切一致ConfigurationManager实例被清除,并链接到存储在WebApplication. 此外IServiceCollectiononWebApplicationBuilder被标记为只读,因此在调用后尝试添加服务WebApplicationBuilder将抛出一个InvalidOperationException. 最后WebApplication返回。
// Mark the service collection as read-only to prevent future modifications
_services.IsReadOnly = true;
// Resolve both the _hostBuilder's Configuration and builder.Configuration to mark both as resolved within the
// service provider ensuring both will be properly disposed with the provider.
_ = _builtApplication.Services.GetService<IEnumerable<IConfiguration>>();
return _builtApplication;
最后欢迎各位读者关注我的博客, https://github.com/MrChuJiu/Dppt/tree/master/src 欢迎大家Star
联系作者:加群:867095512 @MrChuJiu
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