I always in the deepest despair, meet the most beautiful sunrise.


Some pessimists say that if you hope more, you may lose more.

They always are accustomed to imagining the worst and they try to expect less to avoid being overtaken by disappointments.

How about me? I think I am an optimist, just ostensibly, and in the actual fact a pessimist.

I had wished to earn a living through coding but now I just despair of doing so.

At the beginning of this month, I bet with my teammates that I can cross-compile the opencv library for an aarch-64 device and successfully run some eye-checking programs on it.

Half a month has passed, and I haven't yet make that done.

Many problems have occured.

Can I finish it this week? I really doubt that.

It's no use going back to yesterday, because I was a different person then.


From Alice's Adventures in Wonderland.

Don't dwell on the past, don't worry about the future, just focus on the current moment.

Today, I try to compile a driver of Rtl8192eu for the Linux-x86 system, and my final goal is to transplant the dirver for my aarch-64 device.

For the x84-64 architecture, the compilation is going very smoothly, for the instruction in the sources had explained the compling steps in details.

After compilation, I didn't use 'make install' to install the module in my system, because I just wanted to test whether the driver works well with my usb-wifi device.

There are many jobs I have to complete today, but it seems I can't focus on them.

When there is no pressure from others, how to give oneself some pressure so that he can concentrate his mind on his work?

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