




内核版本: w21816@zkr30lnxdroid07 #3

内部版本号: 4.5.3-118_OLY-3



Android版本:4.1.2 JZO54K





2.下载法底工具包sbf:RSD, MOTO驱动,法底

3. 下载解锁包 sbf:unlock.sbf,fastboot.

4. 下载第三方Recovery img:recovery-blue-atrix5.img, moto-fastboot.exe

5. 下载手动卡刷包ROM http://www.miui.com/getrom.php?r=48


该教程出自解锁技术尚不完善之时,现在已经无需这么麻烦了-unlock.sbf可以工作的很好, 但仍不失为一篇好指导。



2.运行已安装好的RSD Lite刷机工具。

3.在RSD Lite界面,Filename栏选择工具包内的sbf文件,完成后点击start开始刷入:

当RSD刷机工具提示“Please manually power up this phone”的时候表示已经刷底包完成;或者手机会自动重启,工具提示完成PASS。

如果手机提示failed to boot,说明刷入底包出现异常,请认真确定自己的前置条件是否符合,并关机,正确按键(不一定会显示相关模式,按键正确即可),连接数据线,再进行刷机;最好更换官方底包。


下面手机再次关机!重复按音量下键不放按开机键,直至出现fastboot字样,松手,接着按音量上键,看到屏幕上方变成第二行出现Starting Fastboot protocol support字样!
数据线和电脑是正常连接好,然后进入c盘,双击Command Prompt,

输入fastboot oem unlock回车,出现16位数字和字母组成的码!继续输入fastboot oem unlock 和出现的16位码 回车,显示已经解锁Bootloader成功!
然后再输入fastboot reboot回车,手机重启!整个解锁步骤完成!手机开机,开机第一屏左上角会多了一个unlock字样!说明你的机器已经是解锁!

RSD刷入recovery img:




电脑左下角——运行——输入CMD 回车——输入d: 回车——输入cd xilige 回车——输入以下内容


moto-fastboot.exe devices (回车)

moto-fastboot.exe erase recovery(回车)

moto-fastboot.exe flash recovery recovery-blue-atrix5.img(回车)

moto-fastboot.exe reboot(回车)


②关机,开机按住音量下,看见fastboot以后再按几次音量下,看到Android Recovery以后按音量上键,进入Recovery
③选择 Wipe DATA/Factory reset 并确认 Yes -- delete all user data,
④选择 Wipe CACHE partition 并确认 Yes - Wipe Cache,
⑤选择advanced,再选wipe dalvik cache 并Yes,然后选go back返回上一级菜单
⑥选择mounts and storage,再选format system【完成⑤后请执行此操作再开始刷入,避免卡第一屏】
⑦选择install zip from sdcard,选择choose zip from sdcard,找到你要刷的基带,系统ROM,WEBTOP依次刷入
⑧刷完后选择reboot system now重启,刷完系统其实不用WIPE也一样的,重要的是刷系统前一定要WIPE。





手机连接电脑,状态栏USB连接设为仅充电,手机设置--〉应用程序--〉开发--〉USB调试 打上勾,解压运行国行2.3.5一键ROOT工具.zip中的runme.bat即可




Android Partition, SPL etc.

Followings are a list of partitions on your android phone.
misc - misc partition - 
recovery - Recovery Partition - This is where the original Recovery would go. Basically if you reboot into recovery it'll boot from here.
boot - This is your boot partition
system - This is where all your system information (ROM resides)
cache - cache (When you factory reset the phone, this area is wiped)
userdata - user data (like your login, your user settings etc) When you factory reset the phone, this area is wiped)

So, if you replace the recovery image, you are pretty much set for updates provided here at XDA. Note: By replacing your recovery image, you may not be able to have OTA updates.

ROM images will normally replace boot and system images at the same time and often time, userdata and cache too; reseting the phone completely.

SPL/Bootloader/Radio/Bricking Phones:
SPL / Bootloader is like BIOS on a computer. At least I think of it that way. SPL can be updated! SPL comes as either Security-On of Security-Off (S-ON/S-OFF).

Note: It is my understanding that radio will boot first, followed by other systems. So it is IMPORTANT that your radio image/version will work with your SPL image/version. This is the one and only reason for phones being bricked. You can not brick your phone by flashing a ROM or Boot image or recovery image. Once you flash the wrong radio for the SPL, the only known method of recovery is to send the phone back into HTC for repair.

adb - Android Debug Bridge - One of the two things you'll need to know if you ever want to do anything non-conventional on your android based phone. 
List of commands that can be used by adb can be prompted by typing adb at the system shell (command prompt or terminal)

Notable adb commands:

adb devices - If you don't know anything, this is the ONE thing you have to know. 
adb devices will give you a list of devices connected to the computer. This is also a good way to make sure that your phone is actually connected to the computer.

adb reboot (bootloader|recovery)
adb reboot - this will reboot your phone normally.
adb reboot bootloader - this will reboot your phone back into the bootloader (white screen with the android on wheels)
adb reboot recovery - this will reboot your phone back into recovery console (either default or amon_ra's recovery).
adb shell - this will shell into the phone and you can now explore the phone. Remember phone's native backend os is linux so know your linux commands.
adb remount - remounts the system partition on the phone so you can you read/write to it.
adb push xxx yyy - will push xxx file from computer into yyy location/file on phone (needs rooted access)
adb pull xxx yyy - will pull xxx file from phone into yyy location/file on computer (needs rooted access)

Fastboot is protocol used to update the flash filesystem in Android devices from a host over USB. It allows flashing of unsigned partition images.

Notable fastboot commands:

fastboot devices - If you don't know anything, this is the ONE thing you have to know. 
fastboot devices will give you a list of devices connected to the computer. This is also a good way to make sure that your phone is actually connected to the computer.

fastboot reboot - this will reboot your phone normally
fastboot oem unlock - this will unlock your bootloader - NOTE THIS WILL VOID YOUR NEXUS ONE WARRANTY
fastboot erase XXX - Will erase the partition XXX (such as userdata, cache) - mainly used for resetting phone and clearing userdata / factory settings.
fastboot flash XXX YYY - This will flash XXX partitionn with YYY image. 
e.g: fastboot flash system system_update.img will flash/update your system partition with an image called system_update

为什么要刷底包呢?这个要从MOTO锁掉BL说起。BL是个类似于BIOS的东西,介于主机硬件和系统之间的硬件能够识别的基本输入输出系统。装系 统必须要有这个,就像给电脑装系统必须有BIOS一样,试想一下没有BIOS你怎么装系统??而MOTO锁掉BL是通过密钥识别技术来实现的,也就是说被 MOTO锁了BL的机器必须刷带有密钥的包才能够被系统所识别,这也就是为什么想DEFY这样被锁了的机器只能刷官方底包的原因。


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