/*! .h */ #include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <errno.h> #ifndef TPBOOL
typedef int TPBOOL;
#endif #ifndef TRUE
#define TRUE 1
#endif #ifndef FALSE
#define FALSE 0
#endif // 作为一个判断是idle(normal)或busy状态的阀值
#define BUSY_THRESHOLD 0.5 // (busy thread)/(all thread threshold)
#define MANAGE_INTERVAL 5 // tp manage thread sleep interval 主线程管理线程池间隔 typedef void *tp_work_desc;
typedef void *(*tp_work)(void *); // tp_work指向参数和返回值类型都是void*的函数 typedef struct tp_thread_info_s tp_thread_info;
typedef struct tp_thread_pool_s tp_thread_pool; // thread info
struct tp_thread_info_s
pthread_t thread_id; // thread id num
TPBOOL is_busy; // thread status:true-busy;flase-idle
pthread_cond_t thread_cond;
pthread_mutex_t thread_lock; // 对某一个线程的信息进行互斥访问
tp_work th_work;
tp_work_desc th_job;
TPBOOL exit;
TPBOOL is_wait; // CAUTION:在未调用pthread_cond_wait时通过pthread_cond_signal发送信号会造成信号丢失!
}; // main thread pool struct
struct tp_thread_pool_s
TPBOOL (*init)(tp_thread_pool *this);
void (*close)(tp_thread_pool *this);
void (*process_job)(tp_thread_pool *this, tp_work worker, tp_work_desc job);
int (*get_thread_by_id)(tp_thread_pool *this, pthread_t id);
TPBOOL (*add_thread)(tp_thread_pool *this);
TPBOOL (*delete_thread)(tp_thread_pool *this);
int (*get_tp_status)(tp_thread_pool *this); int min_th_num; // min thread number in the pool
int cur_th_num; // current thread number in the pool
int max_th_num; // max thread number in the pool
pthread_mutex_t tp_lock;
pthread_t manage_thread_id; // manage thread id num
tp_thread_info *thread_info; // work thread relative thread info
}; tp_thread_pool *creat_thread_pool(int min_num, int max_num);
#include "thread-pool.h" // #define TEST_LIB #define DBG_OUT(args...) \
do{ \
char b__[]; \
sprintf(b__,args); \
fprintf(stderr,"%u:[%s,%d] %s",(unsigned long)time(NULL),__FUNCTION__,__LINE__,b__); \
}while() static void *tp_work_thread(void *pthread);
static void *tp_manage_thread(void *pthread); static TPBOOL tp_init(tp_thread_pool *this);
static void tp_close(tp_thread_pool *this);
static void tp_process_job(tp_thread_pool *this, tp_work worker, tp_work_desc job);
static int tp_get_thread_by_id(tp_thread_pool *this, pthread_t id);
static TPBOOL tp_add_thread(tp_thread_pool *this);
static TPBOOL tp_delete_thread(tp_thread_pool *this);
static int tp_get_tp_status(tp_thread_pool *this); /**
* user interface. creat thread pool.
* para:
* num: min thread number to be created in the pool
* return:
* thread pool struct instance be created successfully
tp_thread_pool *creat_thread_pool(int min_num, int max_num)
tp_thread_pool *this;
this = (tp_thread_pool *)malloc(sizeof(tp_thread_pool)); // init member function ponter
this->init = tp_init;
this->close = tp_close;
this->process_job = tp_process_job;
this->get_thread_by_id = tp_get_thread_by_id;
this->add_thread = tp_add_thread;
this->delete_thread = tp_delete_thread;
this->get_tp_status = tp_get_tp_status; // init member var
this->min_th_num = min_num;
this->cur_th_num = this->min_th_num; // 初始化时将当前线程数目设置为最小线程数目
this->max_th_num = max_num;
pthread_mutex_init(&this->tp_lock, NULL); // 以默认方式初始化锁 // malloc mem for num thread info struct
// 开辟存储max_num个线程信息的空间,即最大所需空间
this->thread_info = (tp_thread_info *)malloc(sizeof(tp_thread_info) * this->max_th_num); return this;
} /**
* member function reality. thread pool init function.
* para:
* this: thread pool struct instance ponter
* return:
* true: successful; false: failed
TPBOOL tp_init(tp_thread_pool *this)
int i, num = this->min_th_num;
int err; // creat work thread and init work thread info
for(i = ; i < num; i++)
// 初始化每个线程中的条件变量和信号量
pthread_cond_init(&this->thread_info[i].thread_cond, NULL);
pthread_mutex_init(&this->thread_info[i].thread_lock, NULL); // 函数原型如下
// int pthread_create (pthread_t * newthread, /*! 新线程ID */
// const pthread_attr_t * attr, /*! 设置新线程属性 */
// void *(*start_routine) (void *), /*! 新线程开始执行函数 */
// void *arg) /*! 新线程执行函数的参数 */
err = pthread_create(&this->thread_info[i].thread_id, NULL, tp_work_thread, &this->thread_info[i]);
if( != err)
DBG_OUT("tp_init: creat work thread failed\n");
return FALSE;
DBG_OUT("tp_init: creat work thread 0x%X\n", this->thread_info[i].thread_id); // 打印工作线程线程号
} // creat manage thread
// 管理线程不在min_num之列
err = pthread_create(&this->manage_thread_id, NULL, tp_manage_thread, this);
if( != err)
DBG_OUT("tp_init: creat manage thread failed\n");
return FALSE;
DBG_OUT("tp_init: creat manage thread 0x%X\n", this->manage_thread_id); // 打印管理线程线程号 return TRUE;
} /**
* member function reality. thread pool entirely close function.
* para:
* this: thread pool struct instance ponter
* return:
void tp_close(tp_thread_pool *this)
int i;
void *status; // close work thread
for(i = ; i < this->cur_th_num; i++)
// int pthread_kill(pthread_t thread,int signal);
// 向thread线程发送signal信号,thread线程中有对应signal的信号处理函数
// signal = 0时,用于测试线程是否存在
if(pthread_kill(this->thread_info[i].thread_id, ) != ESRCH) // 若线程存在
pthread_kill(this->thread_info[i].thread_id, SIGQUIT); // 向线程发送退出信号
pthread_join(this->thread_info[i].thread_id, &status); // 以阻塞方式等待线程退出,退出状态保存在status中
// 销毁线程信息中的互斥锁和信号量
DBG_OUT("tp_close: kill work thread 0x%X\n", this->thread_info[i].thread_id);
} // free manage thread
if(pthread_kill(this->manage_thread_id, ) != ESRCH)
// close manage thread
pthread_kill(this->manage_thread_id, SIGQUIT);
pthread_join(this->manage_thread_id, &status);
DBG_OUT("tp_close: kill manage thread 0x%X\n", this->manage_thread_id);
} // free thread struct
} /**
* member function reality. main interface opened.
* after getting own worker and job, user may use the function to process the task.
* para:
* this: thread pool struct instance ponter
* worker: user task reality.
* job: user task para
* return:
*/ // 偶尔还会出现信号丢失!检查is_wait时加上锁,锁成功时
// 一定是进入了pthread_cond_wait。
#define TP_THREAD_IS_WAIT(idx) \
do \
{ \
while() \
{ \
pthread_mutex_lock(&this->thread_info[idx].thread_lock); \
if(this->thread_info[idx].is_wait) \
{ \
pthread_mutex_unlock(&this->thread_info[idx].thread_lock); \
break; \
} \
pthread_mutex_unlock(&this->thread_info[idx].thread_lock); \
sleep(); \
} \
}while() void tp_process_job(tp_thread_pool *this, tp_work worker, tp_work_desc job)
int i;
int tmpid;
TPBOOL res; // fill this->thread_info's relative work key
for(i = ; i < this->cur_th_num; i++)
if(!this->thread_info[i].is_busy) // 当前空闲线程
//DBG_OUT("tp_process_job: %d thread idle, thread id is %d\n", i, this->thread_info[i].thread_id);
// thread state be set busy before work
this->thread_info[i].is_busy = TRUE;
pthread_mutex_unlock(&this->thread_info[i].thread_lock); this->thread_info[i].th_work = worker;
this->thread_info[i].th_job = job; //DBG_OUT("tp_process_job: informing idle working thread %d, thread id is %d\n", i, this->thread_info[i].thread_id);
* Note: 空闲线程必须处在pthread_cond_wait时,发送信号才有作用,否则会出现信号丢失;
* 这里可用信号量来代替
pthread_cond_signal(&this->thread_info[i].thread_cond); // 激活空闲线程去执行任务
}// end of for // if all current thread are busy, new thread is created here
pthread_mutex_lock(&this->tp_lock); // 这里需要对管理线程加锁
if( res = this->add_thread(this) )
i = this->cur_th_num - ; // 新创建的空闲线程
tmpid = this->thread_info[i].thread_id;
this->thread_info[i].th_work = worker;
this->thread_info[i].th_job = job;
pthread_mutex_unlock(&this->tp_lock); if (res) // 新的线程创建成功可以去执行当前任务
} return;
} /**
* member function reality. get real thread by thread id num.
* para:
* this: thread pool struct instance ponter
* id: thread id num
* return:
* seq num in thread info struct array
* 线程id在线程数组总的位置,返回其下标
int tp_get_thread_by_id(tp_thread_pool *this, pthread_t id)
int i; for(i = ; i < this->cur_th_num; i++)
if(id == this->thread_info[i].thread_id)
return i;
} return -;
} /**
* member function reality. add new thread into the pool.
* para:
* this: thread pool struct instance ponter
* return:
* true: successful; false: failed
static TPBOOL tp_add_thread(tp_thread_pool *this)
int err;
tp_thread_info *new_thread; if( this->max_th_num <= this->cur_th_num ) // 当前线程已达到最大容量
DBG_OUT("Thread pool full \n");
return FALSE;
} // malloc new thread info struct
new_thread = &this->thread_info[this->cur_th_num]; // init new thread's cond & mutex
pthread_cond_init(&new_thread->thread_cond, NULL);
pthread_mutex_init(&new_thread->thread_lock, NULL); // NOTICE: init status is busy
new_thread->is_busy = TRUE;
new_thread->exit = FALSE;
new_thread->is_wait = FALSE; err = pthread_create(&new_thread->thread_id, NULL, tp_work_thread, new_thread);
if( != err)
new_thread->is_busy = FALSE; // 创建结束之后才允许执行任务
DBG_OUT("ERROR:Create thread.\n");
return FALSE;
} //add current thread number in the pool.
this->cur_th_num++; //DBG_OUT("Creat work thread %d;current threads number is %d.\n", this->thread_info[this->cur_th_num-1].thread_id,this->cur_th_num); return TRUE;
} /**
* member function reality. delete idle thread in the pool.
* only delete last idle thread in the pool.
* 删除池中最后一个空闲线程
* 判断当前线程中的最后一个线程是否空闲,空闲则删除,总线程数-1;不空闲则什么也不做;
* 这样保证有效线程是连续的且位于数组的低位
* para:
* this: thread pool struct instance ponter
* return:
* true: successful; false: failed
static TPBOOL tp_delete_thread(tp_thread_pool *this)
void *status;
int idx = this->cur_th_num - ;
TPBOOL res; // current thread num can't < min thread num
if(this->cur_th_num <= this->min_th_num)
DBG_OUT("current thread num can't < min thread num\n");
return FALSE;
// check thread status
// if last thread is busy, do nothing
DBG_OUT("last thread is busy, do nothing.worker=%p,job=%p\n", this->thread_info[idx].th_work, this->thread_info[idx].th_job);
res = FALSE;
this->thread_info[idx].is_busy = TRUE; // 待删除线程不再接受任务 // 先锁定 tp_lock防止cur_th_num出错
pthread_mutex_lock(&this->tp_lock); // 锁定管理线程,防止当前线程池中的状态发生改变
pthread_mutex_unlock(&this->thread_info[idx].thread_lock); // 已锁定管理线程,其他线程则无法访问线程池
//after deleting idle thread, current thread num -1
this->cur_th_num--; //kill the idle thread and free info struct
this->thread_info[idx].exit = ;
pthread_join(this->thread_info[idx].thread_id, &status); pthread_mutex_destroy(&this->thread_info[idx].thread_lock);
DBG_OUT("Delete thread.index = %d\n", idx);
res = TRUE;
} return res;
} /**
* member function reality. get current thread pool status:idle, normal, busy, .etc.
* para:
* this: thread pool struct instance ponter
* return:
* 0: idle; 1: normal or busy(don't process)
static int tp_get_tp_status(tp_thread_pool *this)
float busy_num = 0.0;
int i; //get busy thread number
for(i = ; i < this->cur_th_num; i++)
} // 0.2? or other num?
busy_num = busy_num / (this->cur_th_num); // 求的百分比 DBG_OUT("Thread pool busy status = %f.Current thread number = %d\n", busy_num, this->cur_th_num); if(busy_num < BUSY_THRESHOLD)
return ;//idle status
return ;//busy or normal status
} // 这个函数只是为了消除编译器警告
void *tp_thread_exit()
void handle_quit(int signo)
pthread_t curid;//current thread id // get current thread id
curid = pthread_self(); DBG_OUT("Handle sig %d,thread id = 0x%X \n", signo, curid);
} /**
* internal interface. real work thread.
* para:
* pthread: thread pool struct ponter
* return:
static void *tp_work_thread(void *pthread)
tp_thread_info *th = (tp_thread_info *)pthread; // main thread pool struct instance signal(SIGQUIT, handle_quit); // 注册SIGQUIT对应的消息处理函数 // wait cond for processing real job.
while( TRUE )
th->is_wait = TRUE;
pthread_cond_wait(&th->thread_cond, &th->thread_lock); // 等待real job发送条件信号
th->is_wait = FALSE;
pthread_mutex_unlock(&th->thread_lock); //DBG_OUT("%d thread do work!\n", pthread_self()); if(NULL != th->th_work)
} // thread state be set idle after work
th->is_busy = FALSE;
th->th_work = NULL;
pthread_mutex_unlock(&th->thread_lock); if(th->exit)
//DBG_OUT("%d thread do work over!,nseq = %d\n", pthread_self(),nseq);
} /**
* internal interface. manage thread pool to delete idle thread.
* para:
* pthread: thread pool struct ponter
* return:
static void *tp_manage_thread(void *pthread)
tp_thread_pool *this = (tp_thread_pool *)pthread; //main thread pool struct instance signal(SIGQUIT, handle_quit ); sleep(MANAGE_INTERVAL); do
while( this->get_tp_status(this) == ) // 空闲态
// 如果当前线程池中的最后一个线程是空闲的则删除,否则一直循环等待最后一个线程为空闲
if( !this->delete_thread(this) )
} // 这是第2作者的测试用例
#ifdef TEST_LIB
void *thread_fun(void *param)
int i;
pthread_t curid;//current thread id //get current thread id
curid = pthread_self();
for(i = ; i < ; i++)
DBG_OUT("i=%d,thread id = 0x%X,param = %d\n", i, curid, (int)param);
return NULL;
} tp_thread_pool *g_threadpool;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
{ g_threadpool = creat_thread_pool(, );
g_threadpool->init(g_threadpool); g_threadpool->process_job(g_threadpool, thread_fun, (void *));
g_threadpool->process_job(g_threadpool, thread_fun, (void *));
g_threadpool->process_job(g_threadpool, thread_fun, (void *));
g_threadpool->process_job(g_threadpool, thread_fun, (void *)); sleep();
* 对工作线程的互斥同步操作
* 线程创建完成后:
* is_busy = FALSE; is_exit = FALSE; is_wait = FALSE;
/*! 给线程添加任务 */
is_busy = TRUE;
TP_THREAD_IS_WAIT(idx); // 保证信号不丢失
} /*! 线程任务添加及执行 */
// 线程等待任务添加
is_wait = TRUE;
pthread_cond_wait(thread_cond, thread_lock);
is_wait = FALSE;
// 开始执行任务
// ————————————
// 任务执行完成
is_busy = FALSE;
pthread_mutex_unlock(thread_lock); if(is_exit) break;
由于当任务执行完成之后,is_busy = false,添加任务操作便可以发出条件信号,而此时等待任务添加操作并不一定会处于条件等待位置,这样将会丢失信号。
#define TP_THREAD_IS_WAIT(idx) \
do \
{ \
while() \
{ \
pthread_mutex_lock(thread_lock); \
if(tis_wait) \
{ \
pthread_mutex_unlock(thread_lock); \
break; \
} \
pthread_mutex_unlock(thread_lock); \
sleep(); \
} \
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