


通过命令pytest --help查看配置文件中可以添加的一些参数及选项,这些选项都是可以添加到pytest的配置文件的

[pytest] ini-options in the first pytest.ini|tox.ini|setup.cfg file found:

  markers (linelist)       markers for test functions
empty_parameter_set_mark (string) default marker for empty parametersets
norecursedirs (args) directory patterns to avoid for recursion
testpaths (args) directories to search for tests when no files or dire
console_output_style (string) console output: classic or with additional progr
usefixtures (args) list of default fixtures to be used with this project
python_files (args) glob-style file patterns for Python test module disco
python_classes (args) prefixes or glob names for Python test class discover
python_functions (args) prefixes or glob names for Python test function and m
disable_test_id_escaping_and_forfeit_all_rights_to_community_support (bool) di
xfail_strict (bool) default for the strict parameter of xfail markers whe
junit_suite_name (string) Test suite name for JUnit report
junit_logging (string) Write captured log messages to JUnit report: one of n
junit_duration_report (string) Duration time to report: one of total|call
junit_family (string) Emit XML for schema: one of legacy|xunit1|xunit2
doctest_optionflags (args) option flags for doctests
doctest_encoding (string) encoding used for doctest files
cache_dir (string) cache directory path.
filterwarnings (linelist) Each line specifies a pattern for warnings.filterwar
log_print (bool) default value for --no-print-logs
log_level (string) default value for --log-level
log_format (string) default value for --log-format
log_date_format (string) default value for --log-date-format
log_cli (bool) enable log display during test run (also known as "li
log_cli_level (string) default value for --log-cli-level
log_cli_format (string) default value for --log-cli-format
log_cli_date_format (string) default value for --log-cli-date-format
log_file (string) default value for --log-file
log_file_level (string) default value for --log-file-level
log_file_format (string) default value for --log-file-format
log_file_date_format (string) default value for --log-file-date-format
addopts (args) extra command line options
minversion (string) minimally required pytest version environment variables:
PYTEST_ADDOPTS extra command line options
PYTEST_PLUGINS comma-separated plugins to load during startup
PYTEST_DISABLE_PLUGIN_AUTOLOAD set to disable plugin auto-loading
PYTEST_DEBUG set to enable debug tracing of pytest's internals to see available markers type: pytest --markers
to see available fixtures type: pytest --fixtures
(shown according to specified file_or_dir or current dir if not specified; fixtures with leading '_' are only shown with the '-v' option


通常情况下我们会把配置文件放到我们的项目根目录下 命名为 pytest.ini, 项目在运行时会首先按照配置文件中设置的参数选项来运行,其次再遵守pytest的默认规则



我们都知道pytest可以在cmd中使用命令行运行脚本,通常是这样的 pytest -vqs 脚本, 我们通过这个命令来运行一下脚本,大概输出运行信息就是下面这种形式

D:\PytestAutoTestFrameWork\TestCases>pytest -vqs test_loginCase.py
============================= test session starts =============================
platform win32 -- Python 3.6.4, pytest-4.4.1, py-1.6.0, pluggy-0.9.0
rootdir: D:\PytestAutoTestFrameWork, inifile: pytest.ini
plugins: rerunfailures-7.0, metadata-1.8.0, html-1.20.0, allure-pytest-2.6.2
collected 4 items test_loginCase.py ------------open browser------------
-------staring login-------
info: string upload url "https://mail.126.com"
info:switching to iframe "//div[@id="loginDiv"]/iframe"
info:clearing value
[Info:Starting find the element "//input[@name="email"]" by "xpath"!]
info:input "linuxxiaochao"
[Info:Starting find the element "//input[@name="email"]" by "xpath"!]
info:clearing value
[Info:Starting find the element "//input[@name="password"]" by "xpath"!]
info:input "xiaochao11520"
[Info:Starting find the element "//input[@name="password"]" by "xpath"!]
info:click "//a[@id="dologin"]"
info:switch back to default iframe
---------end login---------








minversion = 3.0


norecursedirs = .* venv src *.egg dist build





python_classes = *Test Test* *Suite



python_files=test_* *_test check_*


我们希望可以搜索以check_* 开头的测试函数为测试用例

python_functions = test_* *_test check_*


addopts = -v --rerun 1 --html=report.html --self-contained-html



loginTest: Run login test cases
contactTest: Run add contact test cases
sendMailTest: Run send mail test cases

我们添加完这些标记之后,可以通过 pytest --markers 查看我们自定义的mark

D:\PytestAutoTestFrameWork\TestCases>pytest --markers
@pytest.mark.loginTest: Run login test cases @pytest.mark.contactTest: Run add contact test cases @pytest.mark.sendMailTest: Run send mail test cases @pytest.mark.flaky(reruns=1, reruns_delay=0): mark test to re-run up to 'reruns' times. Add a delay of 'reruns_delay' seconds between re-runs. @pytest.mark.filterwarnings(warning): add a warning filter to the given test. see https://docs.pytest.org/en/latest/warnings.html#pytest-mark-filterwarnings @pytest.mark.skip(reason=None): skip the given test function with an optional reason. Example: skip(reason="no way of currently testing this") skips the test.




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