83. Hot swapping
83.1 Reload static content
There are several options for hot reloading. The recommended approach is to use spring-boot-devtools as it provides additional development-time features such as support for fast application restarts and LiveReload as well as sensible development-time configuration (e.g. template caching). Devtools works by monitoring the classpath for changes. This means that static resource changes must be "built" for the change to take affect. By default, this happens automatically in Eclipse when you save your changes. In IntelliJ IDEA, Make Project will trigger the necessary build. Due to the default restart exclusions, changes to static resources will not trigger a restart of your application. They will, however, trigger a live reload.

83.4.1 Configuring Spring Loaded for use with Maven

To use Spring Loaded with the Maven command line, just add it as a dependency in the Spring Boot plugin declaration, e.g.





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