
涉及到的内容是关于SharePoint 2013如何部署自定义的母版页和布局页。

  1. First, Login to site collection by site collection administrator, and we should click the menu of "Site collection features" in "Site Collection Administration" to enter site collection features manage page. Then, we positioning the row of "SharePoint Server Publishing Infrastructure" feature, and click the button of "Activate" in right position of current row to activate the feature.

Second, we should click the menu of "Manage site features" in "Site Actions" to enter site features manage page. Then, we positioning the row of "SharePoint Server Publishing" feature, and click the button of "Activate" in the right position of current row to activate the feature.

  1. Deploy a series of wsp package files which include "Custom_TopNavigation.wsp" and "Custom_MasterPageAndPageLayout.wsp".

  1. Now, we should click the menu of "Design Manager" to enter design manager page.

Next step, we should click the button of "Edit Master Pages" in the left navigation to enter master pages convert manage page.

In the master pages convert manage page, we can click the button of "Convert an HTML file to a SharePoint master page" to open a dialog window which can be used to do  select our custom html master page to convert.

  1. We should click the menu of "Master pages and page layouts" in "Web Designer Galleries" classify to enter master pages and page layouts manage page after our custom html master page convert successfully.

Then, we select our custom html master file and click the menu of "Publish a Major Version" to publish it in order to make it valid in master page manage page.

  1. We should click the menu of "Master page" in "Look and Feel" classify to enter master page manage page of current site collection references.

Then, we select "Custom_MasterPage" master page as our site master page, and select "Custom_SystemMasterPage" as our system master page.

  1. Now, we can click the menu of "Add a page" to open a dialog window which can be used to do add a page. For example: we add a page which named "HomePage", and select "Custom_PageLayout" page layout as its reference page layout.

  1. Sometimes we would like to set up a new page as our welcome page. So, we can click the menu of "Welcome Page" in "Look and Feel" classify to enter site welcome page manage page.

Then, we should click the button of "Browse..." to open a dialog window which can be used to do select a new page as our welcome page.

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