Given a list of daily temperatures, produce a list that, for each day in the input, tells you how many days you would have to wait until a warmer temperature. If there is no future day for which this is possible, put 0 instead.

For example, given the list temperatures = [73, 74, 75, 71, 69, 72, 76, 73], your output should be [1, 1, 4, 2, 1, 1, 0, 0].

Note: The length of temperatures will be in the range [1, 30000]. Each temperature will be an integer in the range [30, 100].


class Solution {
public int[] dailyTemperatures(int[] temperatures) {
if(temperatures == null || temperatures.length == 0){
return null;
int len = temperatures.length;
int[] res = new int[len];
for(int i=0; i<len; i++){
int count = 0;
int cur = temperatures[i];
for(int j = i+1; j<len; j++){
int fu = temperatures[j];
if(fu > cur){
count = j-i;
res[i] = count;
return res;


class Solution {
public int[] dailyTemperatures(int[] temperatures) {
if(temperatures == null || temperatures.length == 0){
return null;
int len = temperatures.length;
int[] res = new int[len];
Stack<Integer> stack = new Stack<>();
for(int i = 0; i<len; i++){
while(!stack.isEmpty() && temperatures[i] > temperatures[stack.peek()]){
int temp = stack.pop();
res[temp] = i - temp;
stack.push(i); }
return res;

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