
var order = 0;

// 创建链表
function List(head) {
this.head = new Node(head);
this.insert = insert;
this.find = find;
this.getNeed = getNeed;
this.position = position;
this.node = 0;
} // 创建节点
function Node(data) {
this.pre = null;
this.next = null;
this.type = data.grid_type;
this.need = [];
this.data = data;
this.arr = [[data]];
this.size = data.grid_type === 3 ? 2 : data.grid_type;
this.top = 0;
this.left = 0;
this.index = order;
} // 查找节点
function find(data, cur) {
while (!cur.need.includes(data.grid_type)) {
if (cur.next === null) {
return this.insert(cur, data);
} else {
cur = cur.next;
// 将数据添加到arr后,清空need对应得grid_type
// 如果前两个盒子是type1,那么第三个盒子不能是type2(竖方块)
if (
cur.data.grid_type === 1 &&
cur.arr[1] &&
cur.arr[1][0].grid_type === 1 &&
data.grid_type === 2
) {
if (cur.next === null) {
return this.insert(cur, data);
} else {
this.find(data, cur.next);
// 如果前一个盒子是type1,那么第二个盒子不能是type3(横方块)
if (cur.data.grid_type === 1 && data.grid_type === 3) {
if (cur.next === null) {
return this.insert(cur, data);
} else {
this.find(data, cur.next);
let size = cur.size;
let num = data.grid_type === 3 ? 2 : data.grid_type;
let total = size + num;
if (total <= 4) {
let len = cur.arr.length;
cur.arr[len] = [];
cur.arr[len][0] = data; cur.size += num;
let index = cur.need.indexOf(data.grid_type);
if (total === 4) {
cur.need = [];
} else {
cur.need.splice(index, 1);
} else {
return this.insert(cur, data);
} // 插入节点
function insert(cur, data) {
let newOne = new Node(data);
newOne.next = cur.next;
newOne.pre = cur;
cur.next = newOne;
newOne.need = this.getNeed(data);
newOne.index = this.node;
} // 需要得盒子
function getNeed(data) {
let type = data.grid_type;
if (type === 1) {
return [1, 1, 1, 3];
} else if (type === 2) {
return [1, 1, 2];
} else if (type === 3) {
return [1, 1, 3];
} else {
return [];
} // 位置信息
function position(half) {
let cur = this.head;
let top = 0;
let box = [];
while (cur.next !== null) {
if (cur.index < half) {
p(cur.arr, cur.index, top);
cur = cur.next;
} else {
top = 388;
let index = cur.index - half; //剩下得部分
p(cur.arr, index, top);
cur = cur.next;
return box;
} /*
function p(arr, index, baseTop) {
let len = arr.length;
let base = index * 388;
arr.map(function(item, i) {
arr[i][1] = {};
arr[i][1].top = baseTop;
arr[0][1].left = base;
if (len === 4) {
arr[1][1].left = base + 194;
arr[2][1].left = base;
arr[2][1].top = baseTop + 194;
arr[3][1].top = baseTop + 194;
arr[3][1].left = base + 194;
} else if (len === 2) {
let flag = "";
arr.map(function(item, i) {
if (item[0].grid_type === 2) {
flag = "v";
} else if (item[0].grid_type === 3) {
flag = "h";
} else {
flag = "s";
if (flag == "s" || flag == "v") {
arr[1][1].left = base + 174;
} else if (flag === "h") {
arr[1][1].top = baseTop + 194;
arr[1][1].left = base;
} else if (len === 3) {
if (arr[0][0].grid_type === 1) {
if (arr[1][0].grid_type === 1) {
arr[1][1].left = base + 194;
arr[2][1].left = base;
arr[2][1].top = baseTop + 194;
} else {
arr[1][1].left = base;
arr[2][1].left = base;
arr[2][1].top = baseTop + 194;
} else if (arr[0][0].grid_type === 2) {
arr[1][1].left = index * 388 + 194;
arr[2][1].left = index * 388 + 194;
arr[2][1].top = baseTop + 194;
} else if (arr[0][0].grid_type === 3) {
arr[1][1].left = index * 388;
arr[1][1].top = baseTop + 194;
arr[2][1].left = index * 388 + 194;
arr[2][1].top = baseTop + 194;
} function list(data) {
let newList = new List(data[0]);
newList.head.need = newList.getNeed(newList.head.data);
for (var i = 1; i < data.length; i++) {
newList.find(data[i], newList.head);
let half = Math.ceil(newList.node / 2);
let finalData = allArr(newList.head); return finalData;
} function allArr(head) {
let finalData = [];
let cur = head;
while (cur.next !== null) {
cur = cur.next;
return finalData;
} export default list;

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