TFA是Oracle从11.2版本开始推出的一种类似diagcollection的一个oracle 集群日志收集器,而且TFA比diagcollection集中和自动化的诊断信息收集能力更强大。TFA有以下几个特点:

1.    TFA可以在一台机器上执行一条简单的命令把所有节点的日志进行打包,封装;

2.    TFA可以在收集的过程中对日志进行”trim”操作,减少数据的收集量;

3.    TFA可以收集用来诊断用的“一段时间内”的数据;

4.    TFA可以把所有节点的日志收集并封装好放在某一个节点上以便传输阅读;

5.    TFA可以指定Cluster中的某一部分组件进行日志收集,如:ASM ,RDBMS,Clusterware

6.    TFA可以根据条件配置对告警日志进行实时扫描(DB Alert Logs, ASM Alert Logs, Clusterware Alert Logs, etc);

7.    TFA可以根据实时扫描的结果自动的收集诊断日志;

8.    TFA可以根据指定的错误进行对告警日志的扫描;

9.    TFA可以根据指定的错误扫描后的结果收集诊断日志;


  1. DBA发出diagcollect命令,启动TFA日志收集进程。

  2. 本地TFA发送收集请求至其他节点的TFA,在其他节点上开始日志收集工作。

  3. 本地TFA也同时开始进行日志收集工作。

  4. 所有涉及节点的TFA日志都归档至发起diagcollect命令的"master"节点。

  5. DBA提取已归档的TFA日志信息,进行分析或提交SR进行处理


Entries will be added to the /etc/oratab file as needed by

Database Configuration Assistant when a database is created

Finished running generic part of root script.

Now product-specific root actions will be performed.

Do you want to setup Oracle Trace File Analyzer (TFA) now ? yes|[no] :

Oracle Trace File Analyzer (TFA - User Mode) is available at :



Oracle Trace File Analyzer (TFA - Daemon Mode) can be installed by running this script :









Installing Oracle Trace File Analyzer (TFA).

Log File: /u01/app/oracle/product/12.2.0/dbhome_1/install/root_12cr2.yudean.com_2017-03-14_15-53-55.log

Finished installing Oracle Trace File Analyzer (TFA)

tfactl start/stop 启动和关闭tfactl

tfactl> access lsusers   查看当前哪些用户可以使用tfactl

tfactl> print status  查看当前TFA主机的状态

tfactl> print config 列出当前TFA的配置信息

tfactl> print directories 列出对哪些目录进行了统计


tfactl directory add dir [ -public ]

[ -exclusions | -noexclusions | -collectall ]

[ -node all | n1,n2,... ]


tfactl directory remove dir [ -node all | n1,n2,... ]


[root@12cr2 ~]# export LANG=en_US

[root@12cr2 ~]# echo $LANG


[root@12cr2 ~]# tfactl diagcollect -database PROD1

Collecting data for the last 12 hours for this component ...

Collecting data for all nodes

Collection Id : 2017032117030312cr2

Detailed Logging at : /u01/app/oracle/tfa/repository/collection_Tue_Mar_21_17_03_03_CST_2017_node_all/diagcollect_20170321170303_12cr2.log

2017/03/21 17:03:07 CST : Collection Name :

2017/03/21 17:03:07 CST : Collecting diagnostics from hosts : [12cr2]

2017/03/21 17:03:07 CST : Scanning of files for Collection in progress...

2017/03/21 17:03:07 CST : Collecting additional diagnostic information...

2017/03/21 17:03:12 CST : Getting list of files satisfying time range [03/21/2017 05:03:07 CST, 03/21/2017 17:03:12 CST]

2017/03/21 17:03:13 CST : Collecting ADR incident files...

2017/03/21 17:03:29 CST : Completed collection of additional diagnostic information...

2017/03/21 17:03:33 CST : Completed Local Collection


|        Collection Summary       |


| Host  | Status    | Size | Time |


| 12cr2 | Completed | 63kB |  26s |


Logs are being collected to: /u01/app/oracle/tfa/repository/collection_Tue_Mar_21_17_03_03_CST_2017_node_all


# $TFA_HOME/bin/tfactl diagcollect -all -from "Jan/21/2013 00:00:00" -to "Jan/21/2013 13:00:00"


模板:tfactl diagcollect -all -from "Mon/dd/yyyy hh:mi:ss" -to "Mon/dd/yyyy hh:mi:ss"

tfactl set autodiagcollect=ON TFA开启自动收集

tfactl analyze -since 7d



tfactl access add -user oracle

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