-Test note of “Essential Software Test Design”
7.1 Static and Dynamic Techniques
7.3 Dynamic Test Design Techniques
7.1 Static and Dynamic Techniques
Figure 7.1: Overview of test design techniques. Dynamic techniques may focus on functions or on quality factors. Static techniques, which involve scrutinising code or documentation, are usually also counted as testing, even though no code is executed.
7.3 Dynamic Test Design Techniques
Dynamic testing involves us means testing code by executing it. We usually split up the dynamic techniques into:
- behaviour-based, often termed black-box,
- structural, usually called white- or glass-box.
No |
Target |
Description |
Method |
Description |
1 |
Data |
test data |
equivalence partitions, boundary value analysis, domain testing |
2 |
Flows |
different levels, from overarching business processes, to program code, which have both control flows and data flows. |
work processes, use cases for test cases |
The principles of flow testing are similar to each other, whatever the level. Firstly, we draw up the flow graph, then we cover the variations of the fl ows by using branch or path analysis. This is the same principle as white box testing. |
3 |
Event based |
state graphs |
4 |
Logic:Rules, Formulae |
decision tables,decision tree |
5 |
Combinatorial Analysis |
all pairs, elementary comparisons |
Elementary comparisons involve all variables included in a condition being capable of determining the result of the condition at least once, and all results of the condition being obtained. |
6 |
Risk-based testing |
risk lists,defect guessing, taxonomies, defect classifi cations and attack patterns |
7 |
Advanced Testing |
scenario-based, soap opera, time cycles, data cycles |
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