We consider problems concerning the number of ways in which a number can be written as a sum. If the order of the terms in the sum is taken into account the sum is called a composition and the number of compositions of n is denoted by c(n). Thus, the compositions of 3 are

  • 3 = 3
  • 3 = 1 + 2
  • 3 = 2 + 1
  • 3 = 1 + 1 + 1

So that c(3) = 4.

Suppose we denote by c(n, k) the number of compositions of n
with all summands at least k. Thus, the compositions of 3 with all
summands at least 2 are

  • 3 = 3

The other three compositions of 3 all have summand 1, which is less than 2. So that c(3, 2) = 1.


The first line of the input is an integer t (t <= 30), indicate the number of cases.

For each case, there is one line consisting of two integers n k (1 <= n <= 109, 1 <= k <= 30).


Output c(n, k) modulo 109 + 7.

Sample Input

3 1
3 2

Sample Output



思路:当K=1时,就是隔板法,组合数之和,答案是2^(N-1) ;当K>1;可以得到方程dp[i]=dp[i-1]+dp[i-k];

我们用dpi表示和为i有多少种方案,那么考虑最后一个数,如果最后一个数=k,那么其方案数=dp[i-k];如果>k,那么其方案数=dp[i-1]; 想到这里就知道用矩阵乘法来做了。

#define rep(i,a,b) for(int i=a;i<=b;i++)
using namespace std;
const int Mod=1e9+;
int L;
int qpow(int a,int x)
int res=; while(x){
if(x&) res=1LL*res*a%Mod;
a=1LL*a*a%Mod; x>>=;
} return res;
struct mat
int mp[][];
mat friend operator*(mat a,mat b){
mat res;
return res;
mat friend operator^(mat a,int x){
mat res; rep(i,,L) res.mp[i][i]=;
if(x&) res=res*a;
a=a*a; x>>=;
} return res;
int main()
int T,N,K;
if(N<K) {puts(""); continue;}
if(K==){ printf("%d\n",qpow(,N-)); continue;}
mat ans,base; L=K;
rep(i,,K) base.mp[i][i-]=;
return ;

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