关于dpdk timer跨越CPU core调度的准确性问题

首先dpdk的timer接口里边使用 cpu cycle来比较时间。根据之前的内容

[dpdk] dpdk --lcores参数

当一个EAL thread映射在多个processor上的时候,cpu cycle有可能在不同的CPU core上面获得,

又因为cpu cycle是使用rdtsc指令获取的,这样会造成拿到的cpu cycle不准的问题。

首先,调查一下 rdtsc 指令:


Invariant TSC


"16.11.1 Invariant TSC

The time stamp counter in newer processors may support an enhancement, referred to as invariant TSC. Processor's support for
invariant TSC is indicated by CPUID.80000007H:EDX[8]. The invariant TSC will run at a constant rate in all ACPI P-, C-. and T-states. This is the architectural behavior moving
forward. On processors with invariant TSC support, the OS may use the TSC for wall clock timer services (instead of ACPI or
HPET timers). TSC reads are much more efficient and do not incur the overhead associated with a ring transition or
access to a platform resource."
[root@D128 ~]# cat /proc/cpuinfo |grep tsc
constant_tsc nonstop_tsc

只能保证在单个core 改变频率或挂起的时候的tsc准确性,不能保证跨CPU core的同步问题。


Hello Samuel,

The 'Invariant TSC' means that the TSC runs at a fixed frequency and doesn't stop when the cpu halts.
The TSCs are not guaranteed to be synchronized although the OS usually does try to synchronize the TSC at boot time. This is one reason
for the rdtscp instruction. On Nehalem and later cpus, the rdtscp instruction returns the TSC and an identifier indicating on which cpu
you read the TSC. RDTSCP is a serializing instruction... unlike the regular rdtsc instruction. Pat



An HPET chip consists of a -bit up-counter (main counter) counting at a frequency of at least  MHz, 
and a set of (at least three, up to ) comparators. These comparators are - or -bit-wide. The HPET
is programmed via a memory mapped I/O window that is discoverable via Advanced Configuration and Power
Interface (ACPI). The HPET circuit in modern PCs is integrated into the southbridge chip.[a]



The Linux kernel can also use HPET as its clock source. The documentation of Red Hat MRG version  states that TSC is the preferred 
clock source due to its much lower overhead, but it uses HPET as a fallback. A benchmark in that environment for 10 million event
counts found that TSC took about 0.6 seconds, HPET took slightly over 12 seconds, and ACPI Power Management Timer took around 24 seconds.[]

虽然精度高,到底有性能损耗,linux Kernel仍然推荐TSC作为首选计数器,HPET作为备选。


[root@D129 cli]# grep hpet /proc/timer_list
Clock Event Device: hpet
set_next_event: hpet_legacy_next_event
set_mode: hpet_legacy_set_mode
[root@D129 haha-walawala]# cat /sys/devices/system/clocksource/clocksource0/available_clocksource
kvm-clock hpet acpi_pm
[root@D129 haha-walawala]# cat /sys/devices/system/clocksource/clocksource0/current_clocksource
[root@D129 haha-walawala]# ll /dev/hpet
crw-------. root root , May : /dev/hpet
[root@D129 haha-walawala]#






Event Timer Adapter Library



1. RDTSC的调用时机

2. Event Timer backend的hardware是什么?

官方没有Event Timer的例子,看一下Event Device library库的用法:




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